

Well-known member
The dribbling was pure class, shadow of 2008-2012 Ronaldo!

Enjoy it lads:

Another masterclass from him

What's with you twerking for Gician's "trolling" ability every day? Is it because of his username?

The professor used to hand you and your "companions" beatdowns every day. You still have PTSD. :lol: 😂

Only the biased mods could ever save you from OG.
Nice of you to indirectly admit that I'm tougher than OG. :lol:

Although I disagree.

He was talking about Messi and Argentina there not you, Fredo. But you're just dumb enough to consider that a victory when you had to literally beg the mods for an OG ban. :lol:

Spot on as usual

OG vs Fredo and the other sheep was like a Ronaldo-Atletico or Bayern-Barca type rivalry. He didn't just have the upper hand but completely humiliated and emasculated them almost at will.

Greatest poster in forum history although you're now undisputed second. Much of the forum now has TDS (Temp Derangement Syndrome) from all the beatings you've dished out.


Senior Member
Another masterclass from him

Spot on as usual

OG vs Fredo and the other sheep was like a Ronaldo-Atletico or Bayern-Barca type rivalry. He didn't just have the upper hand but completely humiliated and emasculated them almost at will.

Greatest poster in forum history although you're now undisputed second. Much of the forum now has TDS (Temp Derangement Syndrome) from all the beatings you've dished out.
@KingLeo10 this is the part you quote BarcaOG’s post when he admitted defeat


Well-known member
Found KL's new Redcafe account guys! :lol:

Very entertaining post though and I assume that the forum establishment would love it. Enjoy. 🍿
It was me who made that post and I stand by it. Ronaldo completely lacks the dribbling, passing, playmaking component (he was reasonable at these things in the past, but relative to the 'best ever' standard he is being judged by) to be up there with the best ever. Read what Van Basten said - anyone who think he's better than Messi should be following another sport.

As for the stuff about celebrity worship, I stand by that too. I will go further and imply that his constant self-promotion and marketing himself appeals to weak-minded idiots like you. Hence, it's partly his own fault there's such a circus surrounding him. This extends to the pricks (adults, not the kids, kids are impressionable and don't know any better) who were running on the park yesterday to get selfies with him - if he wasn't such a narcissistic attention seeker, this hysteria would not exist and people wouldn't be trying to get on the pitch.

I stand by the material about his psyche, thought process, psychological problems, too. I don't spend much time talking about the cunt, but when I do I make it worth it.

Ironic you quoted my post on there actually as I have been lurking here for years and always found you to be an embarrassing, unintelligent, obnoxious, clueless cretin (a typical Ronaldo fan, in other words). Your worship of this creepy, plastic, rapist cunt is vomit-inducing.

Also a Liverpool fan , who worships C Ronaldo? You're a wrong un kid. Glory hunter more like, who has zero knowledge of Liverpool's history, and would be roundly mocked if he interacted with long-term Liverpool fans.
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Well-known member
If he really is "peoples champion", it just shows how retarded and unrelatable to me "people" are. But i really doubt your assessment.
He's more likely a "marketing champion", because he's glossy and very good for current low IQ public that pokes their noses in their smartphones non-stop and are easily impressed with inane shiny things, without understanding any substance.
Messi is the real thing, he is genius and relatable guy. The actual peoples champion, because most people are like him in day to day lives. Ronaldu is posh arrogant poofter, who is constantly butthurt and shows this to the whole world, while waxing his face and doing bottox and bahaving like slutty hissy woman on and off the field.
I don't know to which people likes of him could be a 'champion', but i'm sure these people are probably equally insufferable and dumb/hyper emotional cunts.
Messi is calm and collected, while shitting on everyone from above in terms of football ability, but never brags about it, because he doesn't need to. CR does, because he's insecure and butthurt that he can't really compete, so he need to act out like an embarrassing cunt.
Apart from the homophobia present in your posts, you are correct.

Ronaldo attracts celebrity worshippers and those who dream of being given attention. Obnoxious, moronic narcissists. They can't get it in their own lives as they are failures, so they live vicariously through him.


Well-known member
His public demeanour is calm and he's a cool unproblematic guy in public but he has no real personality which screams fake and snide!

But you have to keep in mind that this is not the reason I dislike Messi. This is just me analysing his personality and contrasting it with Ronaldo's. We are trying to discuss and dissect how these 2 are perceived by the masses. I couldn't care less if Messi is fake and lacks the aura. Good for him.

I dislike him primarily due to his disgusting fanbase and how much the establishment protects and overrates him at the expense of other deserving people. It's that simple.
Bold sounds more like Ronaldo, to be honest. I mean the arse-licking he gets from commentators and pundits whenever he plays a game is like nothing I have EVER seen, including Messi (even though Messi is a far superior player). Even now when Ronaldo is past it, the media obsesses over him because they know they can make money appealing to celebrity sycophants. We even have people saying he 'played really well' in these two games and salivating over a simple assist. These are the low standards and 'give him the benefit of the doubt because we love him' that other players never seem to benefit from. If Lukaku played like Ronaldo has these first two games, I guarantee nobody would be drooling over it. That's because Lukaku is an unpopular much maligned player, unlike Ronaldo.

Also, you say Ronaldo has more 'personality' than Messi. Ronaldo doesn't really have a personality either. Being an utter cunt with zero charisma, self-awareness or redeeming features in general doesn't constitute a personality. You and Ronaldo should know.

Also, apologies for multi-posts.
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Well-known member
Having Messiboi mods is the only way the Forum Amigos can cope with the facts I post. :lol:

Will get banned very soon coz the mods hate me. Anyways, I think I have had a decent run on this forum and provided the forum both high quality analytical content and entertaining well written posts. Probably won't be here for much longer.........
'Anyways, I think I have had a decent run on this forum and provided the forum both high quality analytical content and entertaining well written posts'

Backs up my point about you being as deluded as Ronaldo. Your football knowledge is fucking awful (constantly judging players by stats and what they have won, never ever going into detail about their actual qualities as footballers and what they do on the park, their attributes) and you spout constant shite. You clearly started following the game in fairly recent years, haven't played the game much, and don't understand the intricacies of the sport. You probably have limited knowledge of and respect for the history of the game, too. You honestly sound like the type of guy who is in football for the celebrity worship and 'stardom' surrounding guys like Ronaldo, rather than a love of the game itself.

You should have been banned years ago for your trolling and obnoxious nature. Instead of feeling persecuted you should feel relieved you got this long (similar to Ronaldo feeling persecuted in the all time debate when he should be thankful someone like him is rated as highly as he is). Like I say, Ronaldo and his fans like you are very similar with their victim complex. Imbecile.
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Senior Member
I read somewhere he clocked 33 km/h as top speed and run over 18 km in these 2 games (more than all other elite strikers in the tournament), no way this fucker will retire before 42-43:lol:


Well-known member
I read somewhere he clocked 33 km/h as top speed and run over 18 km in these 2 games (more than all other elite strikers in the tournament), no way this fucker will retire before 42-43:lol:
He clearly has some form of arrested development, and is terrified of retirement. He's scared of fading into the background while a new, fresher, much younger generation gets some of the limelight - typical narcissist. At this point he should be a figure of fun and pity for his refusal to show some dignity and class. I'd bet most of his team-mates despise him for stealing their limelight and fucking with their chances of success while they're in their primes.

The best, highest-quality people know when their time is up, and have the intelligence to step aside, or at least take a step back. Ronaldo though? He still wants to start every game, still demands every pass etc. The guy is a tool.

Remember when people were saying he'd be a mentor for young players, set an example, and help win trophies on his return at Man United? A year later he's thrown the young players under the bus, destabilised the entire club, burned bridges with an interview with that tit Piers Morgan, and United are in disarray on the pitch. That's proof of the myths that surround him.

I am guessing those stats about his top speed and distance covered are yet more propaganda from his insane fanboys, too.
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Well-known member
Aged 35 I think there is a good chance Messi will be retired or playing in Argentina, soon to be 35 Ronaldo still has ambitions in winning the Ballon d'Or again, whether he does or not is a different story, but he still has that drive and he won't be far off from achieving it even if he doesn't.

Found this in my post history from when I signed up in 2019. That guy was absolutely clueless. Aged like milk, like all Ronaldo fanboys predictions. Messi aged 35 won the World Cup and the BD.
He said this too, calculated fact, indeed, The guy's main mistake was obsessing over physicality, which declines far faster than Messi's vastly superior technique.

'When i said Messi won't be as good as Ronaldo aged 35, i don't say that as a reason why Ronaldo is better than Messi, i say that as a calculated fact, Ronaldo is a physical freak in nature, would Messi's medical report say he as the physical capacity of a 20 year old?'

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