André Gomes


Senior Member
I think he was amazing and I think he's clearly a better midfielder than Denis. He is going to challenge Rakitic for a spot in our midfield 3.


Senior Member
You must have extremely low standards.

It was his second game. He was fluid and well positioned, Wha did you expect? 2 goals and 3 asist??? He has showh good understamding of our game and for the beggining this is more ok. My only concern is that he has to improve his defensive play.


He'd a decent game, that's for sure.

But then again, it was against a fucking piss poor Celtic side...

So what? Neymar and Messi are being praised for the awesome game, but for Gomes is just a poor Celtic side?


New member
Uff...considering how awful Celtic was..he had much time and space to show off, but nothing impressive came out.

Celtic weren't awful, we were just vastly superior to them, and Gomes contributed to that.

I liked him when he played DM too


New member
He didn't offer as much going forward as Denis does, there was hardly any attacking link up play, mostly sideways and backwards passing, but he was good in general.

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