Alex Song


Mike the Knife
17 balls won apparently, including the one that led to Xavi's goal...0 lost

He got caught out once but otherwise was terrific and contributed substantially to the attack, including getting his head onto 3 headers...We should be very happy with his performance, showed his quality


Active member
in 1 or 2 years will will have only strikers and midfielders haha no wonder we have such problems with the defense...


Senior Member
There were some really scary moments tonight. Not really convinced it's a good idea to play him CB.


Granada, apart from the last quarter, didn't really push forward with intent, and when they did there was either Alves or Masch to diffuse the threat. He made some recovery, but his positioning is still questionable, so is his defending. First half he brought a long ball down nicely for the Granada striker to 've a shot on goal, and his attempt to close down the player on the touchline in the sec half (which called Valdes' save) was inadequate. He either tries and block the pass, or tackle the player for the clearance. Did neither.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Tito is sending him to the slaughterhouse by playing him CB... To put is simple, I rather have Busquets or Barta as CB, hell, even Fontás will do!


I thought he looked doubtful in quite a few situations, he made some great interceptions but I am still not convinced. There was also a moment which showcased just how slow he is. Playing him as CB vs smaller teams for rotation I guess is fine but I would never choose him as CB for any serious match.

Song as CB with a high line vs Madrid is going to be suicide.


It was a solid performance. Except the header which led to a shot by a Granada player and his action nearby the sideline in the second half. Apart from that he was very calm and passed extremely good, didn't loose any ball but intercepted a lot.

He wasn't flawless, but okay. He's the fourth choice behind Puyol, Piqué and Mascherano so he's probably not gonna play a lot at CB.



Granada, apart from the last quarter, didn't really push forward with intent, and when they did there was either Alves or Masch to diffuse the threat. He made some recovery, but his positioning is still questionable, so is his defending. First half he brought a long ball down nicely for the Granada striker to 've a shot on goal, and his attempt to close down the player on the touchline in the sec half (which called Valdes' save) was inadequate. He either tries and block the pass, or tackle the player for the clearance. Did neither.

Thing is though, we need to assess his performance in context and relative to those around him. What you say is true, he was totally exposed a few times and made a few mistakes, but that should by no means sum up his night. You have to asses his game as a whole rather than look at just the mistakes and use that as a pretext to downplay his defensive abilities, lets also forget what he was at Arsenal and just provide him with a clean slate here. I mean Adriano's positioning and decision making a couple of times tonight almost had me smashing my TV screen, same with Mascherano every so often. He's definitely not a natural defender, but I really appreciate how he's trying and doing a decent job of what is asked of him. He has a few strong points that shouldn't be overlooked, he's big and strong (it was nice to see a Barca player win a header frequently-winning headers has become like an inferiority complex for us) he looked really calm a few times when under pressure, he seems to know when to leave his line and come up to press in midfield and he definitely has an eye for a pass-and we must remember this was just his third start. Still I agree it doesn't address our defensive issues, as you say his positional sense really falls short of a classy CB for one, but we must give credit where it's due. This certainly is an exciting signing. Either way as somebody already said he's a 4th choice CB, and we'll only see him in the rare scenraio of both Puyol and Pique being sidelined at the same time (I say rare but that's been the case quite a few times over the past seasons hasn't it)


New member
A lot of it depends on the quality of the opponent and the style they play. Song didn't look so good when playing against a CL quality side (even though Spartak haven't had a good start to their season). Putting him in away games or in a knockout CL game would be hugely riskly as we saw that even Masch who looks good against La Liga teams made mistakes against Milan and Chelsea that really cost us.

Look at Adriano in the first leg of the Super Copa when Real played largely conservatively and look at his performance in the 2nd leg when Real really pushed high up front and went on the offensive,look at how our defense reacted then.
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Der Kaiser

New member
Pep's vision of a team consisting only of midfielders+Messi is getting closer every season. Pep is like Jigsaw, even when gone, the pieces are still falling into place.

Song played great tonight, but, as many have said, it was only Granada. We should get used to seeing him at CB, barcastuff posted a quote of Tito saying he signed Song to play at CB.

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