Cesc Fàbregas


New member
How is it? We rightly praising him for staying loyal to us, and for the brilliant football he's playing at the moment. I have no problems with those who think he is playing badly (like the second half of last season. Even those people were a bit harsh considering he was out of position). If he plays badly I and other others will criticise, that's not fanboysim.

You on the other hand keep up this agenda even when he is playing well and there is nothing to criticise.

Also, you're bringing up incidents from literally ten years ago. He's ended up here eventually. Have you considered moving on? Even Xavi was on the brink of leaving us and it was his family that stopped him, he wanted to join Milan. Is he a glory hunter too?

Everybody's playing brilliant football right now, we're playing freaking Malaysia and Thailand so that shouldn't be a surprise. The players who fight for their spot have to give their all in unimportant games and that's why Cesc and Alexis show up at the moment. I'm hoping for the best but let's not talk before the season has started.


High Definition Member
You can only play what's in front of you. A good performance is a good performance and should be met with encouragement and optimism.


New member
I think that there is a lot of reason to be very optimistic after these few games, even though the teams were weak. Regardless of what the opposition is, the form Cesc is on is what is important. His dribbling is on point, his vision is ridiculous, he is just really on point. He is showing signs of playing near his potential, and he is being very creative and lively. There is a lot of reason to suggest that he will carry that kind of form with him to the season ahead.

Sure, we shouldn't get over-excited, he could always slip back up eventually, but based on how consistently good he's been the past few games there is much reason to be excited. Cesc has always had this potential in him, the fact that he's starting to shine and improve is a very good thing.

He's just looking crazy sharp, I have a strong feeling it will carry in to the big games this season.
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Mike the Knife
How is it? We rightly praising him for staying loyal to us, and for the brilliant football he's playing at the moment. I have no problems with those who think he is playing badly (like the second half of last season. Even those people were a bit harsh considering he was out of position). If he plays badly I and other others will criticise, that's not fanboysim.

You on the other hand keep up this agenda even when he is playing well and there is nothing to criticise.

Also, you're bringing up incidents from literally ten years ago. He's ended up here eventually. Have you considered moving on? Even Xavi was on the brink of leaving us and it was his family that stopped him, he wanted to join Milan. Is he a glory hunter too?

It is because prior to Cesc's arrival, the term didn't even exist in this forum...A common affliction in the UK and even ahead of Fab's arrival we saw it rear it's ugly head in here...It's because even before the Cesc thread that has had a range of opinions on the player, Messi's thread was routinely riddled with posters taking a dump in it - it's not a new phenomena to be critical of some of the club's players...Yet you'd have us now believe that poor old Fab is unfairly targeted...Get a grip

You on the other hand must have word of the day toilet paper yet you've yet to grasp how an agenda is defined..When Cesc plays well, I note that...When he doesn't, I point that out as well...What doesn't change is that I don't believe he fits into this team well enough who came back at great expense as well as that of Thiago - a cantera player who didn't bolt at the first opportunity from the club

I bring up incidents from 10 years ago and even a few years ago because your actions define your character...Nothing has changed my opinion that he is spineless...From the way he left the club, the way he left Arsenal and the way this charade carried on with United this summer...Ignoring that is certainly a consequence of fanboyism, aren't you from the UK too?

Bringing up Xavi who didn't leave?...Now suddenly to have the idea of leaving yet not leave puts you in the same category as someone who bolted?...Logic has left the building


Improvin' Perfection!!
Attributing 'loyalty'' to Cesc is actually pushing it too far... He did bolt when there was a first hurdle in the club. He jumped the ship, where he was the captain for crying out loud, soon as the almighty Barcelona bid for him! I mean as much as I laughed at Wenger for tapping our kids and felt us stealing his captain away as a fitting reply, it was still a lack of loyalty towards him on Cesc's part. He was only here for 6 years, as a kid mind you, but he spent 8 years as an adult at Arsenal!! One might even say the major, or even the entire, part of his football education has been at Arsenal so he did show them a finger by jumping the ship!!

Regarding him fitting into the team... I did think there was no chance he would fit into our team, the tactics, etc. But with Tata I have faith now. Moving Iniesta into wings isn't really as much a blasphemy I thought it would be :p
With teams emerging to nullify our tika taka play, we are in a position where we need to adapt to new tactics, like relying a lot on fullbacks on both the wings, using a double pivot, etc. In a formation where we have two pivots playing, Fabregas would actually suit more to the lone AM role than Iniesta would... So all in all we might be seeing Fabregas giving us a great performances in near future and not looking too out of palce like he used to do previously :)
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High Definition Member
The fact is he's here now and despite offers from other teams he decided to stay, he's also playing well. The past is gone and not very important.

As for the fanboyism. It was here long before the arrival of Cesc. Has Ibra left your collection of bitter memories from the past that you never let go of? The idea that it's a British thing is an idiotic statement too.


Mike the Knife
Fair point, Ibra did usher in fanboyism..that escaped me although you can't deny it exists for Cesc like no other current Barcelona player

And the fact is being here now doesn't preclude you from your past or your current actions, that's pretty idiotic in it of itself


High Definition Member
He may have been disloyal in the past, but I don't care about the past. Everything seems to be working out right now and it looks promising for the future, that's the most important thing. If Thiago turned round in a couple of years and came back for example, I would support him and have no agenda. Obviously if he played badly I'd say so and the same for when he plays well.

I disagree about Cesc having the most fanboyism, the majority of the forum dislikes him. So the people that back him are more vocal and stick out. Neymar, Messi etc have more "fanboys".


Senior Member
I won't hide my love for this guy. Was a huge reason why I always had love for Arsenal in the PL...

Loving his form right now. Went back and rewatched the Santos game and he really looks ready to step up this season. My only concern with how our MF is shaping is where Iniesta fits into the team. Sergi-Cesc is a match made in heaven much like Xavi-Iniesta and its difficult to discern who's going to be the go-to combo when the chips are down this season.




-Automatic possession in the 62% range at a minimum
-Highlights Iniesta's dribbling ability
-Experienced, great at grinding teams down slowly over a game


-Defensively soft, lost a lot of its ability to win back lost balls quickly
-Slower, more ponderous approach at times
-Lack of initiative on the counter



-Explosive, both able to use technique and athleticism to bring the ball forward
-Quicker passes, younger legs. Much more efficient on the counter
-Provides more cover to the defense
-Younger legs provide more energy on both sides, could ensure we don't simply get outrunned by teams like our Bavarian nemesis


-Inexperienced, could lack poise on the big occasions
-Can they boss possession in the MF no matter who we play?

I am truly unsure which combo will be stronger this year. Based on what I've seen thus far, Xavi-Iniesta will have some tough competition this year


Mike the Knife
Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it...Character, this is more than a football club and, for me, Cesc is not Blaugrana material...I see a player like Tello who was binned by the club yet clawed his way back to get to the club and only speaks about how this is his dream demonstrates the sort of character you like to see from a Barcelona player...Same could be said for a number of Barcelona players, not Cesc

Thiago leaving is hardly the same, no point in comparing it - they differ on multiple key levels, plus Cesc's signing is a big reason why it eventually happened...And at least the club profited on Thiago whereas Barcelona had to pay big money to get one of their own back

Neymar's fanboy brigade will undoubtedly overtake those of Cesc but it doesn't mean they don't exist or that my point was not accurate...Neymar is not Catalan and isn't a cantera player, it's a separate discussion


Senior Member
Cesc was never disloyal to Barça btw.

Idk any person in their right minds who wouldn't have done what Cesc did in his situation. He was 16 and had no chance of breaking into the team at that point, unlike Thiago or Xavi if you wanna compare sagas (pointless imo but nonetheless).

If Cesc was really the self-centered prick that some have made him out to be recently, then why was he constantly drumming up his desire to move back every summer? For at least two years prior to when he left, any chance he got he remarked about Barcelona was always his home and how he wanted to return.

His overall mannerisms off and on the pitch reveal him to be a rather genuine guy, he doesn't strike me as the type to make speculation just to get attention.

Regardless, he proved his loyalty by staying and I'm not sure why there are some who question his commitment to the club. I easily think he will retire here.


Improvin' Perfection!!
and he's also paying a portion of his fee from his own pocket.

:lol: This always gets me... every time :p

Do you think his wages are less than what he had at Arsenal?

The point is that... He contacted us behind Wenger's back. Agreed upon a salary. But when his parent club demanded more than what we had in mind/budget to sign him, he opted to reduce some of the salary he agreed with us offstage!!
Him paying from his own pocket is just a publicity stunt... More so by the stupid media!!

If Cesc was really the self-centered prick that some have made him out to be recently, then why was he constantly drumming up his desire to move back every summer? For at least two years prior to when he left, any chance he got he remarked about Barcelona was always his home and how he wanted to return.
That was the era of Pep Guardiola at his prime for Barcelona... So one would do better than attribute those statements of his to 'loyalty!!'

The prime example to give about how much he values the 'loyalty' is him dating a MILF!!

I am not saying we should kick his asss out of the team or anything. We should at least be able to see the situation for what it is instead of behaving like fan-boys I guess


Mike the Knife
Cesc was never disloyal to Barça btw.

Idk any person in their right minds who wouldn't have done what Cesc did in his situation.

Xavi, Puyol, Iniesta, Messi, Valdes, Samper, Thiago, Deulofeu, etc...The list continues to go on

If Cesc was really the self-centered prick that some have made him out to be recently, then why was he constantly drumming up his desire to move back every summer? For at least two years prior to when he left, any chance he got he remarked about Barcelona was always his home and how he wanted to return.

You're remembering what you want to, not what actually happened...He did little publicly to push for the transfer out of respect to Arsene & the Gunners despite knowing Barcelona would have to pay millions to get him back after being poached for a pittance.

His overall mannerisms off and on the pitch reveal him to be a rather genuine guy, he doesn't strike me as the type to make speculation just to get attention.

He's had his incidents in England that have earned him rebuke...Who said it was speculation to merely get attention?...I've pointed out he has always taken the sheepish & indirect way to get what he wants, that's cowardice IMO

Regardless, he proved his loyalty by staying and I'm not sure why there are some who question his commitment to the club. I easily think he will retire here.

Loyalty & Cesc are incompatible, no point in trying to pass that off on him

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