9 - Robert Lewandowski


Senior Member
great and that probably means all Morocco players are better than Kane; just brillant logic

Nope... but if some numpty was trying to argue World Cup was 'low quality' when his lads flopped at same tournament... would still be a numpty level points making it all too easy.


Senior Member
you do understand its a team game

Aye and your lads were pish individually as part of those teams.

Hurts team when players can beat Japan and miss penalties to go out etc.

'Low level' WC where your lads flopped.

Go cry again about how your are not German.. a few posts after going on about Germany winning it in 2014.

Suits you.


Well-known member
ClownDav using BDor rankings to determine levels now. :lol:

That French Magazine will probably include Messi in their team of the year 2023 for chilling in the MLS.

Oh and winning a 10 team tournament which was organised 4 times in 6 years which Messi should have won long long back ain't saying much. Especially when Messi disappeared in the only big game against Brazil in the final. :lol:

This guy just repeats whatever Messi's PR feeds him. How sweet! :lol:


Senior Member
By far... aye.

How many Bayern players won World Cup as best player?

Not one..

Dont try to move goals posts when make it so easy.

Kane better than Messi last couple seasons... senstation claim.

Keep them coming.

'Washed tournament'... where Bayern players flopped... you make it too easy chief. Why didnt Kane and the Bayern lads dominate? This 'washed tourmament'?
you really think this is controversial statement, I mean uis barca forum but you cant be that biased, can you. ....


Senior Member
'Biased' from the numpty who thinks Kane had better couple years than Messi.


Literally nae cunt bar some deluded Bayern fan is claiming that one.

Do better.
so a couple as in last 2 years, messi in psg was better than kane ? if we are going crazy how about this year, is he still better than Kane ?


Well-known member
so a couple as in last 2 years, messi in psg was better than kane ? if we are going crazy how about this year, is he still better than Kane ?
Don't you know! Messi is in the 2023 BDor magazine's team of the year.

Must be better than Kane.

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