9 - Robert Lewandowski


New member
Why does Bayern always do this? They're destroying their own league and making their title wins mean a lot less. What's the point in winning the Bundesliga when any time a proper title rival pops up, they steal their best players? They did the exact same thing with Leverkusen back when they got to the CL final, taking Ballack and Lucio from them.

I don't know how Dortmund will recover. The sharks smell blood in the water now, and Reus/Gundogan/Hummels might be the next to get snapped up.

Ryu Hayabusa

Hoeness is a tax dodging hypocrite. Funny how Bayern are always badmouthing teams like PSG, City, Chelsea etc but they indulge in the same kind of skulduggery.

lol. Hoeneß is NOT FC Bayern. What he does in his private life has nothing to do with the club.
Also evading taxes is a lot different thant hitting the money cheat over and over again. Apples and oranges.

Another thing you are not aware of is that because of Hoeneß, never before have there been that many in Germany who made a voluntary disclosure of their tax liabilities as in 2013. So in fact, by evading taxes for a while, Hoeneß actually did right by the German nation. ;)

Ryu Hayabusa


If it were for the money, he would have signed for Madrid, who increased their offer several times to sway him from going to Bayern.

Ryu Hayabusa

He will fake An injury just like Götze.:amazed:

Jeez... That's why Götze was injured for months, even way into the time AFTER arriving in Munich. Because he FAKED the injury, just not to play his future club. Some people...

btw, in fact Klopp and BVB doctors are responsible for unnecessarily prolonging Götze's injury, because they forced him back way too early. Did Bayern badmouth them for that unclassy move? No. Still it was reported by the German media.


Lemon curry?
Imagine BvB meeting Bayern in CL QFs, the scores are level, no one through on away goals, still level after ET and then Lewandowski getting the deciding penalty in the shootout to eliminate his future club. That would be intense.

Make it happen!

Lewa scoring the away goal that wins his current club the duel would be epic

He said in the summer said there will be times "where I won't feel like playing [for Dortmund]". I bet those "times" will come when they face Bayern...

I wonder what kind of reception he will get from the BvB fans until the end of the season.
For the most part, they've been classy and supportive towards Gotze until the end of the season, so I expect the same now, especially since his departure was predictable. Next season will be a different question though.

If it were for the money, he would have signed for Madrid, who increased their offer several times to sway him from going to Bayern.
Yes, but he's not exactly the Nuri Sahin type who accepts to get wages below his standard because he's dedicated to the club, is he? Money was certainly a factor in this, albeit not the main one. Dortmund probably couldn't pay the wages he demands and certainly not the wages he gets now at Bayern.

lol. Hoeneß is NOT FC Bayern. What he does in his private life has nothing to do with the club.
Who knows... Remains to be seen, doesn't it.

Another thing you are not aware of is that because of Hoeneß, never before have there been that many in Germany who made a voluntary disclosure of their tax liabilities as in 2013. So in fact, by evading taxes for a while, Hoeneß actually did right by the German nation. ;)
You can defend Bayern all you want, but that's ridiculous.

btw, in fact Klopp and BVB doctors are responsible for unnecessarily prolonging Götze's injury, because they forced him back way too early. Did Bayern badmouth them for that unclassy move? No. Still it was reported by the German media.
Afaik it was Gotze who insisted on getting back to training early to get fit for the final and not "Klopp and BVB doctors" who "forced" him.
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Ryu Hayabusa

What's ridiculous, that never before where there that many who had a voluntary disclosure or that last part about Hoeneß?
You're German, you can google and read the respective articles yourself (IIRC, I read it in the Tagesspiegel). They are only a couple of days old. As for the last part, of course I was joking, which was indicated by the emoticon.

Hm, that part about Götze... I think I read it on t-online news or something. I'm pretty sure they said Klopp swayed him.

Chong Li

New member
lol. Hoeneß is NOT FC Bayern. What he does in his private life has nothing to do with the club.
Also evading taxes is a lot different thant hitting the money cheat over and over again. Apples and oranges.

Another thing you are not aware of is that because of Hoeneß, never before have there been that many in Germany who made a voluntary disclosure of their tax liabilities as in 2013. So in fact, by evading taxes for a while, Hoeneß actually did right by the German nation. ;)

I agree, really Uli H. should be awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz for scaring so many other tax-cheaters and turning themselves in!

Lewandowski has no honor, just like Götze he's a perfect character for Bayern


Senior Member
Let Bayern have him for all I care. Messi occupies our central forward position. And I'd rather have a flexible trio up front, with Messi, Neymar and Alexis (Pedro) switching positions than a fixed central forward that would send Messi in the wing (I reckon he wouldn't like that one bit). We don't really need a central forward. We need one top class CB and a GK.


Active member
Im interested of seeing how he's going to get treated in home games by BVB fans.. :pep:
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Ryu Hayabusa

btw, this is somewhat interesting.
Copied it from the German version of trollz.com, but it's based on Spiegel information, who are one of the most respected news mags in Germany.

Lewandowski-Berater: "Es gab ein unmoralisches Angebot von Real Madrid"

Die Königlichen stellten Lewandowski und seinen Beratern offenbar einen Geldregen in Aussicht. Vorabsprachen sollten torpediert werden - die Bayern-Bosse reagierten erzürnt.

Dortmund/Madrid. Am Samstag wurde es offiziell: Robert Lewandowski wechselt im Sommer ablösefrei von Borussia Dortmund zum FC Bayern München und erhält an der Säbener Straße einen Vertrag bis 2019. Doch scheinbar versuchte Real Madrid mit aller Macht noch dazwischen zu funken.

Laut Spiegel Online sollte der Torjäger mit einem Mega-Angebot geködert werden. Die Königlichen offerierten Lewandowski demnach einen Sechs-Jahres-Vertrag, 9,5 Millionen Euro Jahresgehalt plus zehn Millionen Euro Handgeld. Die Berater wären mit zusätzlichen 14 Millionen Euro fürstlich entlohnt werden.

Insgesamt sollten demnach rund 81 Millionen Euro fließen. Maik Barthel, Agent des 25-Jährigen, bestätigte den Annäherungsversuch: "Es gab ein unmoralisches Angebot von Real Madrid." Präsident Florentino Perez soll mit dem britischen Anwalt Colin Pomford sogar einen Mann engagiert haben, der darauf spezialisiert ist, Verträge und Vorabsprachen aufzuknacken.

"Das ist eine Kriegserklärung!"

Die Bayern-Führungsetage erfuhr wohl während der Klub-WM in Marokko davon, Präsident Uli Hoeneß soll erbost reagiert haben: "Das ist eine Kriegserklärung", warf er den Fehdehandschuh hin. Vorstandsboss Karl-Heinz Rummenigge wandte sich dagegen an den abgebenden Verein.

"Er hat mich gefragt, ob wir Robert im Winter an Real verkaufen wollen. Wir hatten niemals diese Absicht", wird BVB-Geschäftsführer Hans-Joachim Watzke zitiert. Jene Absicht hegte auch der Spieler selbst nicht, der mit einem Vorvertrag bei den Madrilenen die Absprachen mit Bayern hätte torpedieren können.

Berater Maik Barthel beschwichtigte: "Aus Respekt vor so einem großen Klub muss man sich das anhören. Aber es stand nie zur Debatte, dass wir unser Wort brechen."

To cut it short:
Lewandowski was already more or less in agreement with Bayern, but Real wanted him to break said agreement and offered him:
9,5 mio. € a year (6 year contract), 10 mio. sign-on-fee and 14 mio. for his advisors. The transfer was supposed to happen during the winter break, so BVB would have received money as well.
Hoeneß allegedly called it "a declaration of war" :D

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