Excess production of stomach acid an ineffective lower esophagal sphincter allowing reflux. Swallowing some antacid, careful diet solves the problem.
Yeah, BBQ with martino
Excess production of stomach acid an ineffective lower esophagal sphincter allowing reflux. Swallowing some antacid, careful diet solves the problem.
My country is not in the worldcup. But even if they had qualified i'd have still supported Argentina..![]()
The thing that is really upsetting and worrying is exactly because it has happened for a long time and nobody seems to be able to do anything about it, to cure it.
Messi and Argentina all the way.
I hope Brazil, Spain and Germany crash out of the tournament ASAP. A man can dream.
What can they do about it? He gets nervous and throws up, I don't think their is any pill to cure anxiety.
IF it is truly about anxiety. I hope they are not hiding anything more serious.
On top of his regular duties for club and country, Messi always has exceptionally busy summers. It was reported that he flew the equivalent of three times around the world doing promotional work and playing non-competitive games in the summer of 2013.
Essentially, Messi never gets a break. Such a hectic schedule may be taxing his body too much, which may contribute to the recent injuries he has suffered and these digestive complaints.
It would have be perfect for Messi and for Barca if had been able to take a full summer off, and do nothing but relax and recover, but the world cup is going to mean he's back to top top intensity, yet again.
Maybe he's pregnant with Ronaldo's love child.
Anxiety????? After like 100 finals he suddenly gets anxious? Maybe a psychologist can help him out? I think every top atlete needs some kind of coach or psychologist. Performance and belief interact. Barca should offer their players professional mental support.
anxious about the defense and midfield
Couldn't agree more. I have the higest respect for what Messi does with regard to charity, like Messi & Friends etc. But he needs to take a break, seriously.