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Senior Member
Aye Messi's "outside the box" goals are mostly from the edge of box. A few yards outside the box. Every league has numerous goals from that distance every week.

Ronaldo's long shots are actual long range bangers which need an insane level of distance shooting ability to pull off. Only few players from his era can pull it off regularly(like Gerrard, Kaka, Bale).
“Insane level of distances” - lol

Show me a recent goal CR7 scored in a big game from farther out than Messi’s vs PSG, for instance.


Well-known member
Take a look at this video. Not a single goal here so no cherry-picking. Just his general technique. Look at the distance, technique, power and movement. It's a goalkeeper's nightmare.

Some players just have this ability where they can be a huge threat even if they are 40 yards away from the goal because of their shot power and shooting technique and versatility. Gerrard had it. Bale with his left foot had it too. Ball striking is one of the most vital things in Football.

Not that difficult to understand. I know folks here can't tolerate the thought of Messi being incapable of any possible thing on a Football pitch but he just doesn't have this in his locker.

And no, this kind of special skillset ain't pointless. If it was pointless then solo dribbling goals would also be pointless because an "efficient" tap in counts just the same. Weird way to deny such a special attribute.


Senior Member
You huffed and puffed but didn't answer my Q. Another slightly less recent example is Messi's 35 M or so free kick v Pool in CL semis.

Show me those "insane long range goals" in big games in recent years by CR7. We gotta go all the way back to ancient Egypt to see some.

El Gato

CR hasn't scored any of those bangers against best sides since Mourinho era.
Became too slow with age to free self up and set up a shot well enough consistently. Became a reliable fox in the box.

Still salty about all those FKs often from 15 yards out he sent into the wall over the years


Senior Member
CR hasn't scored any of those bangers against best sides since Mourinho era.
Became too slow with age to free self up and set up a shot well enough consistently. Became a reliable fox in the box.

Still salty about all those FKs often from 15 yards out he sent into the wall over the years
All that needs to be said, and anyone (RM fan or opposition) knows this but the Portuguese posse.

El Gato

He's hardly ever been a master at them
In fact it's funny how much of a 'stick in own bike wheel' meme he became with his FK's because at a point after 2012 he's either underlifted them and sent them in the wall or well over the bar. Nothing in between. Keepers could basically relax whenever a FK got given 20 yards out - it'd either be straight at them or nowhere near them 95% of the time.
I still think Benitez was completely in the right to point out him he needs to work on his shooting, which became a laughing matter and a point over which people took the piss out of the Spanish waiter. As if he was wrong lmao

That whole stint between 2006 and 2012 was the most entertaining Cristiano - after that it was pursuit of vain ass personal goals, backing up BDOs with padded stats etc
Greatest ever in CL history at showing up to put a goal/penalty away when needed, but motivations and style changed so much over the years
It's like he got to RM and won the Liga, got over his early Barca demons and was a totally different person thereon. Reflected by sulking over contracts, questioning Perez for bringing Bale in. So much stupid stuff after he won the league and a started trailing Messi by several BDOs


Senior Member
He's hardly ever been a master at them
In fact it's funny how much of a 'stick in own bike wheel' meme he became with his FK's because at a point after 2012 he's either underlifted them and sent them in the wall or well over the bar. Nothing in between. Keepers could basically relax whenever a FK got given 20 yards out - it'd either be straight at them or nowhere near them 95% of the time.
I still think Benitez was completely in the right to point out him he needs to work on his shooting, which became a laughing matter and a point over which people took the piss out of the Spanish waiter. As if he was wrong lmao

That whole stint between 2006 and 2012 was the most entertaining Cristiano - after that it was pursuit of vain ass personal goals, backing up BDOs with padded stats etc
Greatest ever in CL history at showing up to put a goal/penalty away when needed, but motivations and style changed so much over the years
It's like he got to RM and won the Liga, got over his early Barca demons and was a totally different person thereon. Reflected by sulking over contracts, questioning Perez for bringing Bale in. So much stupid stuff after he won the league and a started trailing Messi by several BDOs

Care to refute this evidence from an actual RM fan?

El Gato

In fact had a bit of a dig and there's stats to this
Didn't think there would be, but had a think and couldnt think of anything that went in from well outside the box for him other than that FK vs Spain in groups in 2018 WC

Fbref didn't keep track of distance before 2017 and doesnt do domestic cups, but this is CR's 17+ yards out in league and CL from 2017 onwards
And dude took 15, 16, 19 and 17 FKs each year passing until 2021
Not showering self with glory


22 goals total in 5-6 years outside the box (distance 15m or greater - granted the number could mean scoring from side of the box from similar distance rather than strictly outside)
Messi has 3x that :lol:


Senior Member
Aye Messi's "outside the box" goals are mostly from the edge of box. A few yards outside the box. Every league has numerous goals from that distance every week.

Ronaldo's long shots are actual long range bangers which need an insane level of distance shooting ability to pull off. Only few players from his era can pull it off regularly(like Gerrard, Kaka, Bale).

Messi has the best conversion rate by far from that distance though, I seem to remember he had conversion rate about double that of the next on the list.

Those 40 yard shoots almost never goes in, no mater who it is who shoots them, it looks awesome when they go in, but largely it's stupid to shoot from those distances.


Senior Member
Those 40 yard shoots almost never goes in, no mater who it is who shoots them, it looks awesome when they go in, but largely it's stupid to shoot from those distances.
But it made CR and the GK saving them look good. Profit!

Otherwise pointless if you're not Adriano "shot power 99".


Senior Member
Staff member
False. Ronaldo had plenty of astonishing long shots in Real Madrid too. Also, it's not relevant which club he does it for and if I despise that club(that's not how Football debates and discussions work).

Some jaw-dropping long shots he scored for RM:

Why is it pointless? A tap in counts as 1 goal. So does a solo dribble goal. But we don't say "What's the point?" because Messi's solo goals are unique and amazing? Just like Ronaldo's shooting ability and range.

It's kind of pointless because it isn't something you can rely on tactically. It happens like once or twice per season at best.
See Morten's "it looks awesome when they go in, but largely it's stupid to shoot from those distances". Ronaldo might have good collection of those goals but how many attempts does he also have?

I watched most Madrid games during the Messi v Ronaldo era and another attribute you didn't factor in is the decision making. They say Messi is a playstation player because of how he dribbles but I'd also say it's because he seems to have that view over the pitch to know NOT to take shots from insane distances but rather to pass the ball.

So which one is it, is Ronaldo the more aesthetic player or the more efficient? Which one of those attributes are most important to be considered the GOAT? For all the player vs player discussions you love, there is this one debate where you just can't seem to disconnect your feelings towards a player. Seems to me you're first and foremost a Ronaldo fan, then you picked Liverpool to support some time around 2010. No Liverpool fan would pick Ronaldo ahead of Messi.
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