I didn't know about that too.

Well, he failed probably because of speed and defending. He defends well when your team is positioned to do that but he's slow to get back when you lose possession, that's why we're playing with a more defensive Arthur. I think he would suffer a lot considering that in Germany they play faster than here and you have to play more without the ball. But when we have the ball he's really really good.
Maicon and Arthur are very similar. Both are great at creating chances and they know what to do and when to do. Both have around 100 passes each game, Arthur has 97% success rate, Maicon 95%. Arthur is faster, dribbles more and is better when defending. When we play against teams that are faster than us Arthur is the man that you need to win the battle in midfield. If they're slower then you can choose Arthur or Maicon and you will be fine.
The biggest difference is that Maicon is a real leader in/out the field. He is our captain just like Barca had Puyol. Last year he had the chance to play one of our most difficult games in Libertadores, but he talked to our coach and told him to play Arthur because Arthur was developing very well and it would be a good test to a young guy. Some people were like "oh please, play our captain, Arthur is not that good yet", but it was the best decision because Arthur had an amazing game. In today's football you have to admire a guy who thinks about the team first and only look to himself after that.