Benjamin Mendy


Senior Member
Maybe don't jump at shit like this? That's the smart thing to do for now.

Innocent until proven guilty of course, as is the case for anyone. Would just point out the threshold of evidence required for a charge on something like this can be high. Multiply that by 10 due to this being a public figure. They must have some pretty concrete evidence. On another topic anyone heard about Sigurdsson?


Senior Member
Use your benefit of the doubt to solve open problems in physics, mathematics, or computer science. Use it as a prosecutor or defense lawyer in court cases. Don't however, use it on a guy that's been charged multiple times by multiple women for **** in an online forum. You're not smart, you're not 'respecting' the law, you're just being a contrarian.


Use your benefit of the doubt to solve open problems in physics, mathematics, or computer science. Use it as a prosecutor or defense lawyer in court cases. Don't however, use it on a guy that's been charged multiple times by multiple women for **** in an online forum. You're not smart, you're not 'respecting' the law, you're just being a contrarian.

Very true. If one is so hell-bent on their principle of ''innocent until proven guilty'' then just stay quiet and keep it to yourself. Jumping in with contrarian views about the possible innocence of someone who has been arrested for sexual assault charges just makes you look like a weirdo.


Senior Member
We don't know for sure that the allegations are from women.

Also worth mentioning that he hasn't been bailed, he's on remand and will be going straight to court tomorrow.


Senior Member
Staff member
Charged with another 2 counts of r-ape.

6 charges of r-ape and 1 charge of sexual assault so far.

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