Andres Iniesta


Staff member
Why would a notion of selling Iniesta be so outlandish? We sold former Balon d'Ors Rivaldo and Ronaldinho. Pep left himself when he saw he couldn't play at top level anymore.
Still, I am against sale as we don't have a successor and because of transfer ban.
Those 2 facts don't help Iniesta's motivation though.


New member
We sold ronaldinho because not only because of his downward spiral but also because Messi was ready to take over, the only person currently close to replacing Iniesta or Xavi is rafinha and he's not ready yet. I dont count samper cause Lucho wants him as a pivot.


I wouldn't sell him yet. But I think his succesor should had been brought this past summer.


San Claudio Bravo
Well talks of selling are a bit exaggerated, but anyone who's not at least half a bit concerned about Iniesta is really naive or exceedingly optimistic. He's always had to deal with injuries and he's getting older, plus he had an average season last year and has not had a good one this year, even before getting injured.

Safe to say, right now at least, the Iniesta we saw vs PSG is not the Iniesta we can get when he's fully healthy and has some matches under his belt for rhythm, but his future should be very much concerning for us fans and for the club. I also think his game will not age as well as Xavi's.


Active member
PLayers age and decline.Iniesta has not been the old iniesta for a very long time now.Its no shame admitting that he is declining.He still is one of the top midfielders in the world.But selling?Seriously?


President of FC Barcelona
The last year has been difficult for him. Both on the field and off field, however I think it's crazy to suggest selling him, what's up with people, are you so ficke that you can't give a player who has given everything to the team and club for so many years the benefit of doubt?

Not saying he will remain the same old Don forever and that we shouldn't look for a replacement and slowly replace him in the upcoming years, but the sell and finished talks.

His form has been worrying, but I think he'll get back to great again or atleast I really hope so.


Senior Member
Why would a notion of selling Iniesta be so outlandish?

Because people don't picture or imagine Iniesta somewhere else other than the green grass on Camp Nou, playing against 99.000 and wearing blaugrana...

...with QATAR AIRWAYS on his chest.

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