Cesc Fàbregas


Neither fabregas nor Thiago could add anything against the tougher teams at this point in time. If it was me, I'd sell them both and would buy quality Spanish midfielders for the future ( ex. Oliver Torres ). Neither Cesc nor Thiago will play the important games anyways

Thiago is the future and Cesc is a class midfielder.

Don't want to sell either and I hope Tito rotates better next season. Thiago is a lock for more minutes next season if he stays with us and he'll shine.
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New member
Neither fabregas nor Thiago could add anything against the tougher teams at this point in time. If it was me, I'd sell them both and would buy quality Spanish midfielders for the future ( ex. Oliver Torres ). Neither Cesc nor Thiago will play the important games anyways

I always wanted a powerful midfielder like Vidal/Paulinho instead of Cesc to give us a totally different dimension . Keita was doing a good job till then but as he started declining we needed a played who is basically a holding midfielder . Iniesta,Thiago,Xavi ,Paulinho/Fernandinho and Busquets would have made a top midfield with plan B,C and D .


New member
sell Fabregas for say 40 million and keep Thiago

That would be perfect. I like Cesc very much but I don't think he suits our style of play, he fits the PL much better.

Neither fabregas nor Thiago could add anything against the tougher teams at this point in time. If it was me, I'd sell them both and would buy quality Spanish midfielders for the future ( ex. Oliver Torres ).

I don't get your point. Oliver Torres would neither add anything to our team right now nor is it guaranteed he would in the future.

Hes right though isnt he? i mean when the first Classico comes along next season and everyones fit a blind dog could pick your midfield, and it wont include either Fabregas or Thiago.

Unfortunately, that's true. Don't expect anything different from the usual line-up with the usual players in the big matches next season.


I don't know. I don't think there will be a fixed starting 11 throughout the whole next season. With the introduction of Neymar, a new CB, and Xavi getting older, there might be some changes with on-form players getting the minutes at big matches.


New member
Spain need Cesc, can't win anything without him. Spain's best player!!!


He won the 2008 final (scored penalty to take Spain to the final, played over 60 minutes in the final), world cup winning assist 2010 never would've won without him, played huge role in 2012.
I don't know. I don't think there will be a fixed starting 11 throughout the whole next season. With the introduction of Neymar, a new CB, and Xavi getting older, there might be some changes with on-form players getting the minutes at big matches.

Id genuinely be shocked regardless of form if you ever went into a classico or big European match without Xavi unless he was injured, i just dont see it happening, plus with Puyol playing less and less of a role hes also club captain.

Im sure there will be more rotation in general for the lesser matches but when the big games come around your midfield 3 is set in stone baring fitness problems, even then id wager your club would rather patch Xavi up or even risk him rather than not having him at all.


New member
Spain need Cesc, can't win anything without him. Spain's best player!!!


He won the 2008 final (scored penalty to take Spain to the final, played over 60 minutes in the final), world cup winning assist 2010 never would've won without him, played huge role in 2012.

Give Brazil some credit. Cesc or not, they still would have won regardless. Cesc was average in this tournament.

If anything, this match proves that Villa (and to a lesser extent Torres) played a bigger role in 2008 and 2010 than most give them credit for. Spain desperately need a quality striker at the moment.


New member
Give Brazil some credit. Cesc or not, they still would have won regardless. Cesc was average in this tournament.

If anything, this match proves that Villa (and to a lesser extent Torres) played a bigger role in 2008 and 2010 than most give them credit for. Spain desperately need a quality striker at the moment.

no cesc no goals:cesc:


New member
I'm 100% sure that a fit Fabregas would have improved Spain's performance tonight. I'm not saying they'd win, but having him around instead of Torres would have been a leg up.

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