9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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Tiny Kim

New member
Not this again.He deserved the ban completely.The ban was 100% fair.Period.

No, it wasn't. Neither was his punishment for a "racial abuse" accusation where the only "evidence" available was the supposed victim's word against his. Even more so when you take into account the NT captain of the FA of the country that handed out the verdict received less punishment for the same allegations WITH actual evidence of the 'crime' committed.
Its politics involved obviously. It was easy to make an example out of him, to show some good ol FIFA strength.

In Spania we see the exact opposite problem, ronaldo likes to think he is real deal holyfield, and gets a ridicules two match ban. He is valuable for real and the leagues popularity Some thinks.


He didnt get 4 months only because of this bite, but because he already had a history of agressions and it was the third time he bited someone, it was really needed for the good of the sport.

What makes me angry wasnt even the 4 months, but because Penaldo kicked and punched an entire defence and got away with very few games


New member
Not this again.He deserved the ban completely.The ban was 100% fair.Period.

Maybe the 4 month ban was fair (+ obviously getting kicked out of the WC). And, if you really really really have it in personally for Suarez, then the Copa America ban is semi-understandable. But to continue banning him even into the qualifiers? For a bite ?! Now that's ridiculous.

FIFA would have executed him if they could (& I'm sure they wanted to). They didn't even offer him any psychiatric help. They tossed him out of the car, and drove away.

And, I'm sorry, I don't buy the (strangely) homophobic argument of "but a man...bit...another man! it's icky!". That seems to be what many advocates of the ban were most concerned with. I've actually heard people on the radio slam Suarez's "unnatural act", while seconds later defending leg-breakers because it's "normal". Please.


If you bite someone on a freaking football field, even once, then you deserve everything that's coming to you to be honest. Only ridiculous thing was banning him from every football activity which was just uncalled for. Sportive ban is justified.


New member
If you bite someone on a freaking football field, even once, then you deserve everything that's coming to you to be honest. Only ridiculous thing was banning him from every football activity which was just uncalled for. Sportive ban is justified.


I'm appalled at how many people don't understand this. Football is a sport, and there is no room for this in sport. Especially in a freaking World Cup match. Plus, it wasn't his first time.


Senior Member
The only issue I had with the ban was that the idea of repeat offending being taken into consideration for biting but not anything else.

Plenty of players have done the same type of thing more than once and never got increasing bans for it.

The ban was overly harsh at first as FIFA were looking to appease a lot of the negative press they were getting at the time in my opinion.


New member

I'm appalled at how many people don't understand this. Football is a sport, and there is no room for this in sport. Especially in a freaking World Cup match. Plus, it wasn't his first time.


Wasn't Zidane's first violent outburst and yet he got only a 3 match ban(retiring after it does not matter).

Tiny Kim

New member
Alright Alright. We're all going to have to agree to disagree. Feels like we're going around in circles. These arguments do not seem to benefit us or the club in any significant way. Its in the past, so lets just let it remain there. Peace out. :cheers:


President of FC Barcelona
Who says so?
The dudes that break legs should be banned not suarez.

What if it's a clean tackle, but the player is really unfortunate and has his leg broken.

What then?

Suarez bit Otman Bakkal with Ajax and then bit Ivanovic with Liverpool and Chiellini with Uruguay at the World Cup.

He BIT them. To bite someone, that's just crazy.
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