9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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he managed to have a good bite before chiellini could react.

This picture disagree. He's in more pain than Chiellini himself.



New member
Before this incident there was a chance to sign Suarez...Now there is no way Suarez can play in a club like Barcelona
Oh he can.

But he deserves a very big sanction before that and to consult a psy too.

Seems that the last one wasn't enough for him to understand.


Oh he can.

But he deserves a very big sanction before that and to consult a psy too.

Seems that the last one wasn't enough for him to understand.

tbf I don't think it's as easy as you make it. It's not about understanding things. I think he has a mental problem and cannot control himself. I'm sure he doesn't bite other players becaue he wants to. Instead I think that it's a reaction to stress or his way to offload his anger.


New member
anyway i think its safe to say that Uruguay will get eliminated

no suarez no team.

or if they could pull something off and win I'll take my hats off to them.


Help me out please: Why should he get a 1 year ban when he inflicts more or less zero damage? What are the rules here? He do it on purpose, so its intentional yes, but there is no risk for a serious injury. Think Ramos vs Messi in 2010 - that could have costed messi his career. Its serious. Even worse: Pepe vs getafe. He got like 11 matches and ramos? more like 2. Further its more serious with head issues and so on, and we see these kind of things pretty often - costa tried recently.

People dont bite each other very often:), so suarez neccesarily gets a lot og attention when he does it. Is it really that much worse than trying to finish someones career or finish someone off for good(pepe).
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