9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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President of FC Barcelona
CAS upheld FIFA's decision(exc not being on stadium, training ground part which was frankly speaking one of the most retarded things I've seen)

Forget about it.


Well-known member
The ban was excessive as hell, 4 months no play and a year no international football for a bite? yeah its weird but I rather get bit than my leg broken on 2 places like the guy Mattuidi did it to, ow he couldnt get banned cause he got a yellow....
Or what about song elbowing mandzukic, had nothing to do with football either yet doesnt receive a ban like Suarez just the regular 3 games.

Sure Suarez did it three times but since when do things like that happened in clubfootball and different competitions no less add up with FIFA bans?
Guess they still wanted to stick it to Suarez for wc 10 and the British media also did their part.

Uruguay is right for the wrong reasons though, like trying to have a wrongly convicted child molester walk on a technicality.

Tiny Kim

New member
Haha! They'll try literally anything. Deserved the ban, has served a large part of it. This needs to be let go of.

Deserved "a" ban. Sure. But absolutely not the 4 months + 1 year international for a bite that didn't even leave a mark. Meanwhile, people are getting yellow for deliberately aiming at other players' legs instead of the ball several times during a match. The hypocritical English media just love to append their own agenda towards any incident involving Suarez. Its as if they believe Suarez is the sole reason their own national team is so full of shit.

Look at how their major papers tried to stir shit up after Suarez embarrassed their reigning league champions in the CL, in their own home. I'm even going on a limb and say about 50% of the hate towards Suarez is caused by the English media. The scumbags did their best to ruin Suarez's image during the Evra incident, yet they refused to mention anything about Terry when he was found guilty of the same offense and given a lesser punishment.

Funny how their current champions were knocked out by a 10-man team who, in turn, were put to the sword by a team that Suarez plays for, with him at the forefront.

KARMA - The gift that keeps on giving.

air wind

New member
i think Suarez's international ban actually good for FCB,
He already won Copa America in 2011 and get Most Valuable Player.
Messi and Neymar still not win it.
it's better like this, to avoid some tension between MSN.
Could you imagine what will happen in FCB if Suarez get a goal from Messi/Neymar's passing mistake, like last Suarez's WC goal from Gerrard pass.:lol:


New member
Deserved "a" ban. Sure. But absolutely not the 4 months + 1 year international for a bite that didn't even leave a mark. Meanwhile, people are getting yellow for deliberately aiming at other players' legs instead of the ball several times during a match. The hypocritical English media just love to append their own agenda towards any incident involving Suarez. Its as if they believe Suarez is the sole reason their own national team is so full of shit.

Look at how their major papers tried to stir shit up after Suarez embarrassed their reigning league champions in the CL, in their own home. I'm even going on a limb and say about 50% of the hate towards Suarez is caused by the English media. The scumbags did their best to ruin Suarez's image during the Evra incident, yet they refused to mention anything about Terry when he was found guilty of the same offense and given a lesser punishment.

Funny how their current champions were knocked out by a 10-man team who, in turn, were put to the sword by a team that Suarez plays for, with him at the forefront.

KARMA - The gift that keeps on giving.

People complain that a bite doesn't cause any real damage, it's an invalid argument. When a player steps onto the field, he accepts there a chance he might get injured. He shouldn't have to expect that basic human ethics are suspended. If you make that same mistake three times, you deserve what you get. The English media do like to exaggerate, but it didn't help the way he conducted himself on the field at Liverpool, last season excepted. I didn't intend to start a debate about the severity of his ban anyway, I was just pointing out alleged corruption in FIFA is entirely irrelevant to his actions and subsequent ban.

On a selfish note, I'll be slightly disappointed not to see him play in the Copa America but I'd much rather he had a summer off and came back fresh and ready for a new season at Barca.

Tiny Kim

New member
People complain that a bite doesn't cause any real damage, it's an invalid argument. When a player steps onto the field, he accepts there a chance he might get injured. He shouldn't have to expect that basic human ethics are suspended. If you make that same mistake three times, you deserve what you get. The English media do like to exaggerate, but it didn't help the way he conducted himself on the field at Liverpool, last season excepted. I didn't intend to start a debate about the severity of his ban anyway, I was just pointing out alleged corruption in FIFA is entirely irrelevant to his actions and subsequent ban.

On a selfish note, I'll be slightly disappointed not to see him play in the Copa America but I'd much rather he had a summer off and came back fresh and ready for a new season at Barca.

So a bite doesn't cause damage, and players have to accept that they'll get injured on-field, yet the one that doesn't cause injury is 10x more severe? So are we scaling the severity of punishment based on whether it is rare rather than on whether it causes much more physical harm? And is it not part of "basic human ethnics" that you shouldn't deliberately charge into players' legs/ankles with spiked heels?

"The way he conducted himself on the field" at Liverpool? Apart from the bite and a dubious accusation of racism ONCE, how else did he "conduct himself" in any manner that is worse than some others that warranted THAT much more hatred from the media?

But you're right. The FIFA corruption has nothing to do with his punishment.

6 Ballons for Messi

but what if he wins 7??
If someone bit me during football, I'd probably laugh my ass off, then I'd feel rly weird. That's all.
If someone tried to break my leg, I'd pound them hard, it would enfuriate me.

Biting is just weird.
Dangerous tackles, now that's criminal and these people should be banned from football.


So if someone tackles hard and injury someone accidently, he should be punished worse than someone who punches a player in the stomach(but with no injury) ? That makes no sense, agressions should never be tolerated

Tiny Kim

New member
So if someone tackles hard and injury someone accidently, he should be punished worse than someone who punches a player in the stomach(but with no injury) ? That makes no sense, agressions should never be tolerated

Tackling to get the ball is part of the game, and yes that often leads to taking out the player as well. However, not all bad tackles are accidental. And not all non-accidental tackles are punished appropriately.

Anyway, nobody's saying aggression should be tolerated. However, when people often get away with aiming for a player's legs rather than the ball with nothing more than a Yellow or Red at most, and something like a bite that doesn't even leave a mark gets multiple months ban from playing, its an imbalance in the justice system.


Well-known member
Kicking someone is part of the game, even if you pull a Keane against Haaland type kick or Ramos vs Messi you could hide your intention in your defence.
You cant with biting, but punching someone or headbutting, yet these happen as well but never get the same attenton/bans as Suarez bite.
But even if the bite was so extreme the ban was way too harsh. A year no playing with the nt was acceptable but 4 months no play with his club for an nt red card?? not to mention the no training and go to stadiums thing.
I think if they could they would have wanted him in prison or retired for something Chiellini already forgot about the day after and had zero impact on him.
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