

The dressing room wants Neymar back. The dressing room is supporting Valverde. The dressing room is worried abour Arthur because he has a few kilos more. The dressing room said no to Griezmann. The dressing room does this, and that. And is for this and against that.

The 'dressing room' has serious power at a club, where the president, board and coach do the very same, on their levels. They play for their own agenda and interests.
There's nothing to wonder about that...

They want Neymar? Why would they not want him back if he is a nice funny guy, a pal and a rarely born football talent?
Don't you think the players aren't simply envy at Neymar? He left, because he had a choice, because he became the most expensive player ever.
95% of the players would have done the same in Neymar's place. They also like money and fame, when most clubs in the globe would happily fight for them.

It's just in the imagination of the fans, that they've been kissing the club's symbols day and night - with tears in their eyes...
The thing they hate the most is DEPENDENCY and they believe that despite the strange circumstances, Neymar did the right thing, because most of them would have done the same. If they could...


It wasn't the fact he left, it was how he left, how he lied about leaving and left it late then went on to sue the club. Guys a fucking cunt and snake like his entire entourage. No fucking honour just like his play acting on the field. Guys a down right fucking scum.


Well-known member
It wasn't the fact he left, it was how he left, how he lied about leaving and left it late then went on to sue the club. Guys a fucking cunt and snake like his entire entourage. No fucking honour just like his play acting on the field. Guys a down right fucking scum.

True words. You can't trust Neymar is his crew.


It wasn't the fact he left, it was how he left, how he lied about leaving and left it late then went on to sue the club. Guys a fucking cunt and snake like his entire entourage. No fucking honour just like his play acting on the field. Guys a down right fucking scum.

Your words reflect anger, which is not the best advisor, specially two years after the saga.

I do not think he lied about leaving, probably - as many sources also revealed - he simply hesitated a lot, which is understandable.
We are talking about millions and millions of bucks, that most players wouldn't even hesitate about.

Barca fans are angry with him on the emotional base, which is understandable, but as usually, money had won that battle, as it most often does.
The very fact that he hesitated a lot (regardless if he made an actual bad decision) shows that if emotional factors were the adjudge ones, he would have definitely stayed.
Alas, when speaking and making decisions about hundreds of millions, money always wins...


6racies Xavi
He was delaying not because it was a hard choice, he was delaying his transfer so he could get that loyalty bonus which the club refused to pay. And he then proceeded to sue Barcelona. Sorry but that doesn't look like someone who hesitated but rather calculated his move to maximise his profit.


He was delaying not because it was a hard choice, he was delaying his transfer so he could get that loyalty bonus which the club refused to pay. And he then proceeded to sue Barcelona. Sorry but that doesn't look like someone who hesitated but rather calculated his move to maximize his profit.

I bet he wasn't even aware of that "bonus", players usually don't get that deep into the financial details.
His lawyers and crew were the ones after the money, but that's what lawyers and advocates are payed for.

You seemingly give too much credit for a player's financial involvement...


6racies Xavi
I bet he wasn't even aware of that "bonus", players usually don't get that deep into the financial details.
His lawyers and crew were the ones after the money, but that's what lawyers and advocates are payed for.

You seemingly give too much credit for a player's financial involvement...

If he wasn't aware of it then Im sure his father reminded him quite a few times. So even it was the case that Neymar is a saint (which he isn't) his baggage that his father and his crew isn't.


If he wasn't aware of it then Im sure his father reminded him quite a few times. So even it was the case that Neymar is a saint (which he isn't) his baggage that his father and his crew isn't.

You sound as if these players - specially the popular and rich ones - had any insight whatsoever into their own financial matters.
But they don't...

They have paid administrants and dispensers to do all that, which is clearly shown by the tax-scandals surrounding them and also by the fact that whenever they are in some trouble, they genuinely have no idea about their own financial matters.

I bet neither Messi, Neymar, Ronaldo or any player of their rank, would actually know how much they are earning, the detail of their contracts, etc.
All they know is that they earn a lot...

(They wouldn't even understand the sophisticated lawyerly language of their own contracts, specially if written in a foreign tongue...)
The rest is done and maintained by financial professionals, agents, investment specialist and the like. Perhaps they are shown an annual summary, but that's all.

You may be angry with players - largely based on unreliable gossips - so you can picture them to have been coony and cunning fellows with their millions, but actually they have the possible smallest amount of knowledge about their own financial matters...

If gossips have some merit in Neymar's case, namely who wouldn't mind a return, it is hugely due to the fact that the player actually only cares about his feeling, fame and the friends whom he may leave behind or join with...
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New member
This guy spends way too much time with Neymar. Not a good indicator of his overall intelligence.

Whats wrong with neymar? Guy likes to party, girls... Seems like fun guy to be around with.

If you are to smart in life, it can deprive you of all the joy in this world


New member
This guy spends way too much time with Neymar. Not a good indicator of his overall intelligence.

Spending time with someone who is taking care of himself, in a peak physical shape. Do you want him to eat burgers with Suarez and gain another 4kg?

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