Bayern München


Culé de Celestial Empire
It is the first round of the DFB Pokal for Bayern. They are playing a fourth division team consisting of amateurs. Bayern had not been very impressive. That said, both BVB and Mönchengladbach were not that great against the fourth-division teams this past weekend.


Senior Member
It is the first round of the DFB Pokal for Bayern. They are playing a fourth division team consisting of amateurs. Bayern had not been very impressive. That said, both BVB and Mönchengladbach were not that great against the fourth-division teams this past weekend.

Any player who fails a Panenka and thereby gets his team eliminated vs a third division side deserves at least 20 kicks in the nuts, as Hrgota has.

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Senior Member
Although Pep is a great coach, I hope that he will destroy Bayern to have fewer competitors in CL. ;)

Nah, the club will finally implode on his own as it always does with a foreign coach who isn't part of the borderline incestuous cronyism Bayern is built upon. Pep will learn the lesson many coaches have learnt before: You can't succeed at this club without unrestrained support from everyone involved at the club, which ranges from Uli Hoeneß to newspapers Helmut Markwort or Friede Springer own to former club legends who can't stfu if their life depended on it and everyone in between. Pep already committed two cardinal sins with 'changing the formation that was used in the year before that' and hauling the teachers' pet in, which means that every person involved with Bayern is already on overwatch.
If he doesn't collect points from Friday on, and fast, hell will break lose there.

In other news, Pep already complained about the enormous pressure he's put under after yesterdays' match, and he's only just a few weeks in and season hasn't started. I give him one year at max there, then he'll leave on his own.
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Die Bayern

New member
In other news, Pep already complained about the enormous pressure he's put under after yesterdays' match, and he's only just a few weeks in and season hasn't started. I give him one year at max there, then he'll leave on his own.

Complained? I understand you might be bitter and hate Bayern, but please don't come up with stuff. He never complained about anything. His exact words were - “I’m aware of which club I’ve joined, we have to win every match, but that’s normal. People always want more. I accept the pressure. We’ve only been together seven weeks so we still have to improve a lot.”


Lemon curry?
Nah, the club will finally implode on his own as it always does with a foreign coach who isn't part of the borderline incestuous cronyism Bayern is built upon. Pep will learn the lesson many coaches have learnt before: You can't succeed at this club without unrestrained support from everyone involved at the club, which ranges from Uli Hoeneß to newspapers Helmut Markwort or Friede Springer own to former club legends who can't stfu if their life depended on it and everyone in between. Pep already committed two cardinal sins with 'changing the formation that was used in the year before that' and hauling the teachers' pet in, which means that every person involved with Bayern is already on overwatch.
If he doesn't collect points from Friday on, and fast, hell will break lose there.

In other news, Pep already complained about the enormous pressure he's put under after yesterdays' match, and he's only just a few weeks in and season hasn't started. I give him one year at max there, then he'll leave on his own.

Complained? I understand you might be bitter and hate Bayern, but please don't come up with stuff. He never complained about anything. His exact words were - “I’m aware of which club I’ve joined, we have to win every match, but that’s normal. People always want more. I accept the pressure. We’ve only been together seven weeks so we still have to improve a lot.”

The other part of his post was scaringly accurate, though. Just spot on. I always get the creeps when that Bavarian talk show with Markwort, Hoeneß, Stoiber, Seehofer etc is on, which is like a FC Bayern Parteitag.
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Senior Member
Complained? I understand you might be bitter and hate Bayern, but please don't come up with stuff. He never complained about anything. His exact words were - “I’m aware of which club I’ve joined, we have to win every match, but that’s normal. People always want more. I accept the pressure. We’ve only been together seven weeks so we still have to improve a lot.”

Yep, I'm totally bitter and hate Bayern. And then he said: 'I'm only here for six or seven weeks, I'm only 42 years old and only a coach for 5 years. People always want more and more and more, want us to win every game 7-0 and that's impossible.'

Trivia question: Where does his urge to justify himself come from if there hadn't been criticism internally ?


New member
Nah, the club will finally implode on his own as it always does with a foreign coach who isn't part of the borderline incestuous cronyism Bayern is built upon. Pep will learn the lesson many coaches have learnt before: You can't succeed at this club without unrestrained support from everyone involved at the club, which ranges from Uli Hoeneß to newspapers Helmut Markwort or Friede Springer own to former club legends who can't stfu if their life depended on it and everyone in between. Pep already committed two cardinal sins with 'changing the formation that was used in the year before that' and hauling the teachers' pet in, which means that every person involved with Bayern is already on overwatch.
If he doesn't collect points from Friday on, and fast, hell will break lose there.

Even if he wins the Bundesliga, but he does badly in CL, most people still won't like him. Still I can't imagine that Sammer didn't knew or agreed with Pep's plans before they offered him a contract..or that he didn't knew just how stubborn Pep can be. So if they really believe in him, they should support him. If not, then I don't understand why they hired him in the first place.

And at what your're reffering when you say that 'Pep already committed two cardinal sins with hauling the teachers' pet in'?

In other news, Pep already complained about the enormous pressure he's put under after yesterdays' match.

“I’m aware of which club I’ve joined, we have to win every match, but that’s normal. People always want more. I accept the pressure. We’ve only been together seven weeks so we still have to improve a lot.”

'I'm only here for six or seven weeks, I'm only 42 years old and only a coach for 5 years. People always want more and more and more, want us to win every game 7-0 and that's impossible.'

Pep Guardiola ha declarat que “no sóc un super entrenador, sóc un entrenador normal. Només tinc 42 anys, tot just 5 anys d’experiència i encara he d’aprendre molt.” “Sé en quin club estic, cal guanyar-ho tot després que en la temporada passada es va guanyar tot. Després del que va passar l’any passat, potser la gent creu que sóc aquí per guanyar 7-0 cada partit, però és impossible. Accepto la pressió que també augmenta pel meu passat com a entrenador”

Pep Guardiola has said that "I'm not a super coach, I'm a normal coach. I'm only 42y.o., with 5 years of experience, so I still have a lot to learn." "I’m aware of which club I’ve joined, we have to win every match especially after last season, when this team has won everything. After what happend last year maybe some people expect us to win every game 7-0, but it's impossible. I accept this pressure that's even bigger because of my past as a coach."

Now after reading all of this(and assuming that the catalan journalist knows how to make a translation from german-because I don't) what I can say is that if I listen Tata saying something like this after having a loss and a win in his first 2 official games of the season I wouldn't hold it against him and I certainly wouldn't say that he 'already complained about the enormous pressure he's put under'. And I would say the same if Mou would have said this(though it's pretty hard to imagine him saying that he's not special)..
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Senior Member
Even if he wins the Bundesliga, but he does badly in CL, most people still won't like him. Still I can't imagine that Sammer didn't knew or agreed with Pep's plans before they offered him a contract..or that he didn't knew just how stubborn Pep can be. So if they really believe in him, they should support him. If not, then I don't understand why they hired him in the first place.

14 titles or something close to that, at least dominating european football is what they expect.
It isn't about what Sammer wants or what he claims to want when he constantly preaches about long-term developments. It is about how the clubs' environment will react and the only thing they care about is results. And if he doesn't deliver, no one will give a damn about his philosophy he tries to implement or his long-term goals, Sammer included.
The only thing they could have possibly agreed on (Pep and Sammer I mean) is that there have to be changes so the team doesn't stagnate, but at what cost ? Nothing comes before success.

And at what your're reffering when you say that 'Pep already committed two cardinal sins with hauling the teachers' pet in'?

You probably won't like the term, but I don't mean 'teachers' pet' in any pejorative way.

I refer to the Thiago transfer, specifically to what it does to their squad which ties in to another cardinal sin, namely, changing the formation. Now Pep never striked me as a fan of a double pivot, but can you name me one reason as to why exactly he disbanded the double-pivot of Martinez/Schweinsteiger, which was arguably the best working DM partnership of the last season ? And then plays Thiago as DM which was immediately followed by a Schweinsteiger interview where he felt the urge to express his insecurity concerning his position and then he plays Schweinsteiger as a DM again and Martinez as CB when it's clear as day that their defense is far more vulnerable this way ?
Please note that it isn't me who will be asking this question, because I see what he tries there, but all the people and papers I mentioned and a lot more will if there's no instant success and it will be the first thing held against him.

The other thing about the Thiago transfer is that Pep specifically insisted on this transfer when he said that he wants Thiago or no-one, and thereby maneuverd himself into a catch-22: Does he play him as DM now and thereby forces Schweinsteiger, the undisputed holy cow of Bayern, out of his position ? Van Gaal tried that once and weeks of constant complaining and unrest followed. Does he field him in midfield and bench e.g. Kroos, one of the most talented midfielders in Germany, a NT player ? Doesn't he field him at all or only sporadically and halt his progress, and again, of a transfer he specifically insisted on ? If he doesn't play him, the question will naturally arise why the club had to waste money on him. If he fields him, no matter where he does, Thiago better pulls off spectacular performances or this is just asking for trouble. Pep didn't slap him for no reason; he knows exactly what the situation is.

Now after reading all of this(and assuming that the catalan journalist knows how to make a translation from german-because I don't) what I can say is that if I listen Tata saying something like this after having a loss and a win in his first 2 official games of the season I wouldn't hold it against him and I certainly wouldn't say that he 'already complained about the enormous pressure he's put under'. And I would say the same if Mou would have said this(though it's pretty hard to imagine him saying that he's not special)..

Call it bad choice of words. Maybe 'bemoan' would have been a better term, maybe not. I just find it interresting that he says this after beating a fourth-division team 5:0 in the cup, so it was basically uncalled for, especially considering that no open criticism has been reported so far, so I try to get to the bottom of his motivation. No matter what it is though, it's merely a footnote. And no, Mourinho would never say such a thing. According to him there is no pressure in football.


Culé de Celestial Empire
From what I have read, it appears at least on surface that Bayern is officially throwing all the support behind Guardiola. It is way too early to judge him, and one (from Bayern's perspective) can't really be mad at him simply because of losing a pre-season cup to BVB. He is trying out different formations with different players, which has raised some eyebrows. I would say though that if he plays Thiago too much at the expense of Bastian, heads will roll.


Active member
14 titles or something close to that, at least dominating european football is what they expect.
It isn't about what Sammer wants or what he claims to want when he constantly preaches about long-term developments. It is about how the clubs' environment will react and the only thing they care about is results. And if he doesn't deliver, no one will give a damn about his philosophy he tries to implement or his long-term goals, Sammer included.
The only thing they could have possibly agreed on (Pep and Sammer I mean) is that there have to be changes so the team doesn't stagnate, but at what cost ? Nothing comes before success.

You probably won't like the term, but I don't mean 'teachers' pet' in any pejorative way.

I refer to the Thiago transfer, specifically to what it does to their squad which ties in to another cardinal sin, namely, changing the formation. Now Pep never striked me as a fan of a double pivot, but can you name me one reason as to why exactly he disbanded the double-pivot of Martinez/Schweinsteiger, which was arguably the best working DM partnership of the last season ? And then plays Thiago as DM which was immediately followed by a Schweinsteiger interview where he felt the urge to express his insecurity concerning his position and then he plays Schweinsteiger as a DM again and Martinez as CB when it's clear as day that their defense is far more vulnerable this way ?
Please note that it isn't me who will be asking this question, because I see what he tries there, but all the people and papers I mentioned and a lot more will if there's no instant success and it will be the first thing held against him.

The other thing about the Thiago transfer is that Pep specifically insisted on this transfer when he said that he wants Thiago or no-one, and thereby maneuverd himself into a catch-22: Does he play him as DM now and thereby forces Schweinsteiger, the undisputed holy cow of Bayern, out of his position ? Van Gaal tried that once and weeks of constant complaining and unrest followed. Does he field him in midfield and bench e.g. Kroos, one of the most talented midfielders in Germany, a NT player ? Doesn't he field him at all or only sporadically and halt his progress, and again, of a transfer he specifically insisted on ? If he doesn't play him, the question will naturally arise why the club had to waste money on him. If he fields him, no matter where he does, Thiago better pulls off spectacular performances or this is just asking for trouble. Pep didn't slap him for no reason; he knows exactly what the situation is.
Pep used Thiago as box to box,but he certainly doesn't have the best of defensive abilities to play a lone role.Schweinsteiger is neither a clear DM,plays box to box too.I think of Martinez is ideal for that role but i don't see Pep using him more there rather than defence,which actually is waste of talent for Martinez.In my mind Pep is using 4-1-4-1 to fit all the players,Gotze is coming back right now so i think he will have a spot in the 2 attacking midfielders.But we can't really know yet,i saw the match for the cup yesterday and Mandzukic was drifting to the wing many times with Shaqiri getting on the centre and interchanging positions,When Gotze gets there he may have a similar role.

Most realistic line up if he uses Martinez in defence is:Neuer-Alaba-Dante-Martinez-Lahm-Schweinsteiger-Kroos-Gotze-Robben-Ribery-Muller.I see him trusting Robben and Mandzukic too but we don't know whether he would like a striker or not as we saw Mandzukic drifting at the wing sometimes and wasn't so effective.

Either way someone has to be benched from the current players and i don't talk about Thiago,he will be a rotation player at least for now.Pep as it seems trusts Robben so i can't see where all of them would fit if Martinez will be used as the lone defensive midfielder.He has really many options and its pre season so hes experimenting to see what is the best.His first game was the toughest one he could have,many players were missing and weren't fit so we can't just judge him yet and say that he will destroy Bayern,it will need sometime for players to adapt to his style.
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Die Bayern

New member
Pep used Thiago as box to box,but he certainly doesn't have the best of defensive abilities to play a lone role.Schweinsteiger is neither a clear DM,plays box to box too.I think of Martinez is ideal for that role but i don't see Pep using him more there rather than defence,which actually is waste of talent for Martinez.In my mind Pep is using 4-1-4-1 to fit all the players,Gotze is coming back right now so i think he will have a spot in the 2 attacking midfielders.But we can't really know yet,i saw the match for the cup yesterday and Mandzukic was drifting to the wing many times with Shaqiri getting on the centre and interchanging positions,When Gotze gets there he may have a similar role.

Most realistic line up if he uses Martinez in defence is:Neuer-Alaba-Dante-Martinez-Lahm-Schweinsteiger-Kroos-Gotze-Robben-Ribery-Muller.I see him trusting Robben and Mandzukic too but we don't know whether he would like a striker or not as we saw Mandzukic drifting at the wing sometimes and wasn't so effective.

Either way someone has to be benched from the current players and i don't talk about Thiago,he will be a rotation player at least for now.Pep as it seems trusts Robben so i can't see where all of them would fit if Martinez will be used as the lone defensive midfielder.He has really many options and its pre season so hes experimenting to see what is the best.His first game was the toughest one he could have,many players were missing and weren't fit so we can't just judge him yet and say that he will destroy Bayern,it will need sometime for players to adapt to his style.

Your comments are a breath of fresh air and certainly enjoyable. Most of the hate around here does my head in sometimes but we can't escape it.. Anyways, lots of people (Bayern fans as well) are quick to judge him and don't like him already. It's in people's nature to dislike change, but sometimes it's good. It is ridiculous to criticise Pep so early on and based on mostly friendly games. I'm not going to talk about the Dortmund game because people will just interpret it as me making excuses.

Pep's style is different then the one Jupp used and it will take some time for our players to get used to it and start playing the way we should. Patience is a virtue! :p

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