André Gomes


Senior Member
It was no experiment, Busquets was ill and couldn't play anymore and Gomes was the only option Lucho had to sub him without changing the system or another player position.

DM is the only position we don't have a true backup (now it seems RB is like that as well) and we knew that before the season. We didn't have a backup RB on the bench so we could move Roberto to DM and even if Vidal would be there Lucho doesn't trust him enough. Only other two options he had were:

1. Mathieu as CB and Masche as DM. I don't think people would like Mathieu in this game (it would be different if Umtiti was available but then he would probably start so it would be Masche coming on to play as DM) and Masche is not really good as DM in our system.

2. Rakitić as DM, but he was playing really good in his position and Lucho probably didn't want to change that by moving him to DM.

Would it be better if Lucho selected one of the above mentioned options? Maybe, but I can understand Lucho's decision to sub in Gomes for Busi. He was good against Celtic when he played as DM but of course it's one thing playing against beaten Celtic side with 3+ goals difference when he came on and totally different playing against Atletico. That said, I don't think he really did something wrong, it's just that the level of the whole team droped after Busi and Messi went off (and understandable so because they are our most important players) and their level wasn't even that high before that (though I think we did play good in last 20-30 minutes of first half). It would probably be good enough to beat most of La Liga teams but not Atletico. They deserve some credit too. They didn't really play great but just did enough to get what they wanted.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
He's clearly still learning how things work and that makes him take too long to make decisions... The potential is there, especially as CM/AM...


Senior Member
He is incredibly versatile, because he has nice, solid foundations. I really really really like him a lot. He can do pretty much everything in midfield. Right now it's more about knowing when to do what. He's learning and will be a top top midfielder if he goes on like this. His workrate is great. Always covers the ground so well, moving around to create superiority or provide easy passing solutions to get out of pressure.


San Claudio Bravo
Gomes is easily the best fit of the bench midfielders. His versatility and skillset works very well interchanging with Busquets one moment, and bombing into the box for a shot or a pass the next. His familiarity with role and what the team needs from him will only continue to grow.


Active member
Its really hard to rate him really hard cant tell what kind of a player he is and if and how he will fit here :thinking:


Vice President of FC Barcelona
I like him best as a deep lying CM, not DM and IMO he doesn't have the quickness for the lack of a better word to be a advanced Iniesta type mid for us


Senior Member
he played well today.. one thing i like for sure are his off ball mouvements, he always position himself between the defensive lines which allow his teammates to find him. he s also solid and doesnt loose the ball easily.. still has to show his creativity and initiative but today.. he looked promising


Barçapocalypse NOW!
he played well today.. one thing i like for sure are his off ball mouvements, he always position himself between the defensive lines which allow his teammates to find him. he s also solid and doesnt loose the ball easily.. still has to show his creativity and initiative but today.. he looked promising

There was a moment near the 20 minute mark when he dared to go forward in two consecutive plays, in the first he hesitated a little but in the second he took a shot on target... So yeah, I want more of that, it shows that once he is confident enough he can provide alternatives to our attack... In my opinion, he is wasted as DM...


New member
Love him. Getting better and better. And very versatile and in time he will learn/adapt better off the ball for the DM position when we rest BUsi


Senior Member
There was a moment near the 20 minute mark when he dared to go forward in two consecutive plays, in the first he hesitated a little but in the second he took a shot on target... So yeah, I want more of that, it shows that once he is confident enough he can provide alternatives to our attack... In my opinion, he is wasted as DM...

Yea, I liked that. He took the right call both times imo, but the exectutions weren't the best.

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