Antoine Griezmann


Active member
He is a huge upgrade on Coutinho. Coutinho was lost in every zone. At least Griezmann always brings valuable defending to his team. He is a great team player.

On this team, Greizmann's defense is crucial. His work rate is so high, he's going to have to get some games off. I know it is not popular to say anything good about Rakitic these days, but on defense, Rak is a considerable upgrade on the likes of Arthur.

Fati shows fine energy on defense, though he has a lot to learn about retaining possession in the defensive end.


New member
So far he's had to play with donkey Suarez and two kids up front, he still hasn't been bad at all.

Would like to wait a few games with Griezmann-Suarez-Messi or Dembele-Greizmann-Messi before we make proper judgements.


Senior Member
It's too early to judge his performances in my opinion. Rarely does a new player reach his top level in a new club. On top of that, he has to play out of position, in a dysfunctional system and without the team's best player.
I do believe our attack will get better. We need a pacy winger to be on the pitch for this to happen though.
The midfield until now has improved immensely.
The only real issue, which I don't think will improve much, is our defensive errors.


It's too early to judge his performances in my opinion. Rarely does a new player reach his top level in a new club.

Early to judge his performances, true. But easy to judge his actual character as a player, which most definitely doesn't fit into the present lineup - until Messi is playing.

He will soon become Coutinho No.-2 and it's not his fault, although I see no professional reasons for his delayed move to Barcelona.
He was the No.1 striker and creator in a good team, why had he give it up for a pool of uncertainty? It remains his secret.


Senior Member
He should have stayed in Atletico.
What was he thinking joining Barcelona?

These are the bad decisions we make in life
Even without scoring or even having shots on goal (because of clueless Valverde) he is still extremely useful.
He presses like crazy and his first touch and passing skill allow him to make combinations. It's just a matter of time now that Messi is back to see him in more advanced positions. We have smart players, they will figure out how to play, even with Valverde "tactics".


Senior Member
It's too early to judge his performances in my opinion. Rarely does a new player reach his top level in a new club. On top of that, he has to play out of position, in a dysfunctional system and without the team's best player.
I do believe our attack will get better. We need a pacy winger to be on the pitch for this to happen though.
The midfield until now has improved immensely.
The only real issue, which I don't think will improve much, is our defensive errors.

I don't see in which lineup Griezmann will offer more than even sloppy Suarez.
With Suarez-Messi, we will at least win La Liga and suck in a CL.

Griezz as a no9 for us imo is a horrible idea, it will never work in terms of results (long term. He will be good in a random match here and there).
So, Messi-Suarez duo beats everything.
Messi-Griezz won't work.
Griezz-Suarez-Messi is like Cou No2.

Even without scoring or even having shots on goal (because of clueless Valverde) he is still extremely useful.
He presses like crazy and his first touch and passing skill allow him to make combinations. It's just a matter of time now that Messi is back to see him in more advanced positions. We have smart players, they will figure out how to play, even with Valverde "tactics".

I see that some other users are mentioning clueless Valverde regarding Griezz.
What is EV supposed to do? I guess: drop Suarez and play Griezz as a No9.
Lol, an awesome idea. If we want to fight with RM who will be a bigger shit in terms of results and whether we can drop to lower than the 4th spot.

Iirc, he played 9 matches till now (4 in a preseason and 5 official matches for us).
He scored 1-2 goals vs Napoli in 4:0 and 2 goals vs Betis in a 5:2.
In other 7 matches: nothing, a ghost who is only running and pressing.

I mean, running and pressing is nice.
But now we have Arthur who runs and presses. Frenkie who does the same. Griezz who does the same.
But now we will need some guys who will actually dribble, create, shoot and score consistently.
The only two guys who can do that are Messi and Suarez.
Yet, people want to get rid of even Suarez.

What is our ultimate goal?
To score goals and win matches or to run and press around the field?
I know, if we don't press, we want have possession and we won't get into chances to score.
But it works both ways, if we will just run and press, WHO will shoot and score?

I have no idea how will Griezz fit while Messi is here.
He could work when Messi will be gone, but it seems that our team always works the best when we have 2 classical wingers (Crujff, Rijkaard, Pep, Lucho).
So, since Griezz is not a winger and he is a shitty No9, I already don't see where he will play.
The only option is a sub attacker and maybe CAM.

We bought 2 Coutinhos in the last 2 years.
Let's hope that the next attackers whom we will buy will be: a true No9 and a true winger (better in skills than Malcom and better in IQ than Dembele).

** Griezmann 5 dribbles in 450 minutes.
Dani Olmo 9 dribbles alone in 1 CL match.
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New member
I mean, running and pressing is nice.
But now we have Arthur who runs and presses. Frenkie who does the same. Griezz who does the same.
But now we will need some guys who will actually dribble, create, shoot and score consistently.
The only two guys who can do that are Messi and Suarez.
Yet, people want to get rid of even Suarez.

BBZ, the forum's ultimate chameleon at it again.

So now you're criticizing players who run and press? What happened to your workhorse theory?

As for dribbling and creating, Arthur and De Jong dribble and create plenty. Dribbling past players and carrying the ball forward is literally one of their best attributes as players. We need movement up front, without movement our midfield suffers.

It's also immensely counter productive to fault Griezmann for working hard off the ball as well. We need players like him, especially in the latter stages of the Champions League.
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Senior Member
A bit soon to draw conclusions. I still think Griezmanns success is largely down to his connection with Messi. Dembele/Fati-Griezmann-Messi + Suarez as an impact sub can work for a season. Im not the biggest fan of Griezmann on the left, which seems to be his intended position. Would be quite the thing if he fails here after half the forum questioned his position - would speak volumes about our technical stuff (and Valverde?).

Ah, and all aboard the Olmo hype train.


Well-known member
I don't see in which lineup Griezmann will offer more than even sloppy Suarez.
With Suarez-Messi, we will at least win La Liga and suck in a CL.

Griezz as a no9 for us imo is a horrible idea, it will never work in terms of results (long term. He will be good in a random match here and there).
So, Messi-Suarez duo beats everything.
Messi-Griezz won't work.
Griezz-Suarez-Messi is like Cou No2.

I see that some other users are mentioning clueless Valverde regarding Griezz.
What is EV supposed to do? I guess: drop Suarez and play Griezz as a No9.
Lol, an awesome idea. If we want to fight with RM who will be a bigger shit in terms of results and whether we can drop to lower than the 4th spot.

Iirc, he played 9 matches till now (4 in a preseason and 5 official matches for us).
He scored 1-2 goals vs Napoli in 4:0 and 2 goals vs Betis in a 5:2.
In other 7 matches: nothing, a ghost who is only running and pressing.

I mean, running and pressing is nice.
But now we have Arthur who runs and presses. Frenkie who does the same. Griezz who does the same.
But now we will need some guys who will actually dribble, create, shoot and score consistently.
The only two guys who can do that are Messi and Suarez.
Yet, people want to get rid of even Suarez.

What is our ultimate goal?
To score goals and win matches or to run and press around the field?
I know, if we don't press, we want have possession and we won't get into chances to score.
But it works both ways, if we will just run and press, WHO will shoot and score?

I have no idea how will Griezz fit while Messi is here.
He could work when Messi will be gone, but it seems that our team always works the best when we have 2 classical wingers (Crujff, Rijkaard, Pep, Lucho).
So, since Griezz is not a winger and he is a shitty No9, I already don't see where he will play.
The only option is a sub attacker and maybe CAM.

We bought 2 Coutinhos in the last 2 years.
Let's hope that the next attackers whom we will buy will be: a true No9 and a true winger (better in skills than Malcom and better in IQ than Dembele).

** Griezmann 5 dribbles in 450 minutes.
Dani Olmo 9 dribbles alone in 1 CL match.

I thought you liked work horses. Griezmann is a perfect example.


Senior Member
BBZ, the forum's ultimate chameleon at it again.

So now you're criticizing players who run and press? What happened to your workhorse theory?

As for dribbling and creating, Arthur and De Jong dribble and create plenty. Dribbling past players and carrying the ball forward is literally one of their best attributes as players. We need movement up front, without movement our midfield suffers.

It's also immensely counter productive to fault Griezmann for working hard off the ball as well. We need players like him, especially in the latter stages of the Champions League.

I thought you liked work horses. Griezmann is a perfect example.

My workhorse-love theory came as a response to 3 short midfielders style, which I hate.
So, for me: 3 light midfielders is the worse option and it can work only if you have Xavi-Iniesta and IN THE MOMENT when the opponents haven't figured out TikiTaka.
Since we will never have Xavi-Iniesta again and the opponents will never be as shocked as back then, that will never repeat.

In that sense, I have said something like:
1 workhorse and 2 light midfielders is a better option that 3 light midfielders.
But also, we (me too) have figured out over time that 3 workhorses suck.
So, 3 light midfielders suck in Europe.
But so do 3 workhorses.
So, the answer is somewhere in between.

Then, lately we have another problem, similar to light midfielders vs workhorses.
We can't have all players who are shooting and dribbling and where no one is working for the team.
But also, we can't have ALL players who are only working and running and where no one is dribbling and shooting.

In that sense, Frenkie is a deep lying pivot, who is moving a ball forward. Which is awesome.
And even though he can pass and shoot here and there in the attacking 3rd, he is not a natural CAM or similar type of a player.
Arthur even less, even though he will also create and shoot here and there.
Now, if you look at a bigger picture, and if you want Frenkie and Arthur as starters, those 2 would fit the best with the 3rd guy like Coutinho, Donny VDBeek or a new kid Dani Olmo and similar.
Someone who has dribbles, assists and shooting in his blood.
Not only that we don't have that, and a 3rd guy is currently another workhorse Roberto or another pivot Busi, but now we even have a workhorse attacker in Griezmann.

In a current midfield with Frenkie-Arthur, imo, Griezz doesn't make sense.
We have enough of possession and running from Arthur and Frenkie, and the most needed skill in attack is actual pace/getting into chances/dribbling and shooting.
Griezz seems like another misfit who could work in some weird 442 and not in 433 and especially not in 433 where Messi is also a hybrid RW-CAM.

Griezz could probably work the best in some weird 442 where we would have No9 Suarez and Griezz as silent striker, and then let's say Dembele on the right flank as a Rm, and Alba as a LB behind Griezz.
Plus Arthur-Frenkie and the 3rd guy in midfield.
So, imo:
1. Griezz is not a winger
2. further, he sucks without a true no9, he needs someone like Suarez, Giroud or Diego Costa in the box.
That means that Griezz can't play instead of Suarez but only WITH him.
And that means that Griezz is a LW, and since we already have Messi as a RW who is not a RW, that means that we are turning into a Christmas tree 433 which is actually a 4321 with no wings, no pace and where we have 5 creators in the middle (Busi, Arthur, Frenkie, Messi, Griezz) and only 2 players who are willing to shoot in Messi and Suarez.

Anyway, regarding light midfielders/workhorses, try to look at a bigger picture.
Again, I am a fan of workhorses, but I wouldn't play 3 workhorse midfielders, because we would lack creation.
Further, 3 workhorses midfielders and 3 workhorse attackers would work probably only against Liverpool.
But in other 59 matches during season, that combination is too sterile and we need a balance (more shooting and creativity in attack, in this case).
That means: some more technical midfielders, some workhorses, some workhorse attackers, some attackers who will finish those chances etc.
For years, we always had too much of technique and creation and not enough workhorses and physique.
This year it is the opposite. We now have too many workhorses and not enough brave dribblers in the attacking 3rd and finishers.

In this moment, we lack:
1. a 3rd, CAM-ish type of a guy to compliment pivot Frenkie and a CM Arthur
2. at least one true, fast winger
3. one more attacker who is willing to shoot and score and not to pass all the time. I personally see Griezz more as a passer/creator attacker than as a clinical finisher.
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