Adriano Correia Claro


Staff member
Maxwell is a great backup and he showed that is able to cover as DR and midfielder. If he had such a cover for every position and for that price (5 million) we would have a perfect squad.


Xavi es mi hombre
Just here to say that maybe someone needs to update the "new signing" picture on the sidebar from Daveeed Villaaah to Adriano :D


immaculately conceived
Are we STILL going on about hom being a LB? How is this even possible? He is the same as Maxwell. And Maxwell didn't play solely left back either last year.

That's what you want from rotation players: bloody versatility and being decent at it. We have a few like that. Maxwell, Adriano, Keita, Pedro, ...
The starters have to have one position where they are second to none in the squad on top of being decent on other positions.

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
Maxwell's solid, he played regularly last season and the number of below average performances can be counted on one hand. I'd imagine that Adriano will have been bought as RB cover as much as anything as a fill in for Dani was one of Pep's top priorities


Just here to say that maybe someone needs to update the "new signing" picture on the sidebar from Daveeed Villaaah to Adriano :D

Yes. Someone needs to resize me a pic so I can do it, don't have PS installed atm.


Xavi es mi hombre
Yes. Someone needs to resize me a pic so I can do it, don't have PS installed atm.


247 x 215 same as the Villa pic


New member
Well now the back four seems to have infinite cover through injury, death, famine, personal crises, etc...

Just need a good fucking DM now, or a backup/rotator for Busquets. Mascherano is awesome but is a small guy, aggressive and wins the ball yes, but still small and can't rampage through people the same way Toure did. We need somebody not only physical but built like a tank.

Busquets start hitting those weights. :)
think its a good signing, quite young also and is a very good utility player, where is he gonna play though??? Unless he plays midfield


I don't know him to be honest, never watch Sevilla because they play so boring.
I just hope he's good :D we'll see.

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