Alexis Sanchez


New member
The 3-4-3 only worked well because we actually could use 3 defensive players who are also good in the air : Puyol, Pique, Abidal. It's a sham now with Alba and Adriano as the replacements for Abi and Puyi.


Special 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
According to Marca he almost die in a car accident. The club tried to hide it.

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New member
Why would the club try to hide it?

Maybe he was at fault and they don't want bad rep? These things spread quickly... for example, my local media probably never ever wrote anything about Bojan Krkić, they probably didn't even know who he was until then, but when he was involved in some traffic accident in Rome, they didn't fail to mention that he was speeding in his BMW or whatever.

Unpleasant news, anyway... I'm no fan of his, but to think he could've died in a traffic accident... horrible.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
It was an irrelevant goal though, even though it was Espanyol the league was won, the team was relaxed. Hence, why Alexis performed. His point still stands that in the majority of relevant moments, Alexis has failed to impress. I'd like to see him turn it on for us like that in Europe. Aside from his two moments of glory against RM, when has he shown anything of the above gif caliber against big clubs? I'll wait....

Well, while there is some truth in what you say, when you look at this season's important matches in the CL he didn't actually play that much, let me elaborate:

Milan - Barcelona: Came on in the 62nd minute, we were losing 1-0 at that moment.
Barcelona - Milan: Came on in the 75th minute, score was 3-0 and got the final assist to make it 4-0.
PSG - Barcelona: Played the whole match and got the penalty for the transitory 1-2.
Barcelona - PSG: Didn't play.
Bayern - Barcelona: Played the whole match.
Barcelona - Bayern: Came on in the 55th minute, we were losing 0-1 at the moment.

When you look at it, he really wasn't present during most of those matches, the Allianz Arena debacle being the exception... So yeah, I absolutely agree he needs to put on class performances in Europe and be more consistent in La Liga, but he didn't really have relevant moments in which he could have impressed this season... Sure, he could have failed but the truth is that in the relevant moments the chances were given to others, disproving the theory that Tito blindly loves him and also casting a shadow of doubt on assessments like yours...

Regarding his moments of glory against RM is funny how things work... You can give a quick read at the Afellay thread and you'll see people thanking him eternally and justifying his stay at the club with a single assist against RM, yet Alexis who has had some decent performances against RM, including goals, gets his accolades dismissed... Obviously, I'm not saying that you are the one saying such things, but it's an illustration of the disparity when people in general judge a player...

Finally, this last goal may be irrelevant, but what about the other five goals and five assists in the last seven La Liga matches when the trophy wasn't secured and Messi was sidelined? Certainly, that's the least we should expect from a player of our team and clearly La Liga was almost in the bag, so it may even be an easy feat if you wish, but the fact is that he did it, it may have been just a tiny grain of sand, but it was the tiny grain of sand we needed... Don't get me wrong, Alexis better show some goddamned good displays next season, especially since Neymar is here, but just give him a tiny little bit of credit for the tiny little things he has accomplished at the club...


New member
It's said Alexis was accompanied by a team mate at the moment of the car crash. I wonder who it was...

It's great that they're both okay, I was really worried for a bit.


New member
Regarding his moments of glory against RM is funny how things work... You can give a quick read at the Afellay thread and you'll see people thanking him eternally and justifying his stay at the club with a single assist against RM, yet Alexis who has had some decent performances against RM, including goals, gets his accolades dismissed... Obviously, I'm not saying that you are the one saying such things, but it's an illustration of the disparity when people in general judge a player...

There is a big difference though. Affelay cost 3m euro where as Alexis was approx 28m plus another 10m in variables.


New member
Barca needed a useful and reliable attack player in the person of Alexis. He is a total waste of money IMO and the next huge mistake they made is not selling him right now as offers exist and Neymar comes.


New member
i think the 11 m never paid as we lost la lga and ch l.
The bonuses are based primarily on appearances. The club already paid 4M of them last summer. So as it stands, Alexis has currently cost 30M with 7M in variables still to be determined.

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