Yeah. All I'm saying is that I don't think we need a big-name centerback. With our current management, someone like Benatia or David Luiz would come in and kick Bartra out of the starting lineup for the majority of games. Whereas if we get a lesser known or younger centerback like Martinez, Dede, Laporte, Papadoupolous, or Rakitskiy, whilst a riskier investment, would ensure that Bartra and our centerback talents in La Masia don't get kicked to the curb. They would have a fighting chance and in their competition with the new signing, the players themselves would improve (see Sanchez and Pedro with Neymar's signing). It would also be a longer term investment than 39m Euros for Luiz.
Also, by Dede, you mean this one right?
Yes, thats him. Also, by not splashing outrageous amounts of money on some big name overrated player, as you say, we create real competition within the squad instead of having to play the "expensive new guy" regardless of performance. Thats exactly what we dont need. Complacent players and players on the bench not feeling they can get into the lineup no matter what. We need real competition and players knowing that if they dont perform, they will be benched for players eager to come on and show what they are good for.