Barça's Transfers and Rumors

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New member
But, imo, there is one thing to consider about that part how Larsson wasn't finished and how VPersie is finished.

Back then in 2004, internet was in the beginnings, compared to today.
For example, I didn't read any of Barca's forums back then, and I used to read websites (every morning):
1. El Mundo deportivo
2. Sport
3. Marca
4. As
5. FC Barcelona official page
6. and random football sites back then like, Goal,, etc

I want to say:
= today everyone has internet, everyone has access and today every fan in the world has "an opinion"
-- we have official forums, like this one, 1000s of Facebook pages with millions of comments each day etc

For example, my "opinion" about Barca and any player in the world (in 2004) was based only on:
1. me, watching games on a TV
2. reading about players in newspapers and on 3-4 biggest footy websites
3. talking with 4-5 real life friends about football

For example, back then, I thought that Guily is an ok player.
He wasn't the best, but he was a good player for our system back then.
When I started to read this forum, I have realized that people are more or less making jokes about Guily, as if he is some kind of a worst footballer ever.
Further, Oleguer. Ok, I knew that is not the best and the smartest player ever, but I was personally satisfied with him, and I more or less loved the guy in majority of matches.
5-10 years later, I came here, and I realized that on forums and on youtube, Oleguer is hailed as one of the worst and dumbest players ever :/
Further, about youngsters, back then (if you didn't live in Spain), you couldn't know too much about Barca B.
So, I knew only about young Messi, Bojan, and 2-3 defenders back then, because there were articles about them in Mundo Deportivo and on FcBarcelona, official website.

I want to say: today we are arguing whether players like Grimaldo, Adama and similar should play.
Back then, you probably would have never heard about Grimaldo.
About Adama, you would know only that he is sold to Aston Villa, as a promising youngster.

What I am trying to say:
-- Larsson, back then, I knew him for years from Celtic and Sweden
-- and he was hailed as the killer in the box
-- but, since we didn't have forums and Facebooks back then, who knows what Celtic's fans or fans who watched him more regularly thought about him
-- maybe he was also already on a decline, and maybe guys who followed him every week in Celtic back then, used to say: he is awesome, even though he is past his prime, and he lost a lot of his pace...

You see, today, every person can watch VPersie's games from Turkey.
We have twitter news about him.
We can see how unmotivated he is before matches when they are warming up etc.

Ok, Larsson wasn't that kind of a guy, but even if he was exactly the same as VPersie, we wouldn't know these information back then.

So, I don't agree with comparisons: Larsson wasn't finished and VPersie is.
Those were different times, with very small amount of information.
If you get my point...

This is why I am cautious when people talk about how good is Grimaldo, how bad is VPersie etc.
Today, when everything is accessible to everyone, it is much easier to create a finished player out of someone (VPersie), and to create an internet/youtube sensation from more or less any decent youngster from our team.

Is this minded for me? Because I've never claimed RVP to be anything, let alone finished - hell I've barely seen him play since he left Man Utd. I just remember Henke very well from back then, and we bought him after yet another stellar season in Celtic.


Senior Member
Is this minded for me? Because I've never claimed RVP to be anything, let alone finished - hell I've barely seen him play since he left Man Utd. I just remember Henke very well from back then, and we bought him after yet another stellar season in Celtic.

No, mate.
In general.

Anyway, about older players, we are all using revisionism (me too, I love both Larsson and VPersie), but we are forgetting similar transfers which ended as flops, like Ezquerro in 2005, or Alfonso Perez in 2000' (he was something like Nolito today).

I also want VPersie here, but he could end as a flop, as 100s of other transfers from the past.
Or he could turn out to be a new Larsson.

Nolito also, he could end as the next Larsson, or as the next Alfonso Perez.
(I am talking to guys who think that Nolito is a much "safer" option than VPersie).
They both can flop, we had 100s of similar examples from the past.

Anyway, Alfonso Perez (for younger fans), bought aged 28, at his prime in 2000'. A former player of Real Madrid and Betis:


New member
No, mate.
In general.

Anyway, about older players, we are all using revisionism (me too, I love both Larsson and VPersie), but we are forgetting similar transfers which ended as flops, like Ezquerro in 2005, or Alfonso Perez in 2000' (he was something like Nolito today).

I also want VPersie here, but he could end as a flop, as 100s of other transfers from the past.
Or he could turn out to be a new Larsson.

Nolito also, he could end as the next Larsson, or as the next Alfonso Perez.
(I am talking to guys who think that Nolito is a much "safer" option than VPersie).
They both can flop, we had 100s of similar examples from the past.

Anyway, Alfonso Perez (for younger fans), bought aged 28, at his prime in 2000'. A former player of Real Madrid and Betis:


About the whole comparison between Larsson, RVP, Ezquerro and Alfonso, I honestly don't see the similarities. The two aforementioned are/were into their thirties, while the two latter were in their best age when we bought them. Sure, they both failed miserably - especially Alfonso who I had high hopes for and weren't cheap. Ezquerro was laughable, but at least he came here on a Bosman. Loads of players have failed here, regardless of age, but I really don't recall many of our transfers being as old as Henke was when we bought him, meaning we can't really draw on history here, as far as I am concerned.


Professor Balthazar
Sport says Braida is trying to bring Kaka to us?? I love the man, but man, we have become a piece of laughingstock with all these geezer rumors.

How can we have become a laughingstock if silly rumours are simply made up by "journalists"/tabloids wanting to make some money? Rumours are simply rumours, we're linked to like 500 players every season and another 500 during silly season.

Anyway... Imo we need a young(er) CB, potential world class.
We need at least 1 forward, preferably already this winter. I don't think Munir + Sandro are good enough cover for now, they are struggling to come up with anything helping the team.
We need to bring Hali back if he keeps doing good - as backup for lw/rw and am.
We need a young LB backup.
That's it, 3 new players in (+Hali).
We need to loan out both Sandro and Munir if they don't improve significantly.
We need to sell one of Vermalean or Mathieu if a new young CB is brought in next summer.
Adriano and Douglas out as freaking soon as possible.
If Raki doesn't pick up momentum, maybe we need to offload him next summer already - I just have a gut feeling he won't ever be as good as last season. I don't have a short memory, I know he was fantastic last season, it's just a feeling I have.


Estonian Culé
I'd say we don't need another CM right now the way Halilovic is improving at Sporting. Maybe if we sell someone from midfield, then we should buy someone, but with Halilovic 80% returning next season, we already have a quality CM/AM the way he is improving.

In my eyes we only need to buy a ST, CB and a LB. 2 of the buys shouldn't be hardcore because they are going to be back-ups. Splash the cash on Laporte or Marquinhos ( :lol: ) and then buy back-ups for ST and LB with the rest of the money.


Professor Balthazar
I'd say we don't need another CM right now the way Halilovic is improving at Sporting. Maybe if we sell someone from midfield, then we should buy someone, but with Halilovic 80% returning next season, we already have a quality CM/AM the way he is improving.

In my eyes we only need to buy a ST, CB and a LB. 2 of the buys shouldn't be hardcore because they are going to be back-ups. Splash the cash on Laporte or Marquinhos ( :lol: ) and then buy back-ups for ST and LB with the rest of the money.

Well, I'm also against buying a new CM, but it not because Hali hopefully come back next summer already - I feel his position would be LW/RW + maybe AM. Yes, Ney and Messi have those positions locked down, but with such talent Hali got he should get many minutes. Maybe its time to rest Messi from time to time from next season, maybe he could just chill if we play struggling teams. He is not getting younger and I don't want to risk him against teams we usually win easily over.
Anyway, CM's. With Arda, an amazingly improving Roberto, Iniesta, Rafinha (well, I'm still on the fence about him) and Raki we have 5 players for 2 positions. I feel safe about out choices there, it's just Rafinha that bother me a little - he gives us 1 great game, than 1 very bad, than 1 when we hardly see him do anything on the pitch. Right now, if he wasn't injured and he was our starting CM against any of the Madrid teams or Bayern etc - no way. Hot and cold that guy.


Senior Member
Rafinha is a interesting one Some days he would have great Match and get heaps of Praise and other games he would be Terrible it makes you question why he's here. :lol:

Lucho is assessing his Options and I do think he wants a Young Potential WC CB like Laporte and Marquinhos more than a Midfielder at this point. CB wise our Options are either getting Old,Injury Prone or Not quite good enough to be starter Material and That's what Lucho I believe wants a Young CB like I said above To start along side Pique.


Senior Member
Entourage of Orlando City player Kaka (33) has sounded out Barcelona transfer adviser Braida about a January loan move to Barcelona. [cmw]


New member
I can believe this. Kaka can play the role of goal scorer. . . . and on the wings.

Samual Eto'o is he an option? (I'm getting a sense of de javu here as I ask this for some reason)
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