Arda Turan


I'm a Fenerbahçe fan so I don't "love" Arda although I don't hate him. I just wanted to set expectations here since I know Arda as a footballer more than anyone here, probably. I guess most of the criticism comes from the fact that Barça has spent €41M to get a 28-year old midfielder (29 now) who will never be an Iniesta.

Bad news first, he won't be much improved next season in this system. Arda is definetely the second best midfielder in Barça but he needs the ball and a lot more freedom. I'm 100% sure he plays this way because Luis Enrique assigned him particularly this role. I don't think Enrique will change the whole system because of Arda. Simply, he's not a very good fit for that role and I don't believe Enrique wanted him for this role. I believe the transfer was an investment for the presidential race. Like I said before although he's the second best midfielder and the third most creative player in the team, in this system with the MSN, I simply cannot see a role for him to shine. Actually no creative midfielder can shine in Barça as far as changing the scoresheet goes.

He'll do OK as a sub for Iniesta and Rakitic but that's all. What Barça needed was a true midfielder who could play both ends of the floor equally well. Arda will do the job as a sub but that won' justify the €41M price tag.

As for his "short passing range" and "through ball" comments, it couldn't be more far from the truth. His passing range is great and he's very good at through balls. He only has two weaknesses. He lacks the speed of a true winger to run with the ball in the open space and his fitness can be a problem if he starts to play 90 minutes every 3-4 days.

Individually Arda justfies €41M price tag. However, not for Barcelona. Still his stats will be greater than other midfielders in the team but you won't find that enough, rightfully so.


New member
He wanted to stop a potentially dangerous attack from Arsenal, I was happy when he got the yellow, shows he puts the team's success above his own.


Previously known as Mehssi
Patience. We'll see how he turns out next season. At this moment he could do much better but he isn't a liability either.

If he wants to get more important game time he will need to step up though.

Why next season ? he's not a prospect, next season he'll be 30.

He needs to step up, and turn out, NOW :)


Why next season ? he's not a prospect, next season he'll be 30.

He needs to step up, and turn out, NOW :)

True, but we are doing fine as it is. We don't rely on Turan. If Turan keeps on playing the way he is, all that is going to happen is that he will end up behind Iniesta, Rakitic, and Roberto in the pecking order.


Senior Member
I like his fighting spirit and aggressivness. And as Darko mentioned, I was also totally ok with his YC yesterday as he stopped a dangerous attack.


New member
He's playing exactly as I expected him to, even though I got a lot of criticism for it at first. People simply had far too high expectations, claiming he was "world class" without realizing he was simply a cog in the wheel at Atletico. He'll be a decent squad player.


New member
he didn't even grab his shirt

So what? He got a yellow and a free kick for Arsenal in a dangerous spot. He gets a yellow almost in every game he plays in a stark contrast to the rest of the team. I think we have differing ideas about what a "fighting spirit" should look like.
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Previously known as Mehssi
True, but we are doing fine as it is. We don't rely on Turan. If Turan keeps on playing the way he is, all that is going to happen is that he will end up behind Iniesta, Rakitic, and Roberto in the pecking order.

40M well spent then :/

God Serena

New member
I like his fighting spirit and aggressivness. And as Darko mentioned, I was also totally ok with his YC yesterday as he stopped a dangerous attack.

The FK Alexis took was much more dangerous than the attack he stopped.

Arda is definetely the second best midfielder in Barça

No. I can off the top of my head think of five midfielders who are better, and one of them isn't even getting the green light to play until this weekend.


This thread reminds me of Rakitic's, in his 1st 6 months playing here. Raki was labeled as not good enough for a sub by many, a downgrade on cesc(!!!), that we'd never win the league with Raki as a starting midfielder... look at him now. No midfielder will make an instant impact in a team like Barça. And training is different from playing.


New member
He will come to his own in time , been watching him for awhile he won't stay under anyone's shadow, i am sure he will come good....


New member
Arda is going to have it harder to adjust to Barça than Rakitic. He started playing in the second half of the season where there is more at stake and there's going to be much less patience to keep him on the pitch if he doesn't deliver. Also, he does not appear to be as bright as Raki. I don't think he'll get to a starter position this season. But I hope he'll prove me wrong.

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