André Gomes

Andre Gomes is a player for the purists. He is a pure controller, with an advanced intelligence quotient. He is quite simply a great choice for a midfielder.


Active member
Barcelona is extremely difficult club to adapt to and many players never manage to do it, while others take a long time for it. It is equally bad saying that he is gonna be a massive success for us as it is to say he will be a total flop. But what is a fact is that he is among many young talents we recruited this summer and club obviously sees him playing a big role in the future of our midfield. Sooner rather than later the last of the old guard of our most successful generation have declined and/or retired and we need new players stepping up. What Gomes needs is time and patience from the supporters and ability to look beyond the numbers behind his transfer. It is great that younger players like him have a chance of playing with legends like Messi, Iniesta, Busi, Pique, Masch and i truly hope he will take most of this experience. I absolutely despise fans who turn into insulting the players after such a short time, feels like half of fanbase consists of 12 year olds who have absolutely no respect towards this club and its players. At times i honestly hope we face another long period of getting no trophies, so the gloryhunters go and find another club and air can clear a bit.


Staff member
Barcelona is extremely difficult club to adapt to and many players never manage to do it, while others take a long time for it. It is equally bad saying that he is gonna be a massive success for us as it is to say he will be a total flop. But what is a fact is that he is among many young talents we recruited this summer and club obviously sees him playing a big role in the future of our midfield. Sooner rather than later the last of the old guard of our most successful generation have declined and/or retired and we need new players stepping up. What Gomes needs is time and patience from the supporters and ability to look beyond the numbers behind his transfer. It is great that younger players like him have a chance of playing with legends like Messi, Iniesta, Busi, Pique, Masch and i truly hope he will take most of this experience. I absolutely despise fans who turn into insulting the players after such a short time, feels like half of fanbase consists of 12 year olds who have absolutely no respect towards this club and its players. At times i honestly hope we face another long period of getting no trophies, so the gloryhunters go and find another club and air can clear a bit.

Thanx for the lesson.
What I absolutely despise are fans who jump on any new shining toy and throw legends under the bus.
And before expensive shiny toys I will always pick home boys who stayed on here fighting to break in and ignoring epl poachers who seduce kids from our academy.

And don't put Gomes or any new signing in equal sign with Barca. They are guys who are yet to prove something and first step will be not to look lazy and to work hard on the pitch.
Also, trust is something you earn not something one gives away.

You can save holierthanthou attitude as well. Many of us have been following the club since Cruyff managed the team and this forum, in fact, was made before pep's success after which bandwagonners and hipsters hopped in.


Active member
Thanx for the lesson.
What I absolutely despise are fans who jump on any new shining toy and throw legends under the bus.
And before expensive shiny toys I will always pick home boys who stayed on here fighting to break in and ignoring epl poachers who seduce kids from our academy.

And don't put Gomes or any new signing in equal sign with Barca. They are guys who are yet to prove something and first step will be not to look lazy and to work hard on the pitch.
Also, trust is something you earn not something one gives away.

You can save holierthanthou attitude as well. Many of us have been following the club since Cruyff managed the team and this forum, in fact, was made before pep's success after which bandwagonners and hipsters hopped in.

Respecting players goes for both new and old players, but overall the attitude of not shitting in your old well before the new one is ready makes sense. Also picking home boys is all nice if it is not the case that the homeboys are just leftovers. Messi generation can easily be once in a lifetime La Masia success-story not to be repeated in 40 years, blindly always using homegrown players is a nice ideal (and i would love this club if it did that), but then the expectations for the club should be also lower.
One cannot simply suggest Barcelona to remain top 3 club in the world based on own youth and avoid spending. Also it is not players fault that club has made a bid on them, how they handle the pressure, time will tell.
As for the last part, i dont even mind the bandwagoners, as many of them can turn into lifelong fans, hey i was a bandwagoner 20+ years ago, what i do mind is immature insulting.

God Serena

New member
I absolutely despise fans who turn into insulting the players after such a short time, feels like half of fanbase consists of 12 year olds who have absolutely no respect towards this club and its players. At times i honestly hope we face another long period of getting no trophies, so the gloryhunters go and find another club and air can clear a bit.

You'd rather have no trophies just so you don't have to deal with people insulting your favorite new players on the internet? How fucking special are you? Unfortunately, you'll find this is a thing across the board in football, so you'll really just end up with no trophies. And that's if these so called "gloryhunters" are even going to leave if we don't win trophies. I'm sure I count as one of those fans you "absolutely despise" and I can promise you I'd still be here if we went trophyless, because I stuck around when we were going trophyless.

Hop off your damn high horse, nobody's impressed.


Active member
You'd rather have no trophies just so you don't have to deal with people insulting your favorite new players on the internet? How fucking special are you? Unfortunately, you'll find this is a thing across the board in football, so you'll really just end up with no trophies. And that's if these so called "gloryhunters" are even going to leave if we don't win trophies. I'm sure I count as one of those fans you "absolutely despise" and I can promise you I'd still be here if we went trophyless, because I stuck around when we were going trophyless.

Hop off your damn high horse, nobody's impressed.

I am FC Barcelona fan, i am not a fan of individual players, in recent years though, i am totally ashamed of mentioning what my favorite club is and this is not because of the mess club has gotten into at times (although partly), but rather what kind of image Barca fans have in the community. If being trophyless means that club can get rid of some of those people, then i am gladly taking that chance, then again, i am pretty sure that it is out of the question. Looking at ManU, if club is popular it remains popular even after some generation ends.
And no i dont consider myself special in any ways, dont need to be special to dislike immature behaviour.


Senior Member
Andre Gomes is doing a lot better than i expected .. this whole "lazy thing" is a myth .. just like when Ozil was accused of being lazy at Real Madrid .. turned out that Ozil used to run more than half the team .. slow players look like they are not working hard while in fact it's just we are so used to Watch pacy players doing sprints .. Gomes run 11 Km in the champions league when he started .. that's anything but lazy.

having low expectations of him helped me a lot lol .. i think he's doing fine , at last waay better than Arda's first year

God Serena

New member
I am FC Barcelona fan, i am not a fan of individual players, in recent years though, i am totally ashamed of mentioning what my favorite club is and this is not because of the mess club has gotten into at times (although partly), but rather what kind of image Barca fans have in the community. If being trophyless means that club can get rid of some of those people, then i am gladly taking that chance, then again, i am pretty sure that it is out of the question. Looking at ManU, if club is popular it remains popular even after some generation ends.
And no i dont consider myself special in any ways, dont need to be special to dislike immature behaviour.

Name me five top flight clubs that don't have good and bad eggs, and then name me 3 CL caliber teams playing in Europe's top 5 leagues. Your problem is with the internet, not the Barca fandom.


Active member
Name me five top flight clubs that don't have good and bad eggs, and then name me 3 CL caliber teams playing in Europe's top 5 leagues. Your problem is with the internet, not the Barca fandom.

Dortmund Borussia, Atletico, even Juventus to some extent. I have been lurking around several clubforums (well englishspeaking fanforums) and i rarely see so much hate towards our own players in any forums. Talking about player weaknesses and strengths and performance is what forums are about and everyone logically has their own opinion about things, nothing bad in that. What i am talking about is literally insulting players, calling them names etc. Its disgusting


Active member
Hey, I'm looking for reasons to get enthusiastic about Gomes beyond blind hope. Yes, it is quite a challenge to play midfield up to Barca standards. No, I have not seen this level from Gomes, yet. He's been OK, which is not enough to merit much playing time for this club. Masch can play DM better than OK. Arda is at least OK at the other two midfield spots, and both Rafinha and D. Suarez have looked quite good at times. I hope Gomes beats out this competition. But my main hope is Lucho can soon see midfield play by any of the backups that is good enough to merit a lot of playing time.


Staff member
Dortmund Borussia, Atletico, even Juventus to some extent. I have been lurking around several clubforums (well englishspeaking fanforums) and i rarely see so much hate towards our own players in any forums. Talking about player weaknesses and strengths and performance is what forums are about and everyone logically has their own opinion about things, nothing bad in that. What i am talking about is literally insulting players, calling them names etc. Its disgusting

Then I call you a liar. Because if you've really been on a biggest Juve english speaking forum, you'd see downright disgusting stuff. Dont know about English speaking Atlético and Borussia forums but I do know about epl team forums and they are way worse than this one.

And btw. Who even insulted Gomes here?
Someone called him looking lazy on the pitch?


Senior Member
I hope to see him against Granada. He needs to integrate in the team, and the only way he can do that is by playing.

God Serena

New member
Dortmund Borussia, Atletico, even Juventus to some extent. I have been lurking around several clubforums (well englishspeaking fanforums) and i rarely see so much hate towards our own players in any forums. Talking about player weaknesses and strengths and performance is what forums are about and everyone logically has their own opinion about things, nothing bad in that. What i am talking about is literally insulting players, calling them names etc. Its disgusting

Not one of those teams listed fits the criteria I laid out. Not even one. Atletico? Juventus? These fans are all good and don't insult their own players? :lol:

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