Claudio Bravo



I dont understand what's the problem. We won treble last season, why should we change something? They can share their duties again!

It's surely better to have MAtS instead of Pinto.
But I'd like to see Bravo play CL this season too. And the best for MAtS would be a loan somewhere.


New member
I dont understand what's the problem. We won treble last season, why should we change something? They can share their duties again!

Are we not stunting Ter Stegens progress by limiting him to so few minutes in a season? Surely to develop he needs regular playing time, or am I missing something here?

God Serena

New member
You got that all wrong. I've said Valdes' career at Barcelona is much better than Bravo's actually, but that Bravo's performances with Chile are better than whatever Valdes did outside Barcelona. Which is true, and beyond denial.

Basically, saying Bravo looks great mostly because of Barca is not true, considering he's just won Copa America with Chile.

At international level you could be right simply due to Valdes being unfortunate enough to be in the same generation as Saint Iker, but as far as club goes, I wouldn't go so far. Bravo wasn't anything spectacular at the Copa America. Sure, he won, but he wasn't the standout keeper, as many people have already pointed out. At club level Bravo hasn't had a good season until he joined Barcelona, so as far as club is concerned, saying he's great mostly because of Barca is very likely a true statement. Even when Bravo played for Sociedad and was throwing the ball directly to opposing players for the goal he was playing well on an international level.


President of FC Barcelona
It's surely better to have MAtS instead of Pinto.
But I'd like to see Bravo play CL this season too. And the best for MAtS would be a loan somewhere.

Yes. Loan him out. 1-2 seasons. Like Chelsea did with Courtois.

Perhaps buy Willy Caballero as a deputy to Bravo, very experienced just like Bravo and he was good in La Liga. Might be able get him for almost nothing as he's warming the bench at City.

The current situation is far from ideal for ter Stegen. Rather see him play regularly than get half the minutes Bravo is getting spread over the calendar and then slammed by the armchair critics/wrist slitters on the forum over a couple of mistakes which can only be ironed out by playing.


New member
At club level Bravo hasn't had a good season until he joined Barcelona, so as far as club is concerned, saying he's great mostly because of Barca is very likely a true statement.

He had the most saves in La Liga a season prior, established himself as NT captain, and Barca coaching staff asked specifically to sign him. That sounds like a good goalkeeper to me.

Now you are either an expert scout who had watched every Sociedad game and formed highly distinctive opinion based on meticulous observation - or you are just talking bollocks. I'd go with latter.


GK position is the most susceptible for scrutiny and criticism, and also the more dependable on team performance.

VV was praised by everyone in Pep days & critized by everyone when Pep left, is not a coincidence.

Same applies with Bravo and Real Sociedad. If you have a mediocre team, your GK stats will be low.

Bravo wasn't anything spectacular at the Copa America. Sure, he won, but he wasn't the standout keeper, as many people have already pointed out. At club level Bravo hasn't had a good season until he joined Barcelona, so as far as club is concerned, saying he's great mostly because of Barca is very likely a true statement. Even when Bravo played for Sociedad and was throwing the ball directly to opposing players for the goal he was playing well on an international level.

Somethings tells me you didnt particularly watched either Chile or Sociedad.
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VV wasn't praised by everyone under Pep -far from it.
The only season where he achieved that was 2013-2014. A three months season. Had we won the liga, VV would've been key in the trophy.


Within Barca yes, outside everyone thought they had a better choice option for the #1 in Barca.

The point is that both the overhype praise and the later hate were unfounded, but most fans are alergic to logic.
I just don't think that VV has ever truly been overhyped. Consensus was that he was the weak link in a godly team. And his form in 13/14 was a freak occurence, I get why people who didn't watch every game thought someone else would be better. Everyone thought it too, then VV started performing like the best in the world, then karma struck.


Vice President of FC Barcelona
Never really tested but I won't take away anything from another clean sheet.

he almost had a MaTs screwup when he was caught out of the box from a long range effort by Juan Carlos I think, but he was lucky enough not to concede from it

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
he almost had a MaTs screwup when he was caught out of the box from a long range effort by Juan Carlos I think, but he was lucky enough not to concede from it

Well, if that shot went in, that wouldn't be Bravo's fault. Ter Stegen left the box and headed the ball despite the fact he could have just caught it and passed to a defender. Bravo, on the other hand, is not the one to blame in the episode. It was Busi who screwed up with that misplaced pass.


Senior Member
Whether it's a poor clearance by the keeper or a misplaced pass by a MF, it's unlucky for a keeper to get scored on from the half-way line. Goals of such nature ain't no easy feat, or else we'd be witnessing them with greater regularity. It's a disservice for the goal-scorer, when such occurrences are attributed less to his technique and skill and more to the lapses of an opp. player. Had that ball gone in, Juankar should have been commended for it than resorting to the blame game. (even if Busi who misplaced the ball)

Talking about similar incidents, MAtS faced one against Fiorentina, whilst he was criticized (when, he, like Bravo was not at fault). But people have diff. standards for diff players on this board. And then there are the usual suspects who so fervently like to single out and scapegoat players they don't like, after a loss.

Fact of the matter is, keepers guarding a high line are at the risk of being caught out of position. It's their occupational hazard (if I can call tht). But I guess it's easier to hate and blame than to apply reason for some.


Not sure if its the same context of action or causality than MaTs situation but I get what you are saying. (occupational hazard)

In any scenario a GK out of position is a liability, so Bravo would have a part in the blame as well had it happen.

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