Bayern München


Vice President of FC Barcelona
With all that Tiki Taka pass training and defense against counter-attacks, it seems Pep completely neglected to train set-pieces, defensively as well as offensively. In 2012/13 we have been a juggernaut of ruthless efficiency in these areas as well. Now we are as naive and clueless as in 2011/12.

Also, we obviously now longer possess the quality to adapt our game according to our opponent's style, like we did against Barca, when we basically introduced and immediately improved upon BVB's style.

The juggernaut is finally gone, ripped apart to pieces.

What you played wasn't even close to Tiki-Taka. People should stop associating possession football to Tiki-Taka its not about keeping the ball and passing its what you try to do with the passing and movement moving like a single machine instead of individual parts, slowly and methodically cutting the opposition down, frustrating them and finally delivering a lethal final blow after that rinse and repeat

Ryu Hayabusa

I said "Tiki Taka pass training"...
What materializes on the pitch, is of no concern regarding my statement.


New member
With all that Tiki Taka pass training and defense against counter-attacks, it seems Pep completely neglected to train set-pieces, defensively as well as offensively. In 2012/13 we have been a juggernaut of ruthless efficiency in these areas as well. Now we are as naive and clueless as in 2011/12.

Also, we obviously now longer possess the quality to adapt our game according to our opponent's style, like we did against Barca, when we basically introduced and immediately improved upon BVB's style.

The juggernaut is finally gone, ripped apart to pieces.

I dont think you defended set pieces much better last year. As an example Arsenal scored at the emirates and at the Allianz with set pieces. Bartra had Barca's only dangerous chances at the Allianz from set pieces. Probably by Martinez playing there was more height but teams still caused unrest in that department. It's a different thing defending Barca's set pieces than vidic and co .or ramos Ronaldo and co.
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Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
Real Madrid >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bayern Munich

Ryu Hayabusa

I dont think you defended set pieces much better last year. As an example Arsenal scored at the emirates and at the Allianz with set pieces. Bartra had Barca's only dangerous chances at the Allianz from set pieces. Probably by Martinez playing there was more height but teams still caused unrest in that department. It's a different thing defending Barca's set pieces than vidic and co .or ramos Ronaldo and co.

That happened when Neuer backed out so to say and Bayern had a comfortable lead. I don't think that can be used as evidence against my hypothesis.
Also it's only natural to have at least one dangerous situation that threatens the goal over 180 minutes, no matter who you play against. Also doesn't really refute anything, I'm afraid.
Juve, especially with Pirlo should be considered dangerous with set-pieces, yet they couldn't do a thing.


I posted this on the 12 March:

How wrong you were, beautifulgame :lol:

lol yes embarrassing for me.

i still think the team is better but both the having no competition for weeks and Pep not recognizing the team's strengths is what cost him this time around not being a bit more flexible and zonal marking for fucks sake. they played with more risk but they didn't do the support work and defensive play that they had earlier in the year. this atleti team would beat them too.

further, this madrid team is more deadly than last year. the competition is better this year, imo.

Andrew M

New member
lol yes embarrassing for me.

i still think the team is better but both the having no competition for weeks and Pep not recognizing the team's strengths is what cost him this time around not being a bit more flexible and zonal marking for fucks sake. they played with more risk but they didn't do the support work and defensive play that they had earlier in the year. this atleti team would beat them too.

further, this madrid team is more deadly than last year. the competition is better this year, imo.

No need to be embarrassed. :)

That Bayern team just does not have the players for an all-conquering possession game. I am kinda glad that people see they are no where near as good as our Pep's Barca.


Sure, but we won't get Pep's Barca back. Look at that crazy tiki-taka during that era. We don't have enough players for that nor enough motivated ones (yet). The tiki-taka against Real 2011 looks inhuman-like compared to our "nice try" tiki-taka of today (which in the end isn't tiki taka at all).

Ryu Hayabusa

Sure, but we won't get Pep's Barca back. Look at that crazy tiki-taka during that era. We don't have enough players for that nor enough motivated ones (yet). The tiki-taka against Real 2011 looks inhuman-like compared to our "nice try" tiki-taka of today (which in the end isn't tiki taka at all).

It looked much better before the mental breakdown period following the win of the Bundesliga title. People already seem to have forgotten what Bayern looked like this season, before Pep decided that "BL season's over".


New member
You're one of those German Bayern haters, I assume?

When you read every day what those bavarians talk, then you basically have to hate them. Even more if you live in Schalke or BvB territory. If every german football fan would give an honest answer, probably 70% would admit they rooted for Real.
Also I personally have never met a Bayern fan who wasn't a pure gloryhunter.

Ryu Hayabusa

When you read every day what those bavarians talk, then you basically have to hate them. Even more if you live in Schalke or BvB territory. If every german football fan would give an honest answer, probably 70% would admit they rooted for Real.
Also I personally have never met a Bayern fan who wasn't a pure gloryhunter.

Define "glory hunter".
I've been a Bayern fan from year 6 for example,when Dortmund were on their way to their first BL title in the 90's and everything was engulfed in an ocean of neon yellow and black at school. As my natural instincts always go, I felt repulsed by that which everybody does or likes. Later, with that horrible and pretentious Echte Liebe slogan and characters like Fratzke, said disgust was only reinforced.
On the other hand, I always felt at home with the "Mia san mia, and we know we're better than you, no matter whether you like it or not" attitude that surrounded the club from Munich, since I tend to be also kind of an arrogant self-righteous prick. Adding to that, Bayern always kind of represented a certain level of pure class (except for the arrogance part ofc), a trait which clubs like BVB or Schalke were never able to count amongst their own.


High Definition Member
Are you from Munich? When I went there they didn't seem arrogant at all. They just know that they are the best club, and take it for granted.

It's thier directors who are annoying.


New member
I define a gloryhunter as someone who supports a club solely because they are winning. They do not care how those victories are made, but bask in those successes. When I was little I also liked Bayern, but only because they won everything in Germany at that time. Getting older I realized that and found this a stupid thing to do. That is probably the way many people become "fans" of Bayern.
The worst thing though is the pure arrogance who encounter with those people. The players and the other responsible people at Bayern kind of have the right to be let's say very confident. (Although their current success is bought with money just like in Manchester or Chelsea whose teams are according to Bayerns' people are a shame for football...)
The gloryhunters on the other hand have absolutely nothing to do with any kind of success Bayern has, but still look down on fans of other clubs that do not reach the CL final or any european competition at all. Those guys ruin the clubs reputation more than anything and together with the arrogant public statements from Breitner, Hoeneß, Rummenigge and Sammer make Bayern München so hateble(does this word even exist? :) ).
Like at every other club there are probably many fans who really love the club and would support it through it's darkest days. But I strongly believe that in Munich this part of fans is much smaller compared to all supporters put together, than at every other club in Germany.

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