Cesc Fàbregas


Estonian Culé
Cesc, who joined Chelsea this summer, rented his house in Castelldefels, near Barcelona, to his former Arsenal teammate Vermaelen. [md]


Active member
ITs MD so its probably a lie but why rent the house out when you're entire family is still in the city and you're probably going to be back in the summer time.


Or... why buy real estate if you were planning to leave the club? ;)

He is from barcelona, has family there, lived there for 3 years... what logic is that? did you miss his last interview? Unless he is a pathological liar, it's pretty clear it was his decision.
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New member
He bought the house in 2013... For €5 million. He probably did that because he was planning to move out a year later. :whatever:

He's not a pathological liar. It's pretty clear he said that to avoid people thinking he was not wanted in FCB. He was saving face and that's completely logical.
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He bought the house in 2013... For €5 million. He probably did that because he was planning to move out a year later. :whatever:

He's not a pathological liar. It's pretty clear he said that to avoid people thinking he was not wanted in FCB. He was saving face and that's completely logical.

He is catalan, what's strange about having a house there? Messi has a house in rosario, Neymar in Santos, what's to make of that?

I really don't get why it's so hard for you to accept he wanted out, as the guy himself said many times now. There's no logic in "saving face". Saving whose face? Not his, surely. He just had enough, which is understandable. He is a smart guy, he saw his game was not suited to Barça, and got back to where it is, the PL.

In his last interview, he said he felt he was doing Barça a "favor" by leaving, which totally contradicts your way of thinking. If Cesc himself thought he was doing a favor by leaving, it's because he wasn't wanted at Barça, or working well with the team.
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New member
Flavia, I usually agree with pretty much everything you say and I consider you to be among the best posters here, but I simply can't understand your viewpoint on this. Everything points to the obvious, which is that he was pushed out. He doesn't say so, just like many others who have been pushed out, because it's humiliating. Especially after his entire homecoming saga. Neither Messi nor Neymar nor other players bought their houses when they played at the local clubs. That's a pretty weak argument. Fabregas didn't buy that house years ago, he bought it after playing here for a few years and deciding he wanted to stay (as he said publicly numerous times). There was even a huge wave of comments in the media about the house being the final nail in the coffin of rumors about Fabregas's future. How is there no logic in saving face? Alexis also said he wanted out, and that's a blatant lie. He was sold to make space and money for Suarez. The fact is, Fabregas never ever gave any impression of wanting to leave (quite the contrary) and there were never serious rumors of him leaving until Lucho was appointed. Those are facts. He also said the other day that he'd been playing with an injury for 10 months, but you and the rest of the forum don't have a problem not believing that, do you?


New member
What are you talking about? There were rumours of him leaving every summer and he never denied them until after the transfer window.


Flavia, I usually agree with pretty much everything you say and I consider you to be among the best posters here, but I simply can't understand your viewpoint on this. Everything points to the obvious, which is that he was pushed out. He doesn't say so, just like many others who have been pushed out, because it's humiliating. Especially after his entire homecoming saga. Neither Messi nor Neymar nor other players bought their houses when they played at the local clubs. That's a pretty weak argument. Fabregas didn't buy that house years ago, he bought it after playing here for a few years and deciding he wanted to stay (as he said publicly numerous times). There was even a huge wave of comments in the media about the house being the final nail in the coffin of rumors about Fabregas's future. How is there no logic in saving face? Alexis also said he wanted out, and that's a blatant lie. He was sold to make space and money for Suarez. The fact is, Fabregas never ever gave any impression of wanting to leave (quite the contrary) and there were never serious rumors of him leaving until Lucho was appointed. Those are facts. He also said the other day that he'd been playing with an injury for 10 months, but you and the rest of the forum don't have a problem not believing that, do you?

Cesc having a house in the city he was born in is a weak argument? Ok... why would he want a house in bcn, huh? Not all players sold are pushed out. I haven't seen alexis telling the press over and over he wanted out, and that he asked the president to make it easier for him to leave.

Cesc has been pretty clear, and he sounds honest. I just believe what he said, and you think he is making things up, based on god knows what. I don't see why he would make excuses, he sounds pretty sincere about everything. He talked about the high, lows, that he knew he wasn't really loved by the cules and such. I also can't understand your viewpoint about this, it makes no sense. Unless you're an arsenal supporter, trying to find a reason why he went to chelsea.

And maybe you forgot the tons of rumors of Cesc leaving to united last season... And that Arsene Wenger said Cesc told him "he would stay at least one more year, then he'd see". That really sounds to me as someone who had at least already considered the possibility, as things weren't working out. And then he just chose to go.


Nepali Cule
everytime he does well for that plastic club, the only thing that come to my mind is fcuking 33million euros. should have been lot lot more.
and he was definitely pushed out of the club and nothing new in a club like BARCA.


New member
Cesc having a house in the city he was born in is a weak argument? Ok... why would he want a house in bcn, huh? Not all players sold are pushed out. I haven't seen alexis telling the press over and over he wanted out, and that he asked the president to make it easier for him to leave.

Cesc has been pretty clear, and he sounds honest. I just believe what he said, and you think he is making things up, based on god knows what. I don't see why he would make excuses, he sounds pretty sincere about everything. He talked about the high, lows, that he knew he wasn't really loved by the cules and such. I also can't understand your viewpoint about this, it makes no sense. Unless you're an arsenal supporter, trying to find a reason why he went to chelsea.

And maybe you forgot the tons of rumors of Cesc leaving to united last season... And that Arsene Wenger said Cesc told him "he would stay at least one more year, then he'd see". That really sounds to me as someone who had at least already considered the possibility, as things weren't working out. And then he just chose to go.

He wasn't born in Barcelona or Castelldefels, but that's obviously not going to cut it as an argument for you if you're willing to use his birthplace as one, regardless of the fact that he bought the damn house after playing here for 2 years and because he was playing here, not because it was his hometown. If he bought the house for family reasons or whatever it is you're claiming, he could have done that while he was still in England, he wouldn't have done that exactly at the time he was planning to leave BCN, allegedly.

I think that based on logic and common sense. I don't believe everything players say in the media. I'm not an Arsenal support and I have no interest in the PL at all, so that's definitely not a reason for my opinion on this.

Rumors... All of which were denied by Fabregas at his press conferences, numerous times.


He wasn't born in Barcelona or Castelldefels, but that's obviously not going to cut it as an argument for you if you're willing to use his birthplace as one, regardless of the fact that he bought the damn house after playing here for 2 years and because he was playing here, not because it was his hometown. If he bought the house for family reasons or whatever it is you're claiming, he could have done that while he was still in England, he wouldn't have done that exactly at the time he was planning to leave BCN, allegedly.

I think that based on logic and common sense. I don't believe everything players say in the media. I'm not an Arsenal support and I have no interest in the PL at all, so that's definitely not a reason for my opinion on this.

Rumors... All of which were denied by Fabregas at his press conferences, numerous times.

He was born in a bcn province, arenys del mar. He is from bcn. Now his daughter was also born there. And he had a place there before coming back to Barça, Stric. Cesc is a multimilionaire, he doesn't own just one house. If you follow logic and common sense, you should watch his interviews to see for yourself. If you just read them, watch the videos. He really doesn't look like lying, nor he'd have a reason to. Cesc looked unhappy through out last season too, had many clashes with the press. He was booed in the camp nou more than once, he surely fell unwanted. Those are all reasons to leave, combined with his wife wanting back to london. The woman usually has a lot of say in those matters. Guess you forgot all that.

And those rumors were denied only after it was certain he was staying. He was silent during all that period, until Thiago was sold. And there were also reports he bought a new house in london in 2013, which also prompted the rumors he was leaving back then. Why did he do that if he planned to stay forever in Barça?
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High Definition Member
A big reason for him coming was to play with Pep as manager. When he left and the club was obviously headed in a bad direction he decided to leave, just like Thiago. Despite that he stuck it out for two more seasons to try and make it work.

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