Cesc Fàbregas


The Culest
Nope. Cesc is a central midfielder first and foremost. With Arsenal that was his bread and butter, laying deep in midfield and splitting the area when with precise passes. He was able to attack, but that isn't what he was known for. What people don't understand that is he is a humble and mild-mannered guy, and to boldly step into Xavi's zone is something he never did out of respect for Xavi's throne. When Xavi hangs up his boots and gives up the majority of his minutes, Cesc will step up and dominate the central midfield like he did at Arsenal. His personality won't allow him to control things with Xavi still doing it. Just you watch though, his quality will come pouring out like rivers once Xavi decides to relax. Another thing, his lack of identity at Barcelona can best be explained with what I have written above.

So you are saying Cesc is playing shit so as to not make Xavi bad and to respect him? :facepalm:

Pepe Silvia

Active member
So you are saying Cesc is playing shit so as to not make Xavi bad and to respect him? :facepalm:
It does sound like I'm saying that, and on the exterior it does pop out at you as such, but that's not what I was getting at. The underlying message is that Cesc is not able to perform to this capabilities when he knows the king is in charge. It's not that he isn't wiling to, it's he is emotionally unable to. He is the type of person who wants to be cherished 100% by everyone, and to be his best he has to play in a place where he is needed. Right now, he is not NEEDED and is considered surplus by even the most hardcore Cesc fans, therefore he has regressed into anonymity out of respect for his own talent and vested emotions. Xavi is his biggest setback, not himself. There is an intimidation factor there also, if you will. Xavi has always been El Maestro, and Cesc sort of accepts that he is the next generation and won't really fight for that spot. He prefers a clean slate so he can create his own dynasty, not one that has the markings of the previous Maestro. I believe he wants to be his own Maestro, but he knows that time is not yet.

This is how I might see Cesc talking to himself on the bench: Man, I really can't wait to take over the helm of the midfield. It sucks right now cuz I'm not that important to everyone (I'm not THAT GUY), but once people see me step up in the position I love, which is controlling the midfield, they'll really see 'Cesc Fabregas' shine! I've just gotta remain patient and learn all I can from Xavi.

^That monologue manifests in his body language whenever he plays on the pitch currently, and that is not the Cesc Fabregas we bought from Arsenal.


He's not going to go to any England club other than Arsenal. Cesc is loyal and he has class.

He is so LOYAL that he went to Arsenal for money at the age of 16. Do not say it is not about money. Arsenal and City offered Samper huge money. Barcelona can't give that amount because of Spanish laws. Samper had chosen to stay. Bellerin, Cesc chosen to go.

So who is loyal Samper or Cesc? :lol::lol::lol:


Prediction champion 2012-2013
He meant that Cesc is only loyal to Arsenal in the Premiership, that he would never join Man United.


New member
And Cesc isn't a fan of United. He threw a slice of pizza at Ferguson's face the day that Rooney dived to end our unbeaten run

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