Arda Turan


New member
Not that it would make any sense, but I think they would sooner let us register a player if it was someone completely new, and not Turan.

Depends on how you look at it really. What this should be is allowing us to register a player before the January transfer window, due to injury circumstances, and in that case, it would be logical for them to allow it. But I'm afraid it will be seen as allowing us to register a player after the summer transfer window. Because it's Turan, and because it's only September.

Also, keep in mind that players like Turan wouldn't have been available for sale mid-season, so allowing us to register him now after buying him in the summer window would be screwing with the system.


New member
The way I see it, and I assume how FIFA will see it is like this. Yes, the ban was only for two windows, which has now passed. However, Turan and Vidal were added during that two-window ban, and cannot be registered because of it.

Allowing us to register either would not fit with that ruling.

The two processes of signing a player for the club and registering a player for a competition has no relation what so ever, so I can't follow that logic of yours at all.


Senior Member
If the spanish fa is happy for it to happen why isnt bartomeu an co ringing around all the fifa president candidates to see if they are happy for it to go ahead surely when elected president they could rescind any punishment fifa might hit us with


Honestly, just having a members card doesn't prove anything to me.
He might as well be every club's high member just for the sake of maintaining relations with FIFA.

Well, he's not. Only rm's. You can search and you won't find any other club he's a member of. And if you look at his Twitter account, you'll see some tweets about being a rm soci. And how he's a rm fan since he was a kid.

That quote about Messi and cr is what prompted he re-opening of bdor votes back then. It could very well been done with that purpose.


You're welcome
Well, he's not. Only rm's. You can search and you won't find any other club he's a member of. And if you look at his Twitter account, you'll see some tweets about being a rm soci. And how he's a rm fan since he was a kid.

That quote about Messi and cr is what prompted he re-opening of bdor votes back then. It could very well been done with that purpose.

Thanks for the elaboration. Makes sense then.

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