Arda Turan


Staff member
If I'm being honest I'll say that I better understand the flaws he was sometimes accused of having at Atletico. His small passing range and action radius means that he often can go missing from a game in terms of personal impact. It's like every time he gets the ball he holds himself to a very small space to operate in. You'll never see him be the 'center' of a transition play the way Iniesta and Roberto often do. Rakitic doesn't all that often but he has the movement and passing range to make up for it. Our play is never suffocated by Rakitic or the other midfielders the way it is with Arda because they make the game open.

I really like Arda's skill and technique which is why it's hard to admit that he often plays like a passenger during our games, sort of like if Pedro were in midfield. He fits in and doesn't make notable errors or anything but he doesn't manage to contribute a lot. Our midfielders don't necessarily need to be dynamic but he's really the antithesis of it. I don't even know if it's an improvable criticism because it's just so innately built into how he plays.

He is very impressive defensively though, puts in a great shift.

It basically boils down to what he said about not liking to run.

God Serena

New member
I have read some comments in this thread and it seems Barcelona fans are Messied up in appreciating a player's abilities.

Nothing says "I have no idea what I'm talking about but hey, I'm arguing with Barca fans!" more than making comments like this.

As a newcoming midfielder in Barcelona, what are you supposed to do? Score three goals in a match? Do three assists in a match? Steal all balls of your opponent?

Do any of Iniesta, Rakitic, Roberto, or Busquets do anything close to this? Or perhaps you think we aren't satisfied with any of them, either?

I don't see why you understate Turan's contribution that much. He steps everywhere on the right flank of the pitch. He is always available when a player looks to pass. His pass percentage is no less than Barcelona average. He is an active defender and he steals balls in the box, no penalties yet. He continuously presses while defending.

He's a hard worker defensively but adds little to our midfield from what I can see. We see great passes and dribbles coming from our other midfielders + Messi constantly, and the "He's good defensively" argument holds little weight for me, as Roberto and Rakitic are also quite defensive. Rakitic when he first came was a huge addition to our midfield and even had game saving tackles. Roberto is so solid defensively that he can play as an actual defender.

The thing that your eye catches, he is not passing through balls. Is this everything in football? A player plays a perfect game, but nooooo.... He is not an expert in through balls so let's judge him.

That's one of the main issues people had with Sergi Roberto the first year or two after he was promoted. Passing is pretty damn important when you play for Barca. And no, it's not just through balls.

Iniesta 32 matches 1 goal 3 assists
Rakitic 44 matches 6 goals 4 assists
Turan 15 matches 2 goals 4 assists

If anything this is proof that stats don't mean Jack's hit. Turan has much better stats than Iniesta but not a single person would bench Iniesta for Arda because he has more goals and assists in less than half the games.

I know someone will say statistics doesn't prove anything, I agree.

Then why bring them up in the first place?

But cut that player some slack.


From a Liverpool fan.

Welcome to the forum! :emotions16:


Senior Member
Nothing says "I have no idea what I'm talking about but hey, I'm arguing with Barca fans!" more than making comments like this.

Do any of Iniesta, Rakitic, Roberto, or Busquets do anything close to this? Or perhaps you think we aren't satisfied with any of them, either?

He's a hard worker defensively but adds little to our midfield from what I can see. We see great passes and dribbles coming from our other midfielders + Messi constantly, and the "He's good defensively" argument holds little weight for me, as Roberto and Rakitic are also quite defensive. Rakitic when he first came was a huge addition to our midfield and even had game saving tackles. Roberto is so solid defensively that he can play as an actual defender.

That's one of the main issues people had with Sergi Roberto the first year or two after he was promoted. Passing is pretty damn important when you play for Barca. And no, it's not just through balls.

If anything this is proof that stats don't mean Jack's hit. Turan has much better stats than Iniesta but not a single person would bench Iniesta for Arda because he has more goals and assists in less than half the games.

Then why bring them up in the first place?


Welcome to the forum! :emotions16:

you basically butchered whoever you were quoting


New member
He can definitely improve offensively. There was a few times where he got the ball in a great offensive position, one time right outside the box, and he just he was too nervous to try something or just didn't know what to do. The crowd made a big sigh on that latter occasion lol The work rate is there although he starts to get tired around 65 mins or so (that will improve with more match fitness I think) and defensively he's been very good, especially yesterday.

excatly.. but he will win his tensennes soon...


New member
Statistics are for people that don't watch football.

No one is saying stats are the end all be all. It's just that Arda has gotten results despite not really impressing with any flash. This is a good sign because if he didn't get any goals+assists then he would be at risky for heavy flop status.


Patience. We'll see how he turns out next season. At this moment he could do much better but he isn't a liability either.

If he wants to get more important game time he will need to step up though.

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