The Culest
Many of these recent threads just further reinforce to me how underappreciated Puyol, Pique, Busquets and later Mascherno were to the dominant Barca teams. How they were so good they could limit damage/risk from counters and even occasionally being out numbered and snuffing out others' attacks. This helped facilitate so many other players being more forward, possessing the ball, and attacking. It all had to be there for the best of the best Barca teams.
Wait a minute here you are saying Puyol, Pique, Busquets defended well without much help from the rest of the team but on the other hand you are slagging Arthur for not helping the defense? Why are our current defenders not being held to the same standard as Puyol then? And why is Arthur being held to a higher standard than the previous MFs who according to your logic didn't help Puyol and Pique much?
Seems the cognitive dissonance virus has spread through the whole of the BBZ posse