Cesc Fàbregas


Senior Member
I love the team of individuals comment, I really do.

To me, it's not even an offensive comment, rather, a testament to just how dumb of a cunt Cesc really is. Cesc wouldn't know the first thing about putting your heart on the line for the team the way Rakitic did in his performance against Bayern. I don't just believe he wouldn't do it, I actually don't think he is capable of it. And it just so happens that performance by Rakitic was infinitely better than anything Cesc ever did for us.

And it's good that Cesc feels he belongs there, because no one else wants him. The club that made him the player the he is today told him to fuck off and the club that he calls home told him to fuck off after being shit for 3 years.

Hollow players belong at hollow clubs. Chelsea and Cesc deserve each other.



Senior Member
Team of individuals?
This cunt has no idea what a team is. I was thrilled when we sold him and actually got some decent money. RAKITIC is twice the player Cesc is.


Mike the Knife
After those last statments, coupled with his endless praise of mourinho, and ignoring Tito(said mou was his best manager ever, forgot the eye gouging-pito incident, and that the same mou tried to stomp on his head), I'm more than happy he left. A grade A c*nt indeed.

Absolutely, yet the usual suspects will continue to praise him

in the end he didn't have barca dna at all. that's the ironic part.

That's the thing isn't it?...The contrast between him & Pique who also abandoned the club is remarkable...I really feel like the club failed to do their homework on the player & his repulsive personality before unsettling the club through his transfer back in the first place...A transfer that was always going to happen but also was going to reveal how inadequate he always was for this midfield & club

Good riddance
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Blue Blooded Aussie
I find the atmosphere comment rather amusing(not in a very positive way). Last nights game was the only game pretty much all season where the atmosphere seemed to be pretty good all game, and that's only cause we'd already won the title and they got a chance to badger Gerrard and Liverpool all game.

Stupid of Cesc to say all that, he just makes himself look utterly silly. Oh well, I won't complain if he can keep he game up longer next season, cause I'm generally pretty happy with his season as his bad slump wasn't the whole 2nd half of the season like everyone expected.


New member
Fabregas to Chelsea TV -

"Barcelona was a team of individuals but now I am part of a family. The fans, team and owners are all together"

"On Thursday I said this could debatably be my best move ever. After today's atmosphere, I'm sure this is where I belong"

Someone is butthurt :lucho:
video of that?


New member
I love the team of individuals comment, I really do.

To me, it's not even an offensive comment, rather, a testament to just how dumb of a cunt Cesc really is. Cesc wouldn't know the first thing about putting your heart on the line for the team the way Rakitic did in his performance against Bayern. I don't just believe he wouldn't do it, I actually don't think he is capable of it. And it just so happens that performance by Rakitic was infinitely better than anything Cesc ever did for us.

And it's good that Cesc feels he belongs there, because no one else wants him. The club that made him the player the he is today told him to fuck off and the club that he calls home told him to fuck off after being shit for 3 years.

Hollow players belong at hollow clubs. Chelsea and Cesc deserve each other.


Great post; sums up the situation perfectly.

Signing Cesc was a horrible move by Pep and I'm so glad he's gone.


Blue Blooded Aussie
Everybody has won in this situation(him leaving Barca), we can all agree upon that. :p Well, everyone being the 3 parties involved anyway, Arsenal fan's aren't too happy. :lol:


New member
This is in 2012:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Cesc: "People think we exaggerate, but we're really like a family, you feel at home. We're friends. We fight for each other." [md]</p>— barcastuff (@barcastuff) <a href="https://twitter.com/barcastuff/status/173387275227512833">February 25, 2012</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

So you see, Cesc is NOT a class A Cu*t, He is a lying Class A Cu*t


Blue Blooded Aussie
A lot of players say one thing at one club, then another at their next, though, even ones that are good people. Shit happens.

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