Claudio Bravo


When does he not lately ? The man seems more uncomfortable on the field than a whore in church.


Ryu Hayabusa

Bravo's conceded goals from Krohn-Delhi and Iborra vs. Sevilla



The first one makes him look pretty foolish. A great gk would have prevented the pass into the center of the box as it was very close to his position. With proper reaction and speed, he could easily have prevented the whole situation altogether. Admittedly, the pass came in at a pretty high speed. There is a split-second when he could have prevented it, yet he didn't and relied on his CBs to intercept the pass, which they didn't.
So if MAtS is to blame for the Leverkusen goal, then Bravo sure as shit is to blame for Sevilla's first goal.


Not at all, he hesitated a split second in his ground because the pass was intended to #8 in center , not to #7 (goal scorer)

Since #8 slide shot failed miserably, #7 found himself with the ball unchallenged and with half of the goalpost empty.

The comparison makes no sense since Leverkusen's goal was through to a corner kick with half of the team inside the penalty area while Sevilla's goal was through a counter. First one is a blunder from both (defense & GK), second one is called getting worked.
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Ryu Hayabusa

Not at all, he hesitated a split second in his ground because the pass was intended to #8 in center , not to #7 (goal scorer)

Since #8 slide shot failed miserably, #7 found himself with the ball unchallenged and with half of the goalpost empty.

The comparison makes no sense since Leverkusen's goal was through to a corner kick with half of the team inside the penalty area while Sevilla's goal was through a counter. First one is a blunder from both (defense & GK), second one is called getting worked.

Your apologetic argument leaves a lot to desire, as I was talking about the moment BEFORE the pass had even reached #8. If he had intercepted the pass at that moment, neither #8 nor 7 come into play. And even if he was indeed thinking as you suggest, it would still be a dumb choice, as from that position, the goal attempt is VERY likely to succeed, even if the gk would be right in front of the shooter, yet still with ~1,5m distance.

And yes, it makes perfect sense to compare both situations as both gk needed the support of their CBs badly has soon as a certain critical moment had passed. Both were disappointed in their need for support.
MAtS, contrary as you suggest, needs to cover those two players who challenge the gk in the center, and relies on a CB to cover the near post.
Surprisingly, the ball does not come to the center, but the near post, where the guy the gk was relying on, fails horribly. And you call it a gk blunder...
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No apologies needed as there's no reason to believe he could have intercept it at that distance & ball speed.

And in the hypothetical scenario in which he could have tried to do it, what tells you that it wouldn't have costed a deflection to an attacker or worst: misjudge the pass, look like a fool & leave the goalpost empty for any other play.

I haven't suggested any on TS, he needs to cover the center not the near post (that's why Mathieu was there). But when the ball comes into 6 yard box he needs to step into the ball because any attacker contact on keeper's body would have been a foul. Even defensive charges towards the GK have been called as a foul by some referees. Mats proceeded to jump in air with his eyes closed and arms open like a playmobil.

Defensively it was a fuckup from Mathieu for not position himself and physically block the attacker, but the reaction from Mats was poor.
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Ryu Hayabusa

Well, he tried to rectify the situation, yet still many around here blame the goal on him. Most other gks would have failed at rectifying Mathieu's error too, although some surely wouldn't have looked as stupid while doing so, considering he had his eyes closed, as you pointed out, like someone who was in a brawl for the first time in his life. I will give you that much.


San Claudio Bravo
I'll say this. If MAtS instead of Bravo had conceded those 2 goals vs Sevilla, you can best bet there would be some in this forum saying those were keeper errors.

Take that for what you will.


New member
The first one makes him look pretty foolish. A great gk would have prevented the pass into the center of the box as it was very close to his position. With proper reaction and speed, he could easily have prevented the whole situation altogether. Admittedly, the pass came in at a pretty high speed. There is a split-second when he could have prevented it, yet he didn't and relied on his CBs to intercept the pass, which they didn't.
So if MAtS is to blame for the Leverkusen goal, then Bravo sure as shit is to blame for Sevilla's first goal.

I disagree, the ball is travelling too fast, if he dives for it and misses and then the number 8 scores he would end up looking like a fool.

I'll say this. If MAtS instead of Bravo had conceded those 2 goals vs Sevilla, you can best bet there would be some in this forum saying those were keeper errors.

Take that for what you will.

And they would be wrong to do so, MAtS had his obvious errors and it is only those for which he should be blamed.


Well-known member
I'll say this. If MAtS instead of Bravo had conceded those 2 goals vs Sevilla, you can best bet there would be some in this forum saying those were keeper errors.

Take that for what you will.

I thought Bravo actually played a good game. Mats has let in one softie pretty much every game this season. That's unacceptable.

Barcafan 2304

New member
Got to laugh at this insinuation there is a vendetta or some campaign against mats. It's simple, he has had a horrible start to the season, made mistakes, end of. Do I hate him for it. No. Do I hope he comes back from it and becomes a great keeper from Barcelona? Yes. However, can't ignore the fact that he has made mistakes this season ffs. Right now, bravo is the better keeper. Fwiw as well, I don't blame mats entirely either for all our ills recently. The defence has been like a sieve. So, let's get it in proportion eh

Ryu Hayabusa

I disagree, the ball is travelling too fast, if he dives for it and misses and then the number 8 scores he would end up looking like a fool.

Great goalkeepers take risks to deny a goal from happening, even if it makes them look silly, if it goes the wrong way. Average goalkeepers don't. They rather stay glued to the goal line and hope to defuse the situation somehow staying like that. At least they didn't look silly, even if they concede most of the time in that particular situation.

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