How many videos would like us to post of him not drawing any defenders except his one marking man, fumbling the ball and losing it. Or, more often, just fudging in front of goal. You can't just post one video and expect to warrant your argument wholly.
I just hope they're just being gentlemen in front of the press and not going public with what their actual thoughts are. Because if this is really what the coaching staff thinks, Alexis not finishing suddenly seems like a lesser problem in the grand scheme of things.
Do you honestly think the coaches should come out and rip him apart in front of the world? I'm sure that would do wonders for his confidence
Don't worry, he'll score an absolute Golazo against RM in the CDR and then we'll hear how the sex was delivered and all that jazz
Well in that case, let's all stop underlining our points with examples. Given that this discussion has long ago been reduced to a mere exchange of opinion, examples might actually nuance the debate. Villa is a better finisher, a better passer - Alexis has better tracking back; more dynamic movement. They are not the same. Saying Villa can do what Alexis can + finish better is wrong, just as saying Alexis can do what Villa can + track back would be wrong. They are different, and so far this season, due our usage of dual attacking full-backs and the more vertical Fabregas in midfield, what Alexis offers has been called upon more often.How many videos would like us to post of him not drawing any defenders except his one marking man, fumbling the ball and losing it. Or, more often, just fudging in front of goal. You can't just post one video and expect to warrant your argument wholly.
Of course he does that, and sometimes it works. My point is that he tends to fudge simple plays more often than he's helping. Simple as that. And when you have people sitting on the bench that can do exactly what he does, except prob finish better, they need to start ahead of him.
No no no noI only said I was wondering if they think differently behind closed doors. I wouldn't want them to come out with it. I support what they're saying in public now, I just want to know if it's really so, or is it just keeping polite conversation with the media.
If we learned anything since Tito and Roura took charge then that's standardized 11 they've been using. And front 3 are Iniesta, Messi and Pedro.
Any talk of Alexis taking Villa's minutes or preferring Villa to play over Alexis is nonsense.
Actually Villa was being criticized very badly, similar to Sanchez before his injury. They were so fed up with him they really wanted to sell him. So I'm not really surprised at all of this.That is such a basic point to make. I hope i don't have explain why finishing isn't the be-all-end-all criteria for deciding who plays. For a while, Pedro wasn't scoring. Should we have given up on him? Before Villa's injury, there was a period where his finishing was off; should we have given up on him?