Adrien Rabiot


Well-known member
When the guy will collect 10+ million to sit his ass on the bench because he doesn't want to play DM or he gets benched because he can't perform well in a more advanced role and his mother throws a tantrum then the negative impact of his signing will become evident to the naive people thinking you can turn a nice profit in case he doesn't fit. Yeah sure, the teams that will give him Barca level wages grow on trees. Fuck man, not many teams even pay their most valuable player much more than that.

Furthermore, the same people will bitch about the wage structure being fucked up which is an even bigger issue than transfer sums for us. Kevin de Bruyne is 10 times the player and he barely earns more than that. If players the level of Rabiot will earn that much from the get go, not even after a renewal and some years of service, then imagine what we'll have to pay to a world class striker which we definitely need in the upcoming years or a world class mid.

From my point of view, the only way this guy justifies the salary is that he becomes top 5 mid in the world in the first year. Does this guy have the potential to be one of the top 5 mids in the world? Slim fucking chance.


Senior Member
What did Barca do wrong? Make PSG angry? Shame on Barto. Should treat Nasser's feelings in a more careful way. :nasser:
Why would they be angry about their enemy slurping up their bench refuse, while nicking away from their noses potentially best mid of his generation. They must be laughing evil laugh.


Active member
The one pushing for Rabiot is Abidal, who is actually a close friend to Nasser and iirc was offered job in pSG before.
I doubt PSG are really that angry on us but more angry on Rabiot, Juve and other EPL was already trying to snatch him, at least we made an offer

Yes, I already criticized Abidal for looking at one market for recruiting players. I understand he is French and it's an advantage for him but this is the same mistake that Roberto Fernandez did when he joined Barcelona. He only knew his own players at Valencia and Barcelona end up recruiting players like Gomes and Alcar who didn't fit the team. Roberto improved, later on looking for players outside La Liga.


New member
So we are choosing Rabiot over FDJ who will likely join PSG. Nasser will make it his mission to sign him just to piss off Barca. We will end up with another Raki but less talented.

I have no idea how most of you think but the winner is clear here...PSG.

We aren't choosing anyone over the other.


Active member
We aren't choosing anyone over the other.

when you say "we", are you speaking on behalf of the members of the board or maybe you work under Pep Segura? How do you know we aren't choosing between the two as I don't think we need to buy more than one MF giving that we are already crowded for MF positions?


Wild Man of Borneo
Whatever problem you have with another user or user x or y with you, should be completely irrelevant when discussing topics like this one.

I replied to an absurd post that claimed that a player of Rabiot's class and pedigree has nothing to offer defensively and offensively which quite clearly is utter nonsense. If that was the case he would not have been playing regularly for PSG throughout all those years (mind you he is only 23 years old), featured for France (who have an absolutely stacked midfield) before his bust up with Deschamps (who has had his share of bust ups with players throughout his managerial career to put it mildly) and been sought after by numerous top clubs in Europe for years and currently. You are not a bum when Barça, Juventus, Liverpool, Arsenal etc. all are looking to sign you currently.

Likewise there is no reason to try to rewrite history here just because you are not in favor of the club signing him on a free this upcoming summer. Nor have I seen a single user here who claims that he is the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Rabiot was nowhere near one of the worst players against Real in that extremely unlucky 3-1 defeat. Rather one of the better ones which Whoscored's ratings from that game confirm.

So because QSG played a great game against us in that dreadful 4-0 defeat away from home, Rabiot's performance in that game (he was clearly QSG's best performing midfielder in that game which Whoscored's ratings confirm too) cannot be taken into account?

However you have no trouble claiming that Rabiot was one of the worst players when QSG lost 6-1 in the return leg knowing very well that not a single QSG player was performing well in that tie and that Rabiot had little to do with it. Matuidi was far worse in that return leg and Verratti was barely any better. The same Verratti that not long ago was the darling of this forum, mine included, when new midfield reinforcements were discussed. Whoscored's rankings agree with this claim.

Yes, Rabiot had a bad game against Real Madrid in the return leg last season. A game where QSG as a team were pathetically bad.

As for QSG's first game against Liverpool. Once again it appears that Whoscored disagrees with your claim of Rabiot being the "by far worst player" for QSG. In fact according to the same Whoscored ranking Rabiot was in fact the best QSG midfielder in that game.:lol:

Also let us not forget that Rabiot's talent is wasted playing in France. 90% of all the games that he plays in are against vastly inferior opponents. Thus it is no wonder that he wants to leave the prison and move to a vastly superior league and actually improve as a player and person and test himself at the highest level on a weekly basis. He should be applauded for that. The alternative is him declining even further and imitating Verratti who will never be anything more than a good/at times very good player who wasted his best years and talent playing against scrubs on a weekly basis and who preferred the easy way out and the money over testing himself. Him leaving for Juve in 2-3 years time when he will be nearly 30 years old won't change that fact. If that even happens.

Rewrite history??? You're saying this based on fucking arbitrary Whoscored ratings??? Jesus Christ. No context, no observation of the game, just spitting out a rating and you think I "rewrote" history and you came in and valiantly corrected the record.

He was a turnover machine against Real Madrid in the first leg and got dominated by Isco/Modric. Literally, in fact the most turnovers on the pitch. Other than the open goal he scored, he didn't impact the game positively whatsoever. This was a game that Lo Celso got absolutely MASSACRED for on twitter and in game threads, yet Rabiot had basically the same amount of touches, way more than twice as many turnovers, and did pretty much just as poorly. Only difference was that Rabiot scored an open goal and Lo Celso conceded an insanely soft pen against Kroos (basically a dive). Yet Rabiot played "well" you say??

Verratti wasn't that bad in the first leg but Isco did outplay him. And then in the second leg Verratti was having a fairly great game but then got sent off. Rabiot on the other hand stunk it up COMPLETELY against Real Madrid's bench midfield with the likes of Kovacic/Asensio/Vasquez the entire game and then gifted RM a goal. Over the course of the 2 legs, Rabiot was certainly PSG's worst midfielder. There was no stretch over 180 minutes where he was actually outperforming the other team in *real midfield duties*, not just getting poor play overlooked because of a simple goal.

I know for a fact you didn't watch PSG-Liverpool if you think Rabiot was not a standout horrible player in that game. I'm fairly sure you can even see him get roasted for it IN THIS VERY THREAD. He had the least touches of any midfielder on the pitch and got dominated by the likes of Milner and Henderson.

Horrible game in that first leg, and guess what? Rabiot was the ONLY midfielder replaced between the 1st and 2nd games, with Marquinhos/Di Maria still on the pitch, and this time PSG handily won and created way better chances from the midfield as well as congesting the play defensively so that Liverpool had a difficult time attacking.

And you're here praising Rabiot's attitude???? Really?

I remember a time back when a player who REJECTED a role in the national team out of sheer entitlement, thinking himself to be deserving of an important role over far superior players like Kante/Pogba/etc., would actually be criticized for said behavior. And not praised for nonsense like "muh he's trying to get playing time as a young player". That is ridiculous. How could that possibly be excused, let alone praised.

This thread has devolved into a cesspool of mental gymnastics.


Senior Member
Rabiot is a good player, this is pretty obvious. Rest is opinions. We can surely do better than him, but if we don't go overboard with his salary and signing on fee, than it would be a good buy considering the circumstances.


Wild Man of Borneo
Rabiot is a good player, this is pretty obvious. Rest is opinions. We can surely do better than him, but if we don't go overboard with his salary and signing on fee, than it would be a good buy considering the circumstances.

It's a matter of opportunity cost. We're once more filling our mdifield with bodies that we don't need and likely to give up on targets that look talented enough to be future starters for us (FDJ, N'dombele).

I don't see what is the great highlight in the purchase of a guy as poor a tactical fit as Fabregas or James Milner, and better yet will likely never have a career that stacks up to either of those players. There's a reason PSG has no qualms whatsoever in benching this guy for eternity even though the only other real CM they have is Verratti. He is largely expendable.


Senior Member
It's a matter of opportunity cost. We're once more filling our mdifield with bodies that we don't need and likely to give up on targets that look talented enough to be future starters for us (FDJ, N'dombele).

I don't see what is the great highlight in the purchase of a guy as poor a tactical fit as Fabregas or James Milner, and better yet will likely never have a career that stacks up to either of those players. There's a reason PSG has no qualms whatsoever in benching this guy for eternity even though the only other real CM they have is Verratti. He is largely expendable.

Why would we be missing our target if we sign this guy on a free transfer and we can manage his salary and his signing bonus, both of which I agree have to be reasonable to considers this deal? Fact is not 1 but 3 of our best midfielders are over 30+. Only Arthur is young and looks like a clear bona fide starter in the years that will follow.

Vidal will be 32. Rakitic will be over 31 soon, with lots of games under his belt (probably the midfielder with the most minutes played in the last 3 years), Busi looks to be losing more and more energy rapidly.

As an oportunity signing, Rabiot is not a bad deal at all, again, if we manage to get things right. Doesn't mean FDJ and N'dombele are out if he is signed.
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Well-known member
Why would we be missing our target if we sign this guy on a free transfer and we can manage his salary and his signing bonus, both of which I agree have to be reasonable to considers this deal? Fact is not 1 but 3 of our best midfielders are over 30+. Only Arthur is young and looks like a clear bona fide starter in the years that will follow.

Vidal will be 32. Rakitic will be over 31 soon, with lots of games under his belt (probably the midfielder with the most minutes played in the last 3 years), Busi looks to be losing more and more energy rapidly.

As an oportunity signing, Rabiot is not a bad deal at all, again, if we manage to get things right. Doesn't mean FDJ and N'dombele are out if he is signed.

Very good point. We need fresh blood badly. Rabiot could help us with that. Sign DeJong in the summer as well..


Senior Member
If we sign Rabiot, this could be our 1st team CMs for next season

DM: Rakitic, Busi
CM: Arthur, Vidal, Alena, Rabiot

If we're going to sign De Jong and assure him of minutes, I think there's 2 options
1. sell Rakitic (he's probably the midfielder who could get us the most money).
2. loan out Alena to a La Liga team for a season and De Jong could take his place.

I'm indifferent to Rabiot joining us as long as the wages are reasonable, he keeps his attitude in check (not be a disruption in the dressing room or complain that he's not starting week in week out), not be an obstacle to the potential signing of De Jong and the likes of Alena-Arthur gets their share of minutes.


Active member
Why would we be missing our target if we sign this guy on a free transfer and we can manage his salary and his signing bonus, both of which I agree have to be reasonable to considers this deal?.

The deal is actually misleading and not as good as we think. Suppose his current transfer market price is 60m (I know it should be lower considering this is the last year of his contract but for the sake of calculation will consider the price of players of his caliber cost).

Now divide this 60m by 5 years (contract duration) = 12m per annum + Average salary in big clubs between 4-5m. (Casimero who is considered one of the best DM in the world Salary is 5.5m). So total net loss per annum around 16.5m.

Now the deal Rabiot and his agent mother are proposing is a signing bonus + Salary of 13m.

Signing bonus could be anywhere between 10-20m plus.

So assuming the average low is 15m divides by 5 years, plus 13m salary = 16m net loss (paycheck) per annum.

Now how this is a good deal? Even if we consider to lower his salary demands to 10m. It's still not a good deal and instead of paying PSG to sign him, we are actually paying Rabiot and his mother. Simple calculation showing it and I'm being very conservative with the numbers.


Senior Member
Can everyone chill. He is one of the best passers in the world. He suits us and potentially can be a bigger talent than De Jong for free.

Even farmers league is better than Dutch league these days lets be honest


New member
Rewrite history??? You're saying this based on fucking arbitrary Whoscored ratings??? Jesus Christ. No context, no observation of the game, just spitting out a rating and you think I "rewrote" history and you came in and valiantly corrected the record.

He was a turnover machine against Real Madrid in the first leg and got dominated by Isco/Modric. Literally, in fact the most turnovers on the pitch. Other than the open goal he scored, he didn't impact the game positively whatsoever. This was a game that Lo Celso got absolutely MASSACRED for on twitter and in game threads, yet Rabiot had basically the same amount of touches, way more than twice as many turnovers, and did pretty much just as poorly. Only difference was that Rabiot scored an open goal and Lo Celso conceded an insanely soft pen against Kroos (basically a dive). Yet Rabiot played "well" you say??

Verratti wasn't that bad in the first leg but Isco did outplay him. And then in the second leg Verratti was having a fairly great game but then got sent off. Rabiot on the other hand stunk it up COMPLETELY against Real Madrid's bench midfield with the likes of Kovacic/Asensio/Vasquez the entire game and then gifted RM a goal. Over the course of the 2 legs, Rabiot was certainly PSG's worst midfielder. There was no stretch over 180 minutes where he was actually outperforming the other team in *real midfield duties*, not just getting poor play overlooked because of a simple goal.

I know for a fact you didn't watch PSG-Liverpool if you think Rabiot was not a standout horrible player in that game. I'm fairly sure you can even see him get roasted for it IN THIS VERY THREAD. He had the least touches of any midfielder on the pitch and got dominated by the likes of Milner and Henderson.

Horrible game in that first leg, and guess what? Rabiot was the ONLY midfielder replaced between the 1st and 2nd games, with Marquinhos/Di Maria still on the pitch, and this time PSG handily won and created way better chances from the midfield as well as congesting the play defensively so that Liverpool had a difficult time attacking.

And you're here praising Rabiot's attitude???? Really?

I remember a time back when a player who REJECTED a role in the national team out of sheer entitlement, thinking himself to be deserving of an important role over far superior players like Kante/Pogba/etc., would actually be criticized for said behavior. And not praised for nonsense like "muh he's trying to get playing time as a young player". That is ridiculous. How could that possibly be excused, let alone praised.

This thread has devolved into a cesspool of mental gymnastics.

You did not address half of my post. Not that I expected anything else to occur given the nature of your initial post that I quoted.

I am saying that based on the facts that I wrote and your nitpicking. Whoscored's rating system is reputable and most of the time they are spot on or close. Surely miles better than a subjective recalling, and clearly biased at that too, judgement from an anonymous football entusiast on a forum. With all due respect. Also are you really going to tell me that you recall all those games in detail and that you took detailed notes when evaluating Rabiot's performances and those of ALL other players for you to make such bombastic claims? I find that incredibly hard to belief. Obviously it is hard to take your claims seriously when you refuse to give Rabiot credit for a world class performance against Barça in that 4-0 defeat (where he was the best performing midfielder, I can provide ratings from other sources than Whoscored which will agree as well) while seemingly having no problem crucifying him for a collective collapse in the return leg which he was just a little part of.

The fact of the matter is that Rabiot was nowhere near close to being the worst PSG midfielder in the first leg against RM. His goal or lack thereof has no barring on that but the goal surely did not hurt his overall rating. His only really bad game occurred in the return leg. Nor should one bad game against arguably the best performing midfield in the world in recent years (RM's midfield) be what decides whether Rabiot is an average or a good player. Let us highligt 1 or at most 2 bad games against elite clubs (RM and Liverpool) but forget years of great if not good performances against those same top clubs. The same top clubs that have shown interest for Rabiot for years and continue to do so. No logic whatsoever.

Anyway what exactly are you trying to argue? That Rabiot is a useless player and what I wrote of factual statements in my previous post that go beyond the possible purchase of Rabiot or not, are no longer valid?

Wait a second. You obviously don't understand French. Or you missed the video that I posted. This is not about his bust up with Deschamps (who is no saint and who as I wrote earlier has had numerous bust ups with players in his managerial career). I am talking about something entirely different.

This should help.

Now if such honesty and him actually doing something to escape the PSG prison and thus not further stagnating like Verratti and other "prisoners" who will continue to stagnate if they stay, is not praiseworthy, I don't know what is in this context.

It's a matter of opportunity cost. We're once more filling our mdifield with bodies that we don't need and likely to give up on targets that look talented enough to be future starters for us (FDJ, N'dombele).

I don't see what is the great highlight in the purchase of a guy as poor a tactical fit as Fabregas or James Milner, and better yet will likely never have a career that stacks up to either of those players. There's a reason PSG has no qualms whatsoever in benching this guy for eternity even though the only other real CM they have is Verratti. He is largely expendable.

Yes, let us forget that Rabiot has been a regular starter for PSG for the past 5 years in row, including this very season. Until PSG figured out that he has no intention to sign a new contract and extend his stay. PSG does not really have a choice here so your argument carries little weight.

Also I have no idea why some users here are talking about missing out on de Jong or Ndombele if Rabiot arrives, as if it was a fact that had already occurred. Rabiot arriving, as I explained, should not close any doors for other potential arrivals. Nor have I seen a single user here (yet) that would be content with Rabiot arriving alone. I for once never claimed that and made it perfectly clear in my first post in this very thread.

The deal is actually misleading and not as good as we think. Suppose his current transfer market price is 60m (I know it should be lower considering this is the last year of his contract but for the sake of calculation will consider the price of players of his caliber cost).

Now divide this 60m by 5 years (contract duration) = 12m per annum + Average salary in big clubs between 4-5m. (Casimero who is considered one of the best DM in the world Salary is 5.5m). So total net loss per annum around 16.5m.

Now the deal Rabiot and his agent mother are proposing is a signing bonus + Salary of 13m.

Signing bonus could be anywhere between 10-20m plus.

So assuming the average low is 15m divides by 5 years, plus 13m salary = 16m net loss (paycheck) per annum.

Now how this is a good deal? Even if we consider to lower his salary demands to 10m. It's still not a good deal and instead of paying PSG to sign him, we are actually paying Rabiot and his mother. Simple calculation showing it and I'm being very conservative with the numbers.

Here we are again. You are basically taking some highly unconfirmed numbers that are circulating in the media and taking those unsubstantiated numbers for granted. Is this some kind of bad joke? None of those supposed claims or demands are anything more than empty claims so far. Where do you have this 13 million (!) salary from? That's obviously not going to occur if there is any sanity left at the club. As for sign on bonuses. This is a common practice. Rabiot or no Rabiot. Not only that sign on bonuses are used in regular transfers as well.

Can everyone chill. He is one of the best passers in the world. He suits us and potentially can be a bigger talent than De Jong for free.

Even farmers league is better than Dutch league these days lets be honest

This should not be about Rabiot or de Jong. For me it is not a choice between either as I see no reason why both could not arrive this summer. At all. All it requires is that the board does a bit of decent squad planning. I already argued why I see it like that in detail in this very thread. I for once don't care about any of those 2 players although I rate both, in particular De Jong. What I care about (first and foremost and that is always the case) is the well-being of the club as a whole. If de Jong, Rabiot or a third midfielder can make us better, their arrival have my utmost support. We all have our favorites (this is natural) but that is where it stops for me. All I am arguing for is that Rabiot is not the bum that certain users here have tried to convince people of and that I understand why Abidal and the board look at the Rabiot signing as a good and mostly risk-free opportunity. Not only Barça but a host of elite clubs in Europe if rumors are to be believed.

Yes, the Dutch league is significantly worser than Ligue 1 which should tell you everything. However that should have no barring on de Jong's talent or that of any other player in the Eredivisie as genuine talents are quite easy to spot for the trained eye which is why the hype that surrounds de Light and de Jong is genuine until proven wrong in the future.
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