Do you even read my posts? I did not say that you have no talents. I said that you have no talents equivalent to Messi/Neymar/Iniesta and I would also add Suarez. Only Robben can be placed in the same bracket as those players (not with Messi of course, who is completely on his own level)
Yes, your team works as a unit and also has an excellent bench, which is something that we do not have.
Of course your claim that our defense is not solid is not a fact. You just say that it is. I was criticizing your statement, not arguing about the fact.
So what is it, are you gonna play with Bayern B, or you will employ your Plan B? Those are two different things? You said in your posts that you will field you B team didn't you?
And BTW:
Messi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Robben
Neymar>>>>>>>>>>Whoever is his equivalent at Bayern
I am pretty sure Bayern will take advantage of our relatively weak midfield by heavily pressing our midfield and MSN whenever we have the ball, seeking to overrun our midfield and cut off any support they provide to MSN. And given how important Messi has been in directing our attacking game, they will do their best to shut down Messi so that he doesn't get the ball easily and every time he does, he will be facing two or three Bayern players who will eliminate space from him to pass the ball to. If Messi and the rest of our midfield are overran, Suarez and Neymar won't be able to do much.
This is really making me nervous. I hope Luis Enrique has plans to counter this approach which in my opinion Bayern will definitely deploy.
I expect Bayern to park the bus. Seriously, hope I am proved wrong though.
We don't have a weak midfield.
So do I but not necessarely to park the bus but play the kind of game they played against Bayer where they defended and counterd most of the time.
All their most dangerous players on the Counter are out for this match.
Robben,Ribery and maybe Lewa.