Adrien Rabiot


Active member

Says Barcelona will make an official offer to Rabiot in January: €10m salary + sign-on bonus for €10m. This offer will only hold if a summer move is made and the player comes in for free.

The other possibility that Abidal wants to discuss with Antero Henrique is that of a January transfer. If it were to happen, the sign-on bonus would go down from €10m to €5m. As for others clubs in the race Tottenham has oferred a €7m salary, the player is keen to accept if the deal with Barcelona somehows falls apart.

So 10m salary+10m Bonus. LMAO, where is that idiot I was arguing with? I forgot his name.



New member
So 10m salary+10m Bonus. LMAO, where is that idiot I was arguing with? I forgot his name.


Thanks for confirming that you are not only illiterate but also mathematically illiterate (what a surprise!). In what world is 10m million equal to 13 million? That's an 30% increase!:lol:

Oh, and let's not forget that, surprise, surprise, that it's just a rumor. Let me repeat, just a rumor.

You seem to like to be the forum's cretin. Congratulations.


Active member
Thanks for confirming that you are not only illiterate but also mathematically illiterate (what a surprise!). In what world is 10m million equal to 13 million? That's an 30% increase!:lol:

Oh, and let's not forget that, surprise, surprise, that it's just a rumor. Let me repeat, just a rumor.

You seem to like to be the forum's cretin. Congratulations.

The deal is actually misleading and not as good as we think. Suppose his current transfer market price is 60m (I know it should be lower considering this is the last year of his contract but for the sake of calculation will consider the price of players of his caliber cost).

Now divide this 60m by 5 years (contract duration) = 12m per annum + Average salary in big clubs between 4-5m. (Casimero who is considered one of the best DM in the world Salary is 5.5m). So total net loss per annum around 16.5m.

Now the deal Rabiot and his agent mother are proposing is a signing bonus + Salary of 13m.

Signing bonus could be anywhere between 10-20m plus.

So assuming the average low is 15m divides by 5 years, plus 13m salary = 16m net loss (paycheck) per annum.

Now how this is a good deal? Even if we consider to lower his salary demands to 10m. It's still not a good deal and instead of paying PSG to sign him, we are actually paying Rabiot and his mother. Simple calculation showing it and I'm being very conservative with the numbers.

My original post for you and the info is in bold so if you have difficulty reading English, using google translate or maybe you are just strugling with Dyslexia. Knowing when to open your mouth and when to keep it shut is valuable wisdom.



New member
My original post for you and the info is in bold so if you have difficulty reading English, using google translate or maybe you are just strugling with Dyslexia. Knowing when to open your mouth and when to keep it shut is valuable wisdom.


Cretin the argument was 13 million euros. I told you that this would never occur while you claimed that it could. Shall I quote your previous posts? Lastly what a way to secure yourself. Next time you should write that he could get a sign-on bonus worth anything from 1 million euros to 20 million euros just to be sure.:lol:
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New member
And your argument was what? 50% less of the 10m? Shall I quote?


Go take a look at page 94. Everyone can do it. My sole claim on that page was that he would not receive 13 million euros. You claimed that he would/could. Now to somehow prove that you were "right" and I was "wrong" you quoted a RUMOR where 10 million euros is used as the RUMORED salary. That's a difference (increase) of 30 freaking percent. I know that it's Christmas holidays and a lot of people have a few drinks but you are not drunk by any means, are you?


We had Coutinho, Arthur, and Alena on the bench in our last match, and we're now signing a squad player for our midfield....


Well-known member
Not that good Joan. Read my post above regarding the salary.

Still good.

(10 + 2)*5 = 60 (10 salary, 10 in bonuses)
(12 + 5)*5 = 85 (bought for 60, salary 5)

Assuming he'll stay here for 5 years. He's got a fine resell value. We shouldn't lose much.


Active member
Go take a look at page 94. Everyone can do it. My sole claim on that page was that he would not receive 13 million euros. You claimed that he would/could. Now to somehow prove that you were "right" and I was "wrong" you quoted a RUMOR where 10 million euros is used as the RUMORED salary. That's a difference (increase) of 30 freaking percent. I know that it's Christmas holidays and a lot of people have a few drinks but you are not drunk by any means, are you?

Your original reply was to the same post above. Go back and check and see who started this! You are illogical, subjective, and refuse to admit you are wrong. If I bring what has been said to the table, you go ad hominem or start crying. Worse than Jamdav!


New member
Your origilal reply was to same post above. Go back and check and see who started this! You are illogical, subjective, and refuse to admit you are wrong. If I bring what has been said to the table, you go ad hominem or start crying. Worse than Jamdave!

Cretin, I argued against the 13 million euros which everyone can see. Nice desperate try though to change this fact when schooled once again. As I wrote, it does not take a genius to initially write what you did.

I believe that he will receive a sign-on bonus between 1 euro to 20 million euros and his salary will be somewhere between 1 euro to 15 million euros.:lol:

Now to finally once again make it perfectly clear for all, even resident cretins, I claimed that he would never receive a 13 million euro salary. You claimed that he could. To somehow prove me wrong, you used a rumor that claims that he will receive 30% LESS (salary) and somehow I am in the wrong and the genius is right.:lol:

Welcome on my ignore list.
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Active member
Still good.

(10 + 2)*5 = 60 (10 salary, 10 in bonuses)
(12 + 5)*5 = 85 (bought for 60, salary 5)

Assuming he'll stay here for 5 years. He's got a fine resell value. We shouldn't lose much.

Two things to consider:
First, what you didn't consider is when we buy a player and we pay a price of say 60 or 70m, the salary would be reasonable between 4 to 6m. Now the salary demand per media is 10m. If he fails, how we are supposed to offload him?

Second, he is on his final year so if he was to be sold by PSG, last summer it won't cost more than 30-40m, and he would get an average salary for Barca player. If this is true then his salary demand is high for a good player but not a world class.

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