André Gomes


Senior Member
Rubbish. Barca were starting to play the new system under Lucho when Rakitic came and the club struggled until January.
Rakitic was Sevilla best player and leader. What has Gomes done?
Also, Rakitic was expected to click in best midfield in history. He adapted and sacrificed to play in defensive role.

Gomes is being pampered and can't even impose himself ahead of Denis and Rafinha. Nevermind dreaming of effectively relieve Iniesta. Something Rakitic did with Xavi and to great success.

It's still early but there is absolutely nothing warranting jumping on a Gomes wagon.

Who's jumping on Gomes wagon? All people want is playing time for a promosing young player who we bought for 35m. + addons. Logical.

Denis shouldn't be playing ahead of Gomes in midfield. Gomes never had a game as worse as Denis' performance last night. Sport showed a report last night where he had 9 lost balls, 1 ball won, 0 key passes, 0 assists, 0 crosses and 0 shots. Yes, I see more potential in Gomes at CM and I'd rather give him more minutes.

"Nevermind dreaming of effectively relieve Iniesta. Something Rakitic did with Xavi and to great success". You're crazy if you think Rakitic replaced Xavi. Xavi's influence in controling games has been (forcefully) traded for MSN's speed in the last 3rd. Not by Rakitic, who's stats regarding key passes and assists in his time at Barcelona are nothing special. Great credit for him being a workhorse and for scoring some important goals out of the blue for us, but man you're overrating Rakitic big time. He is far from being a complete midfielder. The reason he played and still plays so much is that his strenghts are needed to compensate for having 3 players who don't defend much. Rakitic was starting to be very useful when Messi moved on the right.
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Senior Member
Who's jumping on Gomes wagon? All people want is playing time for a promosing young player who we bought for 35m. + addons. Logical.

Denis shouldn't be playing ahead of Gomes in midfield. Gomes never had a game as worse as Denis' performance last night. Sport showed a report last night where he had 9 lost balls, 1 ball won, 0 key passes, 0 assists, 0 crosses and 0 shots. Yes, I see more potential in Gomes at CM and I'd rather give him more minutes.

"Nevermind dreaming of effectively relieve Iniesta. Something Rakitic did with Xavi and to great success". You're crazy if you think Rakitic replaced Xavi. Xavi's influence in controling games has been (forcefully) traded for MSN's speed in the last 3rd. Not by Rakitic, who's stats regarding key passes and assists in his time at Barcelona are nothing special. Great credit for him being a workhorse and for scoring some important goals out of the blue for us, but man you're overrating Rakitic big time. He is far from being a complete midfielder. The reason he played and still plays so much is that his strenghts are needed to compensate for having 3 players who don't defend much.

Rakitic was our best midfielder last year by far! You are underrating him for sure.
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Staff member
Yep. Rakitic replaced Xavi in Lucho's system and was instrumental in winning the treble.

Do mock some more how he didn't even start El Clasico which we lost at Barnabeu.


Senior Member
Yep. Rakitic replaced Xavi in Lucho's system and was instrumental in winning the treble.

Do mock some more how he didn't even start El Clasico which we lost at Barnabeu.

Not playing the clasico when Jombi said he was such a great player from the start is odd. That was basically the 2nd most important game in the first part of the season. And he was a sub. He was also a sub in the Camp Nou decisive game against PSG in the CL Group Stage (3-1), another key game in the first part of the season. And if I look more, I bet I'll find another big games where he was on the bench, during the period he was supposedly amazing. Proof that he wasn't such a world beater from the start as some try to say, but that he grew in confidence once the season progressed and the team, as a unit, got in full form.

To end this, Rakitic is a very good player if you know how to use him, but with plenty of problems of his own, and not managing to create enough going forward was and still is one of them. But when I see posts like Jombi's who says he is much better than X or Y, even though there are areas in his game where he is clearly NOT superior to said players, of course I react.
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Staff member
You are the guy that threw Lucho under the bus after 2 months so you shouldn't really be talking about giving anyone more time let alone attack others for not jumping on Gomes wagon.

You don't even remember that we lost the first El Clasico without Rakitic and that everyone regreted he didn't start.


Senior Member
You are the guy that threw Lucho under the bus after 2 months so you shouldn't really be talking about giving anyone more time let alone attack others for not jumping on Gomes wagon.

You don't even remember that we lost the first El Clasico without Rakitic and that everyone regreted he didn't start.

"Threw Lucho under the bus"? More or less everybody did it, bar a few guys. There were talks about him being in trouble if he would've lost the Atletico game on Camp Nou. And that was for a reason. So try harder trying to discredit me.

Everybody regreted he didn't start? Well, he started against PSG, 2-3, and maybe he didn't start another big game vs Madrid because he was pretty shit against PSG on Parc des Princes.


New member
Not playing the clasico when Jombi said he was such a great player from the start is odd. That was basically the 2nd most important game in the first part of the season. And he was a sub. He was also a sub in the Camp Nou decisive game against PSG in the CL Group Stage (3-1), another key game in the first part of the season. And if I look more, I bet I'll find another big games where he was on the bench. Proof that he wasn't such a world beater from the start as some try to say.

He was good, but with plenty of problems of his own, and not managing to create enough going forward was and still is one of them. Rakitic is a very good player if you admit both his strenghts and his weaknesses. But when I see posts like Jombi's who says he is much better than X or Y, althoght there are areas in his game where he is clearly NOT, of course I react.

There is nothing odd about starting a legend like Xavi in a clasico over a newcomer! Thats not proof of Rakitic being bad at all.

There is also nothing odd about saying Messi is better than Dzeko, just because Dzeko or some other player is better in some areas of the game!


Senior Member
There is nothing odd about starting a legend like Xavi in a clasico over a newcomer!

There is also nothing odd about saying Messi is better than Dzeko, just because Dzeko or some other player is better in some areas of the game!

Well, depends on how important these areas are. Arda Turan for example is a better playmaker than Rakitic. He dribbles better, he passes better in short spaces, in short, he's more of a creator. If you need a no 10, and you have to choose between Turan and Rakitic, you would be crazy to pick Rakitic, simply because the position needs a set of skills that is more present in Turan, than in Rakitic. The same for a CM with defensive roles, you'd be crazy to pick Turan over Rakitic.

Rakitic is not better than Turan period. That is a wrong statement. He is better or worse depending on where you use him and what do you ask of him.
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New member
Well, depends on how important these areas are. Arda Turan for example is a better playmaker than Rakitic. He dribbles better, he passes better in short spaces, in short, he's more of a creator. If you need a no 10, and you have to choose between Turan and Rakitic, you would be crazy to pick Rakitic.

lol, whatever you say.


New member
Denis and Rafa started yesterday because Gomes will start vs City and Sevilla. Calm down. He is our best mf after Don and Raki.


Senior Member
He plays like he did in Valencia.

Probably played better at Valenica.

Same with Paco, but we just have to be patient!


Ironic because in the same page you made this post you made another one saying you would have liked to see Gomes play vs Granada. So quickly to write him off eh?

And it's hilarious you are so mad over Paco that you resort to spamming the Gomes thread with your whining. :lol:
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Senior Member
Maybe you should ask yourself why Turan was wearing 10 on the back of his shirt at Galatasaray, Turkey NT, and Atletico. Who wears 10 in football?

If this is your strongest argument than please don't continue with this debate any more. Number you wear has nothing to do with your passing skills.

Rakitic is better all round player and clearly better midfielder than Arda. He had more asists and goals than Arda in every single season in Spain not to mention his ability to convert from AM he played in Sevilla to CM he plays today, not to mention power of his shot etc. For example in year 2013/2014 he had 12 goal and 12 asists for Sevilla! Arda only dribbles better than him and that is basically it. But I honestly don't know why we are debating about Arda and Rakitic, they are both great players, my concerns are more if Gomes and Denis will prove of beeing worthy to wear a Barca shirt.

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