Bayern München


Ryu Hayabusa

Are you from Munich? When I went there they didn't seem arrogant at all. They just know that they are the best club, and take it for granted.

It's thier directors who are annoying.

I WAS talking about the club officials, and of course about the club's "aura", not necessarily about us fans.
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Ryu Hayabusa

I define a gloryhunter as someone who supports a club solely because they are winning. They do not care how those victories are made, but bask in those successes. When I was little I also liked Bayern, but only because they won everything in Germany at that time. Getting older I realized that and found this a stupid thing to do. That is probably the way many people become "fans" of Bayern.
The worst thing though is the pure arrogance who encounter with those people. The players and the other responsible people at Bayern kind of have the right to be let's say very confident. (Although their current success is bought with money just like in Manchester or Chelsea whose teams are according to Bayerns' people are a shame for football...)
The gloryhunters on the other hand have absolutely nothing to do with any kind of success Bayern has, but still look down on fans of other clubs that do not reach the CL final or any european competition at all. Those guys ruin the clubs reputation more than anything and together with the arrogant public statements from Breitner, Hoeneß, Rummenigge and Sammer make Bayern München so hateble(does this word even exist? :) ).
Like at every other club there are probably many fans who really love the club and would support it through it's darkest days. But I strongly believe that in Munich this part of fans is much smaller compared to all supporters put together, than at every other club in Germany.

Okay, but then why did you become a Barca supporter?

On a side-note, I once had the theory that the majority of German Barca supporters are at the same time Bayern haters and usually fan of some minor German club. So far, I have seen little proof refuting the initial hypothesis ;)


New member
When you read every day what those bavarians talk, then you basically have to hate them. Even more if you live in Schalke or BvB territory. If every german football fan would give an honest answer, probably 70% would admit they rooted for Real.
Also I personally have never met a Bayern fan who wasn't a pure gloryhunter.

Lol a Barca fan talking about "gloryhunters"?! Come over to the Americas and i will show you gloryhunters :p

Every big club has gloryhunters, to hate or call out only Bayern is very ironic and quite comical to be honest :lol:
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Ryu Hayabusa

How have the supporters in Munich reacted to the RM-humiliation? Are they calling for Pep's head yet?

Not yet, but there is certainly growing unrest ;)
The most shameful thing is that last season seemed to have happened again (Bayern vs. Barca) albeit with switched places. Pep clearly is to blame for getting his tactics wrong twice and ofc also for his perceived stubbornness, but so are the players who failed collectively and seem to be at a low, especially our "creative" guys.


New member
Lol a Barca fan talking about "gloryhunters"?! Come over to the Americas and i will show you gloryhunters :p

Every big club has gloryhunters, to hate or call out only Bayern is very ironic and quite comical to be honest :lol:

I just explained what I personally experience and make my own conclusions. If you guys are not happy with that than it's ok. I can live with that. The "minor" German club statement kind of proofs me right tbh.

I think I should never visit this thread again since "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all. "
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Ryu Hayabusa

I just explained what I personally experience and make my own conclusions. If you guys are not happy with that than it's ok. I can live with that. The "minor" German club statement kind of proofs me right tbh.

I think I should never visit this thread again since "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all. "

Minor was not meant as an insult, just as opposite to major (Bayern, BVB, Schalke and to a lesser extent Gladbach, Leverkusen and Wolfsburg).


Senior Member
After yesterdays' club meeting, I think it's safe to say that a Hoeneß comeback in autumn 2016 is now a 100 % certainty.


Senior Member
Hoeneß gave his final speech yesterday before going to prison and he said that when he's released that he won't retire and that 'it isn't over yet'. Then came Hopfner (the current president) who elaborated that he wouldn't campaign against him in the election.

Recently, Bayern changed their statutes so that the current presidents' mandate is reduced to two and a half years which would be November 2016 in this case. This is around the time when Hoeneß will with all likeliness gets his early release. And considering the applause and backing Hoeneß got on the meeting there, it will be a landslide victory for him.


Staff member
Oh, thanx. Should be business as usual for Bayern until 2016 anyway. They are a well ran club standing on healthy foundations.
Any news on pep and his status for next season?


Senior Member
Nothing new really. The representatives affirmed their full backing for Pep. Hoeneß himself declared the Real defeat as only normal and human.
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