I love the optimism ,but I disagree a bit
It is true that we are having elections because of the ban which is good ,either we get rid of this board with all the fiasco with it or Bartomeu becomes an actually elected president and lose some of the pressure around him
Also it is true that we had a dream merkato ,though it could have been better (Benatia instead of Vermaelen ,a legitimate RB instead of Douglas ) that probably wouldn't have happened without the ban
But :B team relegation isn't perfect timing with the ban ,for starter the B team itself need reinforcement and it won't happen ,also some other players could have been better suited to stay sometime with B team and probably won't
Also nothing guarantee that other Spanish clubs will get the ban .we got warned b4 and we kept ignoring FIFA even after banning some players like Lee which didn't happen with other clubs who corrected things and even if it happens it could affect Liga and consequently us on long term .Calciopoli initially looked to heart Juventus only but the league never been able to get where they was .A mass ban can be danger to Liga
Also ,look at the core players(excluding GK ,we are set at that) and you would would realize that the core of the team is build on players born between 1983&1989 .so by next season the core of the team is built on players between the age of 32 & 26 .the only exception is Neymar(23)
This isn't a young squad and by 2016 I would dare to say it will be an old one .hopefully some of the younger players will step up but if it doesn't happen we will have some work to do to decrease the average age of the team .that work could have been started gradually this summer
Also we aren't buying freely ,not every player would be ok with just training like Vidal and with elections called late this interim board can't negotiate with anyone until late in July .so we are out of the market until last month of it and would still have the ban
Overall ,the ban isn't as bad as it initially looked and actually has done more good than bad for now ,but b4 declaring it as a good thing we would have to wait to see its consequence on the team next couple of seasons