Bojan Krkic


New member
We couldn't have expected him to walk into that Roma team. So a lot of the blame lies with ourselves.

We should have put him into a team that would guarantee game time for him. So he could regain his lost confidence and form. But in saying that I suppose if he was Barça class he would be getting a game for Roma.

Maybe in two years he will have gotten himself together. I hope so anyway. I am sure every Barça fan wants him to succeed.


New member
We couldn't have expected him to walk into that Roma team. So a lot of the blame lies with ourselves.

We should have put him into a team that would guarantee game time for him. So he could regain his lost confidence and form. But in saying that I suppose if he was Barça class he would be getting a game for Roma.

Maybe in two years he will have gotten himself together. I hope so anyway. I am sure every Barça fan wants him to succeed.
Bojan only wanted to join Roma since LE was appointed as Roma coach.He considered himself too big a player to play for petty La Liga teams.Wage factor is also another important issue.He took a easy route as he thought LE's association with Barca would ensure him a starting berth.


He should have went to a lower la liga team.. this really is a disaster for him.. he will never get playing time and will get thrown around in such a physical league. He would have played every match for a granada or levante his career will go nowhere

Not to mention he'd already kicked RM's ass if he'd joined levante. :p

Barcafan 2304

New member
Surely though, excuses are running out. His avid supporters have been saying for the last couple of years that he is still young, still has time but really, iover that time, has he progressed?

An emphatic no


New member
Should've loaned him to Bolton, Feyenoord, Lorient, Lille, etc. All clubs that badly need strikers, but play in top level leagues where he would get 40+ games barring injury.

Throwing him in the Segunda will destroy his career. Plenty of Premier League, Eredivisie, and Ligue 1 clubs would kill to have a player like him. If I had to guess, I'd say that buyback clause scared most of them away. We had a similar situation with Wellington Silva. He was massively rated, but we loaned him to Levante while they had players already in his position so he rotted on the bench and shattered his confidence. Meanwhile Ryo Miyaichi (a kid we signed from a Japanese high school) went to Feyenoord and became their star player. It's all a matter of where a player goes.


He's obviously not Barca material. He didn't make it under Pep. Pedro took his place straight away. And then even Afellay impressed more than Bojan obviously (see CL final substitution) and that in his first year in a completely new system, different country, without even speaking the language ...

He didn't make it into the first XI in the Spanish U21 European Cup under Luis Milla. Now he's benched by Luis Enrique as well? Well, that's 3 coaches prefering other players over him then. No Barca material. Simple as that. Never really impressed in first division football. Only got a reputation from his youth achievements.
never gonna be good enough IMO, he's a midtable player at best, should of loaned him to Sporting Gijon or something, they need a striker.


He's obviously not Barca material. He didn't make it under Pep. Pedro took his place straight away. And then even Afellay impressed more than Bojan obviously (see CL final substitution) and that in his first year in a completely new system, different country, without even speaking the language ...

He didn't make it into the first XI in the Spanish U21 European Cup under Luis Milla. Now he's benched by Luis Enrique as well? Well, that's 3 coaches prefering other players over him then. No Barca material. Simple as that. Never really impressed in first division football. Only got a reputation from his youth achievements.

A part of me died, but I agree with you :(


New member
You can't send a young player to Italy and expect immediate success... to a big club with big history and big expectations at that. Should have sent him to the French or Dutch league where he would have been given much more patience and less pressure.

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