Cesc Fàbregas


That's your own damn fault then, that's why it's called gambling. And I doubt that's the reasoning behind the majority of the booing, if it was then those fans are even more ridiculous than I thought.

Read my post again. . . Let me spell it out : One of the players isn't giving his all! Remember the hype before he came? Thats why. . . .
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New member
Nah, I don't think he's trolling. He's probably a kid who doesn't just love Cesc, but is IN love with him. There are people like that in most forums (Remember Hatem Ben Arfa?)

:rolleyes: How can you be in love with someone if they don't love you back?
The level of absurdity this discussion has reached with some comments is too much for my reasonable thinking to cope with. Enjoy your delusions and have fun!


The posts on this thread are basically all:

"Worst transfer ever!"


"best midfielder ever!", "better than iniesta" :)lol:), etc, etc


The Culest
Why did Tito insist to play Cesc as false 9 ? Why ?!? Hasn't Cesc proven yet he isn't good there against some strong opposition ? How many games did he played as false 9 ? Why Tito seems that he never learns from his errors ?

Because he's stubborn, clueless and above all not a good manager?


New member
The level of absurdity this discussion has reached with some comments is too much for my reasonable thinking to cope with. Enjoy your delusions and have fun!
For a while now, I've been only reading the comments of certain members only, That i take their opinion with value, The forum is filled with junk posts, A sad state.


New member
All of these posts are complete garbage this thread should just be deleted and started over after all this nonsense. Saying Cesc was the worst transfer ever is just dumb considering how many goals and assists he's provided in his two seasons you're obviously delusional if you think that a couple dips in form mean he's an awful player. Let's not forget at Arsenal he had freedom to roam where ever he wanted and he was used to running the show. Obviously with arguably the best Midfield trio in the world he's not going to play as much as he'd like to get into a rhythm. He plays as a false nine in some games or even as a forward which is not his natural position, and he's just doing as he's asked to try and help the team in anyway he can. To judge him on that and say to get rid of him would have been like selling Xavi because he didn't break into the starting role until his mid 20's. He is a playmaker and is not fast enough to be a huge threat on the wings and isn't as good as Messi at the false nine so obviously he's going to lose comparisons to players at those positions so let's not jump to conclusions right yet.
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New member
I am/was a Cesc fan, even bought his shirt when he joined Barca. So I'm not a hater & I don't think he was the worst transfer ever. But really, he just isn't working out here. I think his positive-looking stats are deceiving. For every game he does have where he plays well & actually helps the team, he has a whole handful in a row where he is one of, if not the worst player on the pitch. His attitude lately has been rubbing me the wrong way as well.


Calma, calma
For every game he does have where he plays well & actually helps the team, he has a whole handful in a row where he is one of, if not the worst player on the pitch.

This is exactly what I was saying the other day on one of the threads. I said, on average, Thiago has been as good as Cesc (but not as important), because Cesc has lots of ups and downs while Thiago is quite consistent in his play, even though he never reaches the heights that Cesc does.

I ended up getting flamed and :lol:ed to no ends for comparing Thiago with Fabregas.


New member
This is exactly what I was saying the other day on one of the threads. I said, on average, Thiago has been as good as Cesc (but not as important), because Cesc has lots of ups and downs while Thiago is quite consistent in his play, even though he never reaches the heights that Cesc does.

I ended up getting flamed and :lol:ed to no ends for comparing Thiago with Fabregas.

Meh, I think people are always going to be protective of Thiago. I am a big fan of his as well & hope he does become something really special for the club. It's true though, Cesc either has fantastic games or crap ones (more often crap ones). Thiago generally has average-to-good performances, which for someone of his experience level so far is fine IMO, I have faith he will improve a lot as he gets integrated into the team more.

Granted, my job has prevented me from watching very many Barca matches lately so I can't comment with 100% certainty.


New member
To get Cesc playing at his best, the team tactics need to be changed slightly to get the best out of him. One thing I'd say Cesc is absolutely the best in the world in, is forward defence-splitting passes. It's why he "loses possession" so much --- he's constantly on the lookout for chances to create out of thin air. He can thread the eye of a needle with his back turned, while the a hostile stadium deafens the pitch. Yes he has big weaknesses that stand out even more when trying to shoe-horn him into Xavi's role or false 9... but that's the point, isn't it? He's not Xavi, he's not Iniesta, he's not Messi. He's Cesc.

First, play him in the position he's best at, then sign a predatory striker with world class movement (Gomez? Higuain?:lol:, Aguero?). The goals will come after that. Also, if the striker happens to be tall, then there's your plan B in case tiki-taka gets stifled by an organized defence. Cesc turned Adebayor into a 30 goal striker. When he's comfortalbe in his position, he's an incredibly useful player to have.


New member
To get Cesc playing at his best, the team tactics need to be changed slightly to get the best out of him. One thing I'd say Cesc is absolutely the best in the world in, is forward defence-splitting passes. It's why he "loses possession" so much --- he's constantly on the lookout for chances to create out of thin air. He can thread the eye of a needle with his back turned, while the a hostile stadium deafens the pitch. Yes he has big weaknesses that stand out even more when trying to shoe-horn him into Xavi's role or false 9... but that's the point, isn't it? He's not Xavi, he's not Iniesta, he's not Messi. He's Cesc.

First, play him in the position he's best at, then sign a predatory striker with world class movement (Gomez? Higuain?:lol:, Aguero?). The goals will come after that. Also, if the striker happens to be tall, then there's your plan B in case tiki-taka gets stifled by an organized defence. Cesc turned Adebayor into a 30 goal striker. When he's comfortalbe in his position, he's an incredibly useful player to have.

I get your point, which is why I will never simply say that "Cesc is a crap player", but more "he's crap for Barca & the way they play". But the team does not & will never revolve around Cesc, I can't see the system changing just to suit him. But it's true, it was dangerous to try to mold him into a player that he's not, it just doesn't work.

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