Alexis Sanchez


New member
yeah but thats not alexis' fault no?

Not entirely, but partly, yes. Messi was incredible and he could have done it any better. Our other forwards, Alexis in particular, would have made a difference if they were scoring. That's one side. The other was our out-of-form defence and conceding too many goals.


New member
He will improve and get better soon. Cesc improved a lot, Alexis can too.

Cesc has 10x the football brain and skills compared to Alexis. Certainly, Alexis has room for improvement, but nowhere near as much as Cesc had when he was out-of-form. Fab's max is way above Alexis'.


The Culest
Watching Sanchez miss one on one chances with the keeper has now become part of my weekly routine. I don't think I've ever seen a #9 jersey with less composure in front of the goal. I'm willing to give him time until the end of the season. If he doesn't improve he should be sold


once again people posting here with their current emotion. so sad...


New member
"once again people posting here with their current emotion. so sad..."

I didn't even watch this game so I'm not wrapped up in any emotion right now. But speaking honestly, if Sanchez can't break himself out of this terrible spell of form by the end of this season, I see no reason to hold on to him. If a player can't get himself together throughout an entire season, he doesn't deserve to be a Barca forward, period. (In my opinion)

It's an objective fact that his finishing form has deplorable all season. Why would we want that kind of unreliability and inconsistency? Sure, when he's on form he's not bad but he hasn't been on form for an entire half season + and doesn't show signs of improving even after racking a couple goals.


New member
"So sad..."

I didn't even watch this game so I'm not wrapped up in any emotion right now. But speaking objectively, if Sanchez can't break himself out of this terrible spell of form by the end of this season, I see no reason to hold on to him. If a player can't get himself together throughout an entire season, he doesn't deserve to be a Barca forward, period. (In my opinion)

It's an objective fact that his finishing form has deplorable all season. Why would we want that kind of unreliability and inconsistency? Sure, when he's on form he's not bad but he hasn't been on form for an entire half season + and doesn't show signs of improving even after racking a couple goals.

Don't think scoring more goals is the solution. It could very well be but letting him do what he does best may be more effective, I guess.


New member
There is absolutely no reason to keep him if he doesn't improve a lot. He has been given a lot of playing time, too. We'll see if he does anything useful in the next few months.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
He's got much better off the ball movement than Tello, and he's a better dribbler. He works tirelessly too. If he was more confident and calm in front of goal he'd be a great player.

What bothers me except for his finishing is how he usually takes the easy way out, that is he takes a dive or purposely run into the defender in the hope of winning a free kick or a penalty, even when shooting or passing would have been the obvious choice. It's incredibly annoying.


New member
What bothers me except for his finishing is how he usually takes the easy way out, that is he takes a dive or purposely run into the defender in the hope of winning a free kick or a penalty, even when shooting or passing would have been the obvious choice. It's incredibly annoying.

That's loser's mentality.


New member
It wasn't a hateful statement, I was being serious. Those who have winner's mentality will do their best and engage the opponent, because they want to seize the opportunity and because they believe they can do it. That's why Messi never dives. Even if he's kicked and pushed and thrown to the ground, he'll get up and keep fighting, because all he cares about is scoring that goal. And he'll do his best and face the setbacks just to get it done. Those who have no faith in themselves will take the easy way out and dive to get a foul awarded, because they either don't want to fight, or don't believe they can win. They'd rather make a "victim" out of themselves than take the chance and keep the game going or score. That's something to think about. That's loser's mentality. Nothing hateful about saying that.

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