Alexis Sanchez


New member
Wrong on so many levels.

First, Alexis is the same even when he's not being bullied. He's a obvious diver and a drama queen.

Second, he is not better than Pedro. He's nowhere near as good as Pedro. Both of their workrates are good, I'll give you that, but Pedro produces many more opportunities and is not afraid to shoot now and then, even though he hasn't been wearing his scoring boots lately. Pedro is so much superior to Sanchez, it isn't even comparable.


New member
How the f can you complain on his attitude when the enemy players are bullying on him like they did? As soon as he got the ball he had a player all over him kicking, pulling his shirt etc. What do you expect when ppl do like that to him all the time? Wouldnt you get pissed off when someone does like that to you throughout a game? Jesus...

Alexis atm is better than Pedro. He does what Pedro does (pressing, defending) but he atleast produces some goalscoring opportunities too. He gets fouled more than rest of the barcaplayers combined = producing yellow cards. Wtf is Pedro doin on the pitch when Villa and Tello are in the squad? Alexis should be over him (Pedro) in the pecking order too now that he is fit.
I agree that he was getting a lot of shit from the defenders tonight. But this attitude that I'm talking about is consistent, it's not just this game. It's basically that dishonest/less than integrous diving attitude. No one can stand it, and that probably has something to do with how he was treated out there.


New member
Good game from Alexis, for me. His off the balls run cause Betis problems especially Leo received all the space to run as Alex gave a dummy run. Worked very hard. His short passing still looks mediocre especially with one of his giveaways nearly resulted in a goal for Betis.


Mike the Knife
He was getting fouled quite a lot, to be fair. I could see his frustration with Betis's defenders/midfielders.

And if there was a scouting report on Sanchez, I suspect it includes taking him off his game by playing physical...You'd think he'd be past that by now...You'd think that but you'd be wrong

El Guaje

Wrong on so many levels.

First, Alexis is the same even when he's not being bullied. He's a obvious diver and a drama queen.

Second, he is not better than Pedro. He's nowhere near as good as Pedro. Both of their workrates are good, I'll give you that, but Pedro produces many more opportunities and is not afraid to shoot now and then, even though he hasn't been wearing his scoring boots lately. Pedro is so much superior to Sanchez, it isn't even comparable.

The diving is obviously getting annoying yeah, but when has he been a drama queen? He is one when the enemy players throw themselves all over him as soon as they even smell that he is getting the ball but apart from that he is cool.

And yes Alexis (atm atleast) is as good as Pedro, and hes gonna be better if he stays fit. Even in the last game (Betis) he produced more than Pedro. Pedro doesent produce anything when he is not scoring goals, which is the case now. Drop him and play Villa, Alexis or Tello.

El Guaje

I agree that he was getting a lot of shit from the defenders tonight. But this attitude that I'm talking about is consistent, it's not just this game. It's basically that dishonest/less than integrous diving attitude. No one can stand it, and that probably has something to do with how he was treated out there.

Aha, i get it. I was not considering the dives, only the complaining-part when he gets a lil frustrated after being fouled for the like 100th time in a short time.

But yeah, he should stop the diving. Good thing Busuqts and Pedro have done it less than last season, hope that Alexis cuts it down too.


Staff member
Alexis Sánchez:

“I’m very pleased that I got to play again, and even more pleased that the team won.”

“Betis are a great team, they played a good match and they made it difficult for us.”

“The team is happy for Leo.”


Well-known member
Alexis gets way too much stick on this forum, a bit like cesc before the sevilla game.
He did well yesterday but pedro and him really need to start scoring, cordoba game might help them.


New member
He's been completely useless in far too many games now. I agreed early on that the criticism was too harsh but even I am now starting to lose my patience with this guy. His signing is starting to look more and more like a mistake.


New member
I don't know how you can say he is completely useless, messi's first goal vs betis was made possible by a great run from sanchez


New member
Considering he came off an injury and his bad form earlier this season, he was quite OK yesterday. I think both Sanchez and Valdes are missing Pep somehow. There is no point selling him now, we won't get more than 7-8m and he is still young. Better train him more, maybe try him at RW to produce more crosses and decide after 1 more season if he's not getting better. I'd say play Cuenca/Villa at LW and sanchez at RW. Pedro needs to rest and get his mind off football a few days to get his goal scoring confidence back. Then we can rotate him and Sanchez at RW.

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