Arjen Robben


Hopefully his team go out to a samaras or di maria dive.

If Argentina's defense plays like they did against Bosnia it will be a dive fest for Hollad

However their tackling DID improve in the next games so I will stay an optimist


New member
He's a great diver, I'll give him that. Always makes it look like it's a legit penalty when there's absolutely nothing. If this is a penalty then his balance is worse than a 12-year-old's. Should have been red carded for the countless, shameless dives he made and I hope other refs take notice.


Sir Alupp Heynrguson
Definite PK, not everyone would have gone down but Robben was fully in the right to do so, Marquez didn't touch ball.


Senior Member
Marquez is a superb footballer, but he does make bonehead decisions in the most crucial moments. Reminds me of Demi in that sense, except he's not half as good as Rafa.


New member
So every time a defender doesn't touch the ball I can just go down and it's a clear penalty? It doesn't matter whether he touched the ball, what matters is whether he hindered Robben's original intent/action and he clearly didn't; he barely touched him and Robben could have just continued.

Thank God Messi doesn't think like this or he would be labelled the diving king.

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