Alex Song

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
There's hundreds of better options than Song... especially if we're looking for someone who's good defensively and can play CB (Song can't)

Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
Everytime i watch this guy he's running around like an idiot, i always thought he was supposed to be Arsenal's DM but he plays more like a SS

But as a Keita replacement not so bad, i don't see him getting many minutes though.


New member
Wenger doesn't give two turds. He knows Song is not very good, and not Barcelona class. Song is worth £10 million max.
Honestly its good for Arsenal people will say we are selling one of our best players. But Song is a major problem for us as well as an asset. We have no balance with him in midfield and Wenger has given up on him being disciplined. Middle of last season he had to come out and defend Song as people were saying he was careless defensively and leaving the defense wide open. He said we told him to play like this, he’s only doing what he’s been told. Its clear as day he was lying as no manager tells his midfield don’t protect your defense. We could really do with a disciplined tactical midfielder who will let the likes of cazorla and wilshere have a bit of freedom in midfield

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
I actually like Song (I want to see Cameroon have a revival internationally), but I really don't know what he's supposed to be. For years it seemed he was being groomed to be a DM, but he doesn't have the discipline or the positional sense, he's very skilled and he has strength but he runs around like a headless chicken far too much.

Keita never really had a clearly defined position either but he was an intelligent player who knew how to fill what role he was asked to. With Song I just don't see the wit and discipline to be a utility player even if he has a good deal of talent. Arsenal is a perfect level for him. There's no way he's worth 15M+, but we are talking about the same club that thought Hleb would be a good signing..


New member
Arsenal fan here. I want to just say thank you for coming in and taking away Song. Not in my wildest dreams did I think that one day someone would be willing to pay £15 mil plus for Alex 'I think I pass like Xavi' Song. And for Barca to be the team to do it, is truly amazing. If we now use that money to get M'Vila and Sahin then we have done some amazing business.
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La Furia

Legion of Doooom
Arsenal fan here. I want to just say thank you for coming in and taking away Song. Not in my wildest dreams did I think that one day someone would be willing to pay £15 mil plus for Alex 'I think I pass like Xaxi' Song. And for Barca to be the team to do it, is truly amazing. If we now use that money to get M'Vila and Sahin then we have done some amazing business.

After all the years of Arsenal taking Barca to the cleaners, it's still surprising?


New member
he was leaving the defense open,that is why he had about 11 assists last season and if he comes I dont see him as an appropriate cover for Busi,only if Tito manages to "fix" him


New member
Shit!!! Jamie Sanderson (very reliable) has said that we are keen to hang on to Song and the player is not forcing the move. Wenger is fucking this up.


New member
Shit!!! Jamie Sanderson (very reliable) has said that we are keen to hang on to Song and the player is not forcing the move. Wenger is fucking this up.
How is he fvcking this up? If the player is not forcing a move and wenger is keen on holding him, then there’s no problem. The only thing is wenger has no problem lying when he wants to and i think if a good offer comes he will sell without hesitation

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
The price you got for cesc makes up for everything we have done to you. Seriously you raped us with the price for cesc lol

I thought that price was very fair (Cesc was basically forcing his way out and the negotiations took THREE YEARS), and every other player ever bought from Arsenal has been grossly overpriced.


New member
As I said before, I wanted an actual CB. I don't see the point of a DM who's not even that experienced at playing anywhere else.

It's like the people in charge just google "top midfielders" and then throw money at the first semi-available name they find.

Oh, and whoever believes it will be "only" 16 mil €... yeah, keep dreaming. If anything they will disguise the actual quantity with easily attainable "objectives" like they did last season with Cesc and Alexis.

As an Arsenal fan, I'm fine with it. M'Vila and maybe Toulalán (better than Sahin will ever be, and Malaga has to get rid of him ASAP) and we're all set.

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