Cesc Fàbregas


New member
Yep it's starting to get ridiculous with these "hate" comments. I don't hate Cesc. I just wish he'd perform better, something most Barcelona fans want. It's only normal we expect more of him because we all know he is able to perform better than how he did now. We do not "hate" him. Hate is such a strong word, even "dislike" is still too strong. We're just not happy with his overall performances, it has nothing to do with Cesc Fàbregas as a person.

Like a player's performance -> fanboy
Dislike a player's performance -> hater
Both terms are so lame too. And yeah, before anyone starts some comments are indeed a bit too much but Cesc isn't the only one who receives such criticism. Alexis, Pedro, etc... all say hi.

Agree in 100% !


New member
Yep it's starting to get ridiculous with these "hate" comments. I don't hate Cesc. I just wish he'd perform better, something most Barcelona fans want. It's only normal we expect more of him because we all know he is able to perform better than how he did now. We do not "hate" him. Hate is such a strong word, even "dislike" is still too strong. We're just not happy with his overall performances, it has nothing to do with Cesc Fàbregas as a person.

Like a player's performance -> fanboy
Dislike a player's performance -> hater
Both terms are so lame too. And yeah, before anyone starts some comments are indeed a bit too much but Cesc isn't the only one who receives such criticism. Alexis, Pedro, etc... all say hi.

I do agree with that, but then there is a difference between saying that he has not met your expectations and calling him shit.


Yet you constantly mocked those and spoke against those who were against Alexis. Yes, both crowds are annoying, but there is certain guilt in most users here in that we all have our biases. I get shocked when people say Pedro has been performing better than Alexis(and still do), but I fully understand that others may have different opinion.

Euhm no? As I said there's a difference between criticizing a player and how some people go on about Alexis. If he doesn't score: "Lol sucks", if he scores and assists "Lol he sucks it's only a friendly". THAT's annoying.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to see more of Alexis, I'm also not happy with his performances.

I do agree with that, but then there is a difference between saying that he has not met your expectations and calling him shit.

We now officially have the worst management regarding transfers in the world. According to numerous english papers we are launching another bid for Fabregas today and he is still our main target. I don't what's more embarassing, my name or who the clubs desperately tries to get this deal done, even if there is no chance in hell.

Enjoy your laughs. I mean you guys are bad in transfers but this summer we brought this to a whole new level


New member
Barca insider: "Cesc is very flattered by United’s interest. But he doesn’t want to turn his back on Barcelona so soon." [sun]

:VdB: sun, moon, whatever


New member
Fabregas is staying, I think that's pretty clear. We let Thiago go and now there's more room for Cesc, especially with Xavi slowly getting older. It would be silly to let Cesc go now.


New member
Man United supposedly preparing for a third bid for Cesc. Goodness me do they ever give up?

Why hasn't Fabregas spoken out and committed his future at the club already? Its been 3 days and all i hear is his team mates going infront of the camera and saying stuff like "i haven't spoken to him but i think he will stay". Is it too hard to put Cesc infront of the camera to dismiss these rumours but his whole team can have a say?

For me the silence is very telling. He clearly is not 100% committed to Barcelona and probably wants guarantees of his place in the starting line-up ahead of the world cup.
Different question ... Would you go into this season without Fabregas and without real cover for Xavi but as a result getting Gündogan next season for less than the fee we payed for Fabregas? Bayern/Real Madrid seem stocked at CM and he'd certainly prefer Barcelona over every EPL club. Not that I believe our bids have any chance of being accepted ...


Different question ... Would you go into this season without Fabregas and without real cover for Xavi but as a result getting Gündogan next season for less than the fee we payed for Fabregas? Bayern/Real Madrid seem stocked at CM and he'd certainly prefer Barcelona over every EPL club. Not that I believe our bids have any chance of being accepted ...

Hmm... :eusa_think:
Tempting to say yes, but then this season would be in jeopardy. I'm not sure Sergi Roberto is up to the task yet.


New member
I wouldn't even entertain the thought of going into the new season two world class midfielders short, and an aging Xavi. No matter who we were promised for 14/15.

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