

Well-known member
(constantly judging players by stats and what they have won, never ever going into detail about their actual qualities as footballers and what they do on the park, their attributes)

Rofl! Even my biggest critics on the forum and people who want me permanently banned like KL and Soul won't agree with this.

I have had numerous conversations here debating this exact thing.

I'll let you be this time coz you're new(officially) and probably don't know anything about me as a poster. I mean it's obvious coz you seem to think I'm some die-hard Ronaldo fan, which couldn't be further from the truth. :lol:

Ignorant post by a Messi fan who just wanted to bash someone he thinks is a Ronaldo fan. But welcome to the forum I guess.......I'm a big admirer of Maradona BTW so there's that.


Well-known member
I am not a Messi fan - I think he's an arsehole - but I will always defend him as a footballer over Ronaldo because he is simply a far superior player and miles more talented.

I have been on the forum lurking for many years. It seems you talk a lot about stats, cult of personality, trophies etc.

However, while you do come across as very obnoxious, I am sure part of it is done for effect. You might be a decent guy away from here. So I will apologise for being a dickhead myself (while believing you are still wrong with many things you say about Ronaldo) and say no problem, let's start afresh. As for quoting my post on Redcafe and trying to make a cunt of me - it might come across as an obsessive post, but I still believe that 95 percent of what I said in it is true as regards his lack of playmaking ability and his psyche, as well as the celebrity worship era.

You are a bit of a Ronaldo fanboy - you are always talking about him, going on about him being an 'alpha male' - even though MANY women find him ugly and objectively speaking there are guys who are 10 times better looking than him eg Jensen Ackles, Brad Pitt, Henry Cavill,Chris Hemsworth. I think you overrate him in looks and alpha maleness and think people hate him because they are 'jealous', when it's actually because he is a cunt, self-promoter, and an alleged rapist.

I am also one of the few now who still thinks Maradona might have been better than Messi. I can't decide.

Other than all of that - peace, and apologies for coming in with an attitude. It's just football.

Edit: this was in response to Temptation. It appears either he or the mods have removed his post.
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Well-known member
I have been on the forum lurking for many years. It seems you talk a lot about stats, trophies etc.
You couldn't be further from the truth. On the contrary, I keep arguing against rating individuals only based on collective achievements. The search function is right there on the top. Take a look.

I am not a Messi fan - I think he's an arsehole -
but I will always defend him as a footballer over Ronaldo because he is simply a far superior player and miles more talented.
Messi is the BETTER Footballer.

I quoted your post here coz it was a very passionate Anti Ronaldo rant which the majority here would enjoy. For entertainment purposes.


Well-known member
You couldn't be further from the truth. On the contrary, I keep arguing against rating individuals only based on collective achievements. The search function is right there on the top. Take a look.


Messi is the BETTER Footballer.

I quoted your post here coz it was a very passionate Anti Ronaldo rant which the majority here would enjoy. For entertainment purposes.
Fair enough on the first part. I was probably being harsh as it's mostly in here I have read your posts, and at times you are clearly in trolling mode. I still feel though that I have seen you talk about Ronaldo in vague, unquantifiable terms etc, like will to win.

Ok no problem. I thought you were trying to take the cunt out of me/the post.

Messi is the better footballer, yes. But I think his talent and his playmaking, dribbling and passing qualities are so visibly superior that it makes no sense to rank Ronaldo on his level, or better. They're both amazing goalscorers, but Messi brings so much more to the table that Ronaldo doesn't, not even in his prime did he have Messi's all-round game in terms of on ball ability. He arguably didn't have Hazard's or Iniesta's, never mind Messi's. The part in the long rant at the end in bold says Haaland scored more goals in a season than Iniesta in his entire career, but who is the better footballer? To a less extreme extent, that is Ronaldo v Messi in all-round game, if Messi wasn't a scorer.

But as I say, people can come across differently on forums. I am sure you and I would get on ok if I look past all your Ronaldo banter.


Well-known member
I read somewhere he clocked 33 km/h as top speed and run over 18 km in these 2 games (more than all other elite strikers in the tournament), no way this fucker will retire before 42-43:lol:

Yeppp he ran a lot in these 2 matches but i think that's the deal with Martinez 'Work a lot off the ball and you can play'

hope he will get a rest next match

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