Bran the Greenseer
Well-known member
Drogba was 26 when he went to chelsea, when he left the first time he was named the greatest chelsea player of all time. 

The idea of buying players to strengthen the team immediately while Messi is in his prime makes the most sense. Arda is a great player but I'm not sure he was the best choice, got to keep in mind what is available though. What I do know though is that Arda will always give 100% and fight like a warrior.
I haven't seen enough of Lac but Icardi won't ever be on Benz level imo.
Do you really think we need a player as Pogba?
I wish we get some player that can actualy shoot... opponents literaly let us unguarded on 16-30 m range... they know we are toothless outside of the box and from FKs (ok, Messi scores here and there from FKs, but... for example, Juninho had about 12 goals per season - basicly half of Suki's saldo this season)... it would add another blade to our attacking capabilities because bunkers and bus parking defense would be breached with least effort...
But it's not just our problem - in the whole world it's some kind of long range shooter/FK specialist deficite... 10-15 years ago there were Mihajlović, R.Carlos, Juninho, Adriano, Batistuta, Robert, Chilavert, etc who teared netts from almoast 40 m... today I can't name one player that can seriously threaten GK from 30 m... i miss those days...![]()
I wish we get some player that can actualy shoot... opponents literaly let us unguarded on 16-30 m range... they know we are toothless outside of the box and from FKs (ok, Messi scores here and there from FKs, but... for example, Juninho had about 12 goals per season - basicly half of Suki's saldo this season)... it would add another blade to our attacking capabilities because bunkers and bus parking defense would be breached with least effort...
But it's not just our problem - in the whole world it's some kind of long range shooter/FK specialist deficite... 10-15 years ago there were Mihajlović, R.Carlos, Juninho, Adriano, Batistuta, Robert, Chilavert, etc who teared netts from almoast 40 m... today I can't name one player that can seriously threaten GK from 30 m... i miss those days...![]()
Long shots are utterly inefficient, you think they they work because some players shoot from distance a lot. Rakitic was a long-shot specialist at Sevilla, doesn't shoot as much here.
Maybe it's simply the way the balls are evolving . I can't recall the last free kick CRonaldo scored from distance either.
Christiano tottaly lost it, man. I remember him in UTD... every 3rd or 4th FK was a goal! Most of his goals then were long range shots! I loved him in those days, he was a monster... and then he came to Real and became this 5 yards square camper that waits ball... sad, man...
Well, it's not just about efficiency and even scoring goals. It has other usefull advantages:
1. opponent players must follow and guard potential shooter outside the box so at least one leaves his place in the "parked bus" in front of the goal and with that weakaning the defensive bunker-also if the shooter dribbles him then another has to come outside the box, further weakening the defensive structure
2. lowering the number of players in the box means less players to pass by for Messi and Neymar
3. even if opponent goalkeeper throws himself in the air left and right and stops all shooter shots - the ball will often bounce off to areas where super-reactive MSN trio can take advantage of it
4. if nothing else - opponent players won't get rest and recuperate knowing that there's nothing to worry ("Iniesta with ball at 20m? Ok, I can breathe deep, recuperate, regenerate energy, rest and relax!")
Yes, I remember Rakitić's shots in Sevilla but he's not the kind of shooter I had in mind... speed of his ball is too low - but never the less, he's probably best shooter we have right now (although I remeber Mathieu's FK goal in Coppa from around 27m... can't say against which team). I remember Ronaldinho's easy netting from 20-25m...![]()
I loved how Del Piero, Nedved, young Gerrard, Henry etc did it... or this guy:
so a fee has been agreed for Turan
so a fee has been agreed for Turan
Yeah, if you want to believe MD...
MD? That's El Mundo Deportivo, not exactly the pinnacle of thrustworthiness.Isn't his track record good? thought it was